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Pessar is a special disc recommended for pregnant women by their gynecologists. A pessary is a solution for cervical failure that occurs during pregnancy. The use of a pessary can protect a pregnant woman from premature birth. When and for how long is the pessary inserted? Can pessary insertion be associated with complications? How much does it cost to have a pessary?

What is a pessary?

A pessary is a small ring-shaped disc that is inserted into the vagina by a gynecologist. Putting on a pessary can protect a woman from various ailments of a gynecological nature. Pessaries are placed in women for the treatment of uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence, pelvic pain syndrome and cervical pressure failure in pregnant women. Pessaries are made of medical silicone and are placed in the cervix for a certain period of time. Placing a pessary increases the comfort of patients, and at the same time it has little interference in the woman’s body, ensuring long-term effect. Today, gynecological pessaries are an attractive alternative to invasive surgeries.

If you are looking for good quality and safe pessaries, try the Calmona Silicone Ring Pessar available in various sizes on Medonet Market.

Pessary for pregnant women

Placing a pessary is a method that is very often used in pregnant women. A pessary is inserted in the case of cervical insufficiency to prevent premature birth. The imposition of a pessary inhibits the process of shortening of the cervix. Cervical failure is an event that should never be underestimated. Before pessaries were introduced into medicine, doctors used the so-called cervical seam. Of course, this procedure is still used today, but it is more invasive than applying a pessary because it involves a surgical procedure. The pessary is a comfortable, less invasive and safe solution, which is why many gynecologists recommend this method to their patients for cervical insufficiency. You can buy an obstetrician pessary now on Medonet Market.

Pessar – when is it worn?

The insertion of the pessary is painless and the patient does not need to be administered anesthetics. Before inserting a pessary, the doctor performs an ultrasound scan to measure the length of the cervix and rule out inflammation or infections. The pessary is usually inserted between the 20th and 28th week of pregnancy, although it may happen that the doctor decides to insert the disc earlier. The pessary is usually removed around the 38th week of pregnancy, i.e. shortly before the planned delivery.

Pessary – possible complications

Inserting a pessary is associated with an increased risk of cervical infections. The pessary itself is a foreign body that is inserted into the cervix, which causes more secretions to be produced, which at the same time make it difficult to drain out. In order to avoid infection, patients can take antibacterial and antifungal preparations prophylactically. After inserting a pessary, a pregnant woman should limit physical activity, spend more time resting and relaxing at home, avoid stress, and pay more attention to intimate hygiene. In addition, women with a pessary cannot have sex until the cervical ring is removed. After inserting a pessary, doctors often advise patients to take diastolic medications.

Pessar – how much does it cost?

A pessary is provided free of charge in some medical facilities or hospitals. Often, however, the patient has to pay for it from her own pocket. The cost of purchasing a pessary varies on average from PLN 150 to PLN 170. At Medonet Market you can now buy a peesar tailored to your needs.

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