Fighting unwanted hair

Modern cosmetology has a solid arsenal of hair removal products and methods. How to choose the best one? How not to miss a situation that requires medical intervention?

There are different situations that require facial and body hair removal. The most common is constitutional hair growth – normal skin hair, which does not correspond to our idea of ​​beauty and femininity. These ideas have been changing over the decades – if earlier a real beauty furrowed her eyebrows and did not pay attention to the vellus hair above her upper lip, then today, in the era of gloss and Photoshop, flawlessly smooth skin has become the coveted norm for most women.


is a collective term for any increased hair growth, regardless of its cause.

Hypertrichosis can be congenital (primary) or acquired. It may also reflect a normal situation of increased hair growth associated with constitutional features or ethnicity, but may be a sign of disease. There are situations that require the close attention of a doctor – a therapist, an endocrinologist or even a surgeon.

Congenital hypertrichosis – local or generalized

Local hypertrichosis


Reason for development

Hair nevi

An abnormality of skin development is the growth of hair in a limited area of ​​the skin, sometimes with the presence of underdeveloped or incorrectly formed hair follicles.

Presternal (prothoracic)



Spina bifida (spina bifida)



Family or ethnic features of the constitution

Pathological for hereditary diseases

Fluffy hypertrichosis (as congenital general hypertrichosis)

For genetic syndromes and hereditary metabolic diseases

Causes of acquired hypertrichosis and hirsutism

Endocrine disorders

Diseases of the adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid gland

Gynecological diseases and conditions

Polycystic ovary syndrome, some ovarian tumors; post-castration syndrome

The period of menopause and menopause


Neurological pathology and brain diseases

Stress, anorexia nervosa; epilepsy; diseases and injuries of peripheral nerves; consequences of brain injury, some brain tumors

Some malignant neoplasms of internal organs

Tumors of the lung, gastrointestinal tract, carcinoid (neuro-endocrine) tumors of various locations

Medical effects (iatrogenic hypertrichosis)

There are a number of medications that can enhance hair growth.

Physical influences

Chronic skin trauma; long-term use of plasters and mustard plasters; frequent shaving;


– a special case of hypertrichosis, associated either with an increased level of male sex hormones or with increased sensitivity of hair follicles to them. Hirsutism is a symptom, not a disease, but can be a sign of a serious illness, especially if it develops after puberty.

What should be considered normal:

  • Hair growth during puberty, not exceeding the intensity of hair growth in other women in the family;
  • Some increase in hair growth during pregnancy and menopause
  • Excessive hair growth associated with taking certain medications – this situation is not normal, but is reversible after discontinuation of treatment;

When to be wary:

  • Hair growth in a child who has not reached puberty;
  • Excessive hair growth, significantly exceeding hair growth in close relatives;
  • Sudden increase in hair growth in an adult
  • Increased hair growth on the face and body, accompanied by acne, menstrual dysfunction, hair loss on the head, and changes in the timbre of the voice.
  • Increased hair growth on asymmetrical areas of the body;
  • Increased hair growth accompanied by weight gain or loss;
  • Increased hair growth, accompanied by increased sweating;
  • Increased hair growth, accompanied by discharge from the mammary glands;

The most modern way to combat excess hair growth is laser hair removal. The laser hair removal method is applicable both in cases of physiological hair growth and in a wide range of pathological situations accompanied by excess hair growth. It should be remembered that excess hair growth caused by diseases is only a symptom, which often allows one to suspect and establish the correct diagnosis. Hair removal procedures in such cases should be carried out under observation and treatment by a doctor of the appropriate profile – an endocrinologist, gynecologist, oncologist or surgeon.

Main types of diseases and symptoms

Constitutional idiopathic hypertrichosis

Causes – Hereditary features of the constitution

Treatment by an endocrinologist – Not required

Other treatments – Not required

Laser Hair Removal – highly effective

The need for repeated hair removal courses – Possibly due to the activation of “dormant” follicles

Local, nevus-associated, idiopathic hypertrichosis

Causes – Disturbance of embryonic development of skin

Treatment by an endocrinologist – Not required

Other treatments– Surgical excision

Laser Hair Removal – Not applicable


by type of cause

  • Male pattern hair growth associated with increased levels of androgens or increased sensitivity of hair follicles to them

The need for repeated hair removal courses – Effective only in conjunction with treatment by an endocrinologist

  • Associated with polycystic ovary syndrome

Other treatments – Treatment by a gynecologist

Laser Hair Removal – effective

The need for repeated hair removal courses – Depends on the success of treatment of the underlying disease

  • Associated with impaired glucose tolerance and hyperinsulinism

Treatment by an endocrinologist – effectively

Other treatments – Reducing body weight and increasing physical activity

Laser Hair Removal – effective

The need for repeated hair removal courses – Depends on the success of treatment of the underlying disease

  • Associated with ovarian tumors

Other treatments – Surgical removal

Laser Hair Removal – effective

The need for repeated hair removal courses – Depends on the success of treatment of the underlying disease

  • Associated with adrenal disease

Treatment by an endocrinologist – effectively

Other treatments – In some cases – surgical treatment

Laser Hair Removal – effective

The need for repeated hair removal courses – Depends on the success of treatment of the underlying disease

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