Nutrition for myeloid leukemia

General description of the disease


Myeloid leukemia (myeloid leukemia) is a type of leukemia. In this disease, some cells in the bone marrow turn into malignant cells, from which abnormal granulocytes are produced.

The cause of

The influence of ionizing rays is the main and main reliably proven cause of the disease. In our time, there is a study of the causes of myeloid leukemia.

Symptoms and stages

  1. 1 Slow (chronic) – lasts approximately 3 years. There are no special symptoms, mainly it is manifested by pallor, loss of appetite, weakness, excessive sweating, sometimes flu symptoms, and pain under the left rib may also appear.
  2. 2 Progressive (lasts 1-1,5 years). The symptoms listed in paragraph 1 become more vivid, bone pain, frequent fever are added to them, the size of the liver and spleen often increases. With the right treatment, you can wrap up the course of the disease in the first stage.
  3. 3 Final (crisis stage) – lasting from 3 to 6 months. At this stage, the size of the liver progressively increases, sometimes it reaches its growth, pain intensifies, and fevers become more frequent, skin hemorrhage appears and mucous membranes begin to bleed.

Useful foods for myeloid leukemia

It is necessary to eat foods that contain vitamins B, C, iron, copper, cobalt, nickel and manganese. All these vitamins and minerals will help support the general condition of the patient, as well as help in the restoration of red blood cells.

Foods that contain essential vitamins and minerals:


1) animal origin: octopus, cod, mackerel, pink salmon, poultry, rabbit, herring (fatty), milk, chicken egg yolks, cottage cheese, liver (pork, beef), kidneys, tongue, cheese);

2) vegetable origin:

  • vegetables: lettuce, leeks, green peas, cabbage (red), bell peppers (red), horseradish, parsley (root), beans, carrots, red beets (never sugar), potatoes, pumpkin, blue (eggplant), corn, zucchini;
  • decoctions of dry or fresh rosehip;
  • fruits (orange, tangerine, pomegranate, pear, cherry, gooseberry, grape (dark blue), avocado, apricot, lemons, peaches, currants, strawberries, apples, plums, blueberries);
  • cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, millet, barley groats, rice;
  • cereals;
  • wheat bread made using second grade flour.

Also, beekeeping products are very useful: honey (especially dark), propolis.

Traditional methods of treatment

Recipe No.1

Mix 20 grams of calamus (root), 60 grams of narrow-leaved fireweed flowers, 15 grams of field horsetail, 10 grams of mistletoe shoots, 10 grams of celandine, 20 grams of chaga (mushroom on oak bark), 20 grams of stinging nettle. Take 10 grams and pour ¼ liters of hot water, leave for half an hour, filter and drink. You cannot add sugar or honey.

Recipe No.2

Take 2 flowers of sowing buckwheat, deaf and black elderberry, 2 peppermint leaves, 3 stinging nettle leaves, 3 sea buckthorn fruits and 2 of its leaves. Mix. Pour boiling water over 10 grams of this collection, drink. Do not sweeten. Duration of admission is not less than 5 months.

Recipe No.3

Mix 4 grams of wormwood, 3 grams of wheatgrass rhizomes and silver cinquefoil. In the evening, pour ½ liters of boiled water (cooled down). Boil in the morning, cool, filter. This infusion should be drunk every 50 minutes for 1 tbsp. spoon.

Recipe No.4

Take 20 grams of blackberry leaves (pre-chopped), put in a thermos and pour 200 grams of boiling water. Leave to infuse (3 hours), filter. Take 4 r per day for ¼ or ½ glass. Necessarily a quarter of an hour before meals. If the patient has internal bleeding, then such an infusion must be taken every 2 hours.

Recipe No.5

Take 30 grams of blackberry roots (dry and chop before that), pour 300 milliliters of hot water, cook over low heat for 20 minutes. You need to filter the infusion while it is still hot. Take 3 r per day half an hour before eating, one or two tablespoons of broth.

Recipe No.6

Take 6 grams of marsh cinquefoil (it is also called fireflower, joint), pour 200 milliliters of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, then allow to cool (it is necessary for the broth to cool for 45 minutes). Filter, add water (to get the initial volume). Eat after meals 4 r per day, one or two tbsp. spoons of this infusion.

Recipe No.7

Take 50 grams of pink radiola roots (be sure to dry and crushed), pour half liters of ethyl alcohol (40%) (you can fill it with vodka). Insist for two weeks in a place protected from light. Filter.

Consume within two to three weeks:

  • children: number of drops = number of years;
  • adults: take 20 to 25 drops.

You need to take drops along with a tablespoon of water.

Recipe No.8

Take 10 grams of dry crocus stigmas (saffron sowing), pour 200 milliliters of water. Insist for an hour. Filter. Take one (two) tablespoons three (five) times before meals.

Recipe No.9

With black mulberry, make infusion, juice, jam and take without any restrictions. Can be combined with pomegranate juice, persimmon, red beet juice. If you drink juice, then you need to take ½ glass 3 times a day.

Dangerous and harmful products for myeloid leukemia

  • It is necessary to reduce the consumption of fats (30% of all calories consumed can be used). It is strictly forbidden to eat foods that contain refractory fat (beef, lamb). So, as fats clog the vessels, as a result of which blood clots appear, blood flow is disturbed (already disturbed).
  • You can not use products that contain caffeine (tea, coffee, cola, baked goods). It interferes with the absorption of iron.
  • The use of vinegar has a detrimental effect (destroys blood cells).
  • Eliminate alcohol and smoking (alcohol disrupts the blood clotting process, and nicotine reduces blood permeability).
  • Curry pepper, ginger, oregano, paprika, thyme, licorice, viburnum, cranberry. This group of products thins the blood (reduces blood clotting), which is extremely dangerous for patients with myeloid leukemia (mainly in such patients with anemia – anemia and constantly bleeding gums), if there is a cut, it threatens with bleeding, which will aggravate an already serious condition.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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