Heat treatment denatures the protein

One of the problems with cooked food is that high temperatures cause protein denaturation. The kinetic energy created by heat causes the rapid vibration of protein molecules and the destruction of their bonds. In particular, denaturation is associated with a violation of the secondary and tertiary structures of the protein. It does not break the peptide bonds of amino acids, but it does happen to the alpha-helices and beta-sheets of large proteins, which leads to their chaotic restructuring. Denaturation on the example of boiling eggs – protein coagulation. Incidentally, medical supplies and instruments are sterilized by heat to denature the protein of bacteria remaining on them. The answer is ambiguous. From one perspective, denaturation allows complex proteins to be more digestible by breaking them down into smaller chains. On the other hand, the resulting chaotic chains can be a serious ground for allergies. A prime example is milk. In its original, environmentally friendly form, the human body is able to absorb it, despite the complex components of the molecule. However, as a result of pasteurization and high heat treatment, we get protein structures that cause allergies. Most of us are aware that cooking destroys many nutrients. Cooking, for example, destroys all B vitamins, vitamin C, and all fatty acids, either by nullifying their nutritional value or by producing unhealthy rancidity. Surprisingly, cooking increases the availability of certain substances. For example, lycopene in tomatoes when heated. Steamed broccoli contains more glucosinolates, a group of plant compounds known to have anti-cancer properties. While heat treatment boosts some nutrients, it definitely destroys others.

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