Nutrition for chickenpox

Chickenpox (chickenpox) is an infectious disease caused by the herpes virus that affects the mucous membranes and skin cells. It is transmitted by airborne droplets from a person infected with chickenpox. Basically, children from six months to five years old get sick with chickenpox, in exceptional cases, teenagers and adults can get chickenpox, in which case the disease is more difficult.

  1. Chickenpox symptoms: The acute stage of the disease – an increase in temperature to 38-39 ° C, rashes all over the body, except for the soles and palms, in the form of pink spots with transparent bubbles filled with liquid, itching.
  2. Development of the disease – within one or two days, the bubbles become crusty and dry, after a few days the temperature rises and rashes appear again, irritability, weakness, sleep and appetite disturbances appear.
  3. Completion of the course of the disease – begins from the tenth day after the onset of the acute stage, the crusts on the skin disappear within two weeks, after which there is a slight pigmentation of the skin.

With chickenpox, a diet should be followed to reduce the level of toxins in the body that irritate the skin and mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

Why You Should Diet

diet for chickenpox in children 6 years old

How important is diet for chickenpox in children? What can be given during such a diet to a child, and what can not? These are the most common questions parents ask when their child has chickenpox. As with any other ailment, chickenpox therapy must be supported by a balanced diet. The doctor should explain what kind of diet for chickenpox in children, and what role it plays in the further recovery of the child:

  • During the diet, the absorption and digestion of the food consumed is facilitated.
  • Proper balanced nutrition saturates the body with all the necessary vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals, which contributes to a speedy and complete recovery.
  • Diet helps to relieve the symptoms of the disease.

A diet for chickenpox is not a categorical phenomenon, since it must be observed only in the acute period of the disease. When the child’s condition returns to normal and the disease begins to subside, then you can slowly return the child to the usual diet, but do not forget to strengthen the immune system.

Nutrition specifics

what is the diet for chickenpox in children

The body of each person is individual, so only the attending physician can prescribe the necessary diet for chickenpox in children, while the nutritional habits are the same for everyone. The advice and recommendations of a doctor will help alleviate the course of the disease, therefore, it is imperative to adhere to and follow these principles when compiling a menu for a child:

  1. During illness, the child’s body is severely dehydrated, and therefore it is important to maintain water balance. In addition, the liquid contributes to the rapid elimination of all pathogenic microbes and viruses from the body. The best option in this case is warm boiled water in large quantities. Older children can be given to drink mineral water without gas, diluted juices from fruits and vegetables, weak tea.
  2. Very often, children lose their appetite during illness, as the body spends all its strength on fighting the infection. If the child does not want to eat, then you do not need to force him to do this, over time, when the disease recedes a little, the appetite will appear again.
  3. It is important that during the diet, a sufficient amount of proteins enter the child’s body, which are part of low-fat fish, lean meats and low-fat cottage cheese.
  4. Fresh vegetables play an important role during the treatment of chickenpox in children, so they must be ingested by the child. Vegetables can be used to make salads. If there are wounds in the oral cavity, then, in order to avoid complications, vegetables should enter the body only in boiled and grated form.
  5. During the illness, the body is weakened, and it becomes difficult to digest food, therefore it is desirable that during this period the child consumes mostly grated food. A diet for chickenpox in children of 10 years old includes the use of beets, carrots and cabbage, in this case it is not necessary to grind vegetables – you can make stew from them.
  6. When compiling the menu, it is important to avoid adding foods that contribute to the development of an allergic reaction, as this can cause itching and new foci of inflammation.
  7. You need to cook food only for one time, since heated food is considered stale when following a diet for chickenpox in children.
  8. If sores from chickenpox appeared even in the mouth, then the products should be boiled to a puree state. In this case, it is advisable to cook only soufflé from meat and fish.

What can you eat

The list of what can be consumed with chickenpox is quite extensive, so there should be no problems with compiling the menu:

  1. Cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, rice and corn grits. Of all these ingredients, you can cook cereals with milk, but without sugar. When cooking, it is desirable to boil them as much as possible. Such cereals do not irritate the gastric mucosa, they are quickly absorbed by the body.
  2. Lean meats: beef, veal, chicken. Lean varieties of fish.
  3. Dairy products.
  4. Vegetables and fruits. When choosing fruits, it is important that they are not acidic.
  5. Herbal teas, jelly, fruit drinks, infusions of berries and herbs, boiled or mineral water without gas, fruit and vegetable juices diluted with water.
  6. It is useful to use greens both fresh and dry.

What not to use

diet for chickenpox in children 5 years old

It is equally important to know during a diet for chickenpox in children what should not be given to a child so as not to harm him and not aggravate the situation:

  1. From the diet should be excluded all fatty, salty, sour, spicy. In addition, you should refrain from eating sauces and adding seasonings to food.
  2. Give up everything sweet and hard to digest by the body – sugar, honey, sweets, chocolate, cakes and cookies, nuts.
  3. Sour berries and fruits. It is better to refuse citrus fruits for a while, as they not only irritate the mucous membrane, but also act as a strong allergen.
  4. During the acute period of chickenpox, it is better to refuse to drink undiluted milk. Since this product itself has a fatty consistency, this adversely affects the skin during illness and prevents the rapid healing of sores.
  5. Raw onions and garlic can irritate the mucous membranes and skin, while preventing rapid healing.
ChickenPox - Doctor Explains | Chickenpox - Food to Eat & Food to Avoid | Mera Doctor

Healthy foods for chickenpox

  • puree soups (for example, broccoli or cauliflower) and cereal soups (made from rice, oats, wheat bran, barley) – have an enveloping property and promote the swallowing process;
  • freshly squeezed vegetable juices diluted with water (for example, carrot and celery juice, pumpkin) – strengthens the immune system;
  • dishes from dairy products (milk jelly and cereals, low-fat cottage cheese) – are easily digested with chickenpox;
  • products with hypoallergenic properties (buckwheat, semolina, pearl barley, oatmeal, rice porridge, corn, buckwheat, rice cakes);
  • fermented milk products (natural yoghurts without sugar, fermented baked milk, kefir) – normalize the work of the digestive tract;
  • non-sour berries, fruits (sweet apples, apricots, bananas, blueberries, avocados);
  • vegetables and herbs (eggplant, zucchini, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage, cucumbers, broccoli, squash, spinach, dill, parsley);
  • baked apples and pears;
  • boiled water, light black currant tea without sugar, cranberry juice, infusions and herbal decoctions (mint, chamomile, lemon balm, rose hips) – the liquid removes toxins, inflammation products and infectious agents from the body.

Sample menu for chickenpox

  1. 1 Breakfast: buckwheat porridge or oatmeal in milk without sugar, boiled egg.
  2. 2 Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream without sugar, a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir.
  3. 3 Lunch: vegetable puree soup or low-fat, non-concentrated meat broth, boiled fish with vegetables or steamed cutlets.
  4. 4 Afternoon snack: a glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juice two-thirds diluted with water.
  5. 5 Dinner: cottage cheese casserole or kefir, grated green apple, herbal tea with croutons, baked eggplant or zucchini.

Folk remedies for the treatment of chickenpox:

  • fresh blueberries or freshly squeezed blueberry juice (the amino acids contained in this berry reduce the activity of the chickenpox virus);
  • infusion of raspberry and anise fruits, willow bark and linden flowers (brew a tablespoon of chopped components for ten minutes in three hundred milliliters of boiling water, insist for an hour and drink during the day);
  • lemon juice with honey (take a teaspoon three times a day);
  • green nuts and honey (mix honey with chopped nuts in equal proportions, take a teaspoon twice a day);
  • “Chamomile” baths (take baths twice a day for ten minutes);
  • infusion of chamomile flowers, coltsfoot herb, chicory, calendula flowers, burdock root and immortelle flowers (mix in equal proportions, pour forty grams of the mixture with boiling water, insist in a thermos for about eight hours, take up to four times a day, 1/3 glasses).

Dangerous and harmful foods with chickenpox

  • sour fruits (kiwi, cherries) and citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit, orange, tangerine and others) – irritate the oral mucosa;
  • saturated meat broths – activate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and increase the secretion of gastric juice.
  • hot spices, vinegar marinades, smoked products – when directly absorbed into the blood, they additionally irritate the skin;
  • oily fish, meat and fried foods – difficult to digest, increasing the level of toxins;
  • garlic, onion, radish, radish – irritate the skin;
  • sweets (cake, pastries, sweets, ice cream, sweet carbonated water) and sweet foods – simple carbohydrates that make up their composition can increase inflammatory processes and create favorable conditions for joining another bacterial infection;
  • tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages – aggravate the course of the disease;
  • foods with a high content of allergens (eggs, strawberries, nuts, orange and red fruits and vegetables);
  • fresh milk – causes bloating, increases inflammation.

Description of the disease

Chicken pox (chickenpox) is an acute viral disease, which is characterized by the appearance on the skin and mucous membranes of vesicles with a clear liquid inside. It causes chickenpox, like shingles , a virus of the herpes family – Varicella Zoster.

After an infection, immunity is developed for life, but with a significant decrease in the protective forces, adults who had an infection in childhood can become infected with it again. This means that you can get chickenpox a second time.

Today, scientists are studying the phenomenon of latent (hidden) carriage of chickenpox, when its virus accumulates in the cells of nerve nodes and is periodically activated, causing shingles. The mechanism of such viral activation is still not clear enough.

  • Typical. It can be:
    – mild (rash on the skin is barely noticeable, body temperature is elevated to 37-38 ° C, the disease lasts only 2-3 days);
    – moderate (there is a rash on the mucous membranes and skin, the temperature rises to 38-39 ° C, the patient complains of headaches and general weakness);
    – severe (large elements of the rash are visualized on the skin and mucous membranes, body temperature is over 39 ° C, the patient experiences headaches, convulsions may occur).
  • Atypical:
    – Rudimentary. Spots-nodules appear on the skin, in place of which small bubbles later form. It is usually diagnosed in newborns, as well as children who have been vaccinated against chickenpox.
    – Generalized (visceral). The varicella-zoster virus infects the internal organs – the lungs, kidneys, liver, etc. The patient has profuse rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. Body temperature above 39°C. Headaches, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, insomnia, weakness, loss of appetite may also occur. Generalized atypical chickenpox can be fatal.
    – Hemorrhagic. The contents of the vesicles are bloody. There are hemorrhages in the mucous membranes and skin, hematemesis, intestinal and nasal bleeding.
    – Gangrenous. Blood vesicles are surrounded by inflammation. They turn into ulcers and connect with each other. The disease is severe, as a secondary infection joins. The risk of developing sepsis is high, then the inflammatory process covers all tissues and organs.

Generalized, hemorrhagic and gangrenous forms of chickenpox occur in children who received potent drugs, whose immunity is weakened after severe illnesses.

Chickenpox periods in children and adults

Chicken pox proceeds, bypassing four periods:

  • incubation (hidden form);
  • prodromal (the patient experiences general weakness, but signs of chickenpox have not yet appeared acutely);
  • detailed clinical symptoms (rashes appear on the skin);
  • restorative.

Causes of chickenpox

Chickenpox is caused by the Varicella Zoster virus (a virus of the third type, a family of herpes viruses). It is poorly stable in the external environment and is capable of replication only in the human body. The pathogen quickly dies when dried, heated, exposed to sunlight, ultraviolet radiation. The source of chickenpox is infected people within two days before the appearance of the first rash and five days after the formation of the last nodule.

Transmission of the Varicella Zoster virus occurs:

  • by airborne droplets (when sneezing, talking, coughing);
  • transplacental route (from mother to fetus through the placenta).

Due to the weak resistance of the herpes virus of the third type, contact-household transmission is rare. However, it is impossible to 100% exclude infection with chickenpox through third parties (through common things, toys, towels).

Most often, small children who attend children’s groups get sick with chickenpox. Newborns are protected from infection by antibodies obtained from the mother. According to statistics, about 80-90% of the population has smallpox before the age of 15. In large cities, the incidence is twice as high as in small towns.

Chickenpox pathogenesis

The entrance gate for Varicella Zoster is the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Penetrating into the body, the virus accumulates in the cells of the epithelium. After it affects the regional lymph nodes and enters the bloodstream. Its circulation with the blood stream causes the appearance of signs of intoxication.

Replication of the varicella-zoster virus in the epithelial cell leads to its rapid death. In place of dead cells, small cavities are formed, which are soon filled with an inflammatory fluid (exudate). As a result, a vesicle is formed. After opening it, crusts remain on the skin. Under them, the epidermis is re-formed. In severe forms of chickenpox, vesicles often progress to erosion.

Symptoms of chickenpox in children and adults

The incubation period (the time from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of infection) with chickenpox lasts from 11 to 21 days. After the patient notes in himself:

  • weakness , malaise ;
  • headache;
  • increase in body temperature ;
  • loss of appetite ;
  • insomnia ;
  • rash on the trunk, face, limbs, head;
  • itching of the skin.

First, a rounded spot appears on the body. In its center is a papule (nodule), rising above the level of the skin. Its color is reddish-pink, the shape is round. After a few hours, fluid accumulates in the papule, and it turns into a vesicle. Around the latter there is a slight reddening. After a day, the bubble dries up a little and becomes covered with a light brown crust, which disappears after 1-2 weeks.

If the patient combs the rash, it is possible to attach a secondary infection, due to which scars (scars) will appear on the skin. Vesicles in the mouth, on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, as a rule, heal in 3-5 days.

The disease has a “wavy” course – a large number of new elements of the rash appear with an interval of 1-2 days. This explains why papules, vesicles, and crusts are present on the patient’s skin at the same time. “False polymorphism” is considered a typical sign of chickenpox.

The duration of the rash does not exceed 5-9 days.

If you experience similar symptoms, contact your doctor immediately . It is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with the consequences.

Diagnosis of chickenpox

To make a correct diagnosis , the doctor finds out whether the patient has been in contact with patients with herpes zoster or chicken pox. During the examination, he pays attention to the localization, size and shape of the bubbles.

During laboratory diagnostics, swabs of fluid taken from vesicles (vesicles) are examined. Serological methods can also be used to detect antibodies to the Varicella Zoster virus in the blood. If necessary, the patient is referred for a consultation with an infectious disease specialist .

How to treat chickenpox

Treatment for chickenpox in children and adults includes:

  • Compliance with bed rest for 5-7 days.
  • Dieting with the exception of fried, spicy and salty foods.
  • Plentiful drink (you can drink water, fruit drink, dried fruit compote, herbal decoctions and infusions, blackcurrant tea without sugar).
  • Hygienic care. Avoids secondary infection.
    – The patient needs to take a shower without using a washcloth. Do not wipe the skin, but blot it with a towel so as not to damage the bubbles on its surface.
    – Bed and underwear should be changed daily.
    – Rinse your mouth three times a day with warm water or antiseptic compounds to prevent microbes from entering the affected areas of the mucous membrane.
  • Taking antipyretic drugs (if necessary).
  • Treatment of vesicles with antiseptics. Calamine, Fukortsin, a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green) are suitable.
  • Taking antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs.
  • The use of antiviral agents (in severe cases of the disease).
  • Vitamin therapy.

The patient should stay at home for 5-9 days of the appearance of new vesicles and another 5 days from the moment the last vesicle was formed on the skin. Thus, quarantine takes about 14 days.

Diet for chickenpox

During the treatment of chickenpox, you must eat:

  • freshly squeezed vegetable juices (pumpkins, carrots, celery), previously diluted with water;
  • puree soups, cereal soups;
  • lactic acid products and dishes from them (jelly, cereals);
  • non-acidic fruits and berries (baked apples);
  • greens, vegetables;
  • hypoallergenic products (bread, rice, oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat porridge).

Why is chickenpox dangerous?

Chickenpox always ends in recovery, so the medical prognosis for this disease is favorable. Vesicles pass without a trace, only in some places small scars may remain.

Persons with severe systemic diseases and immunodeficiency suffer from chickenpox more severely than healthy people. They may face complications – sepsis , abscess , phlegmon . It is very difficult to treat chickenpox complicated by pneumonia ( varicella pneumonia ). In rare cases, the infection causes myocarditis , hepatitis, nephritis , encephalitis , keratitis , arthritis .

Chickenpox during pregnancy

The chance of mother-to-child transmission of Varicella Zoster during the first trimester of pregnancy is approximately 0.4%. Closer to 20 weeks, it increases to 1%. At later dates, the risk of infection of the fetus is excluded. To prevent the transmission of the Varicella Zoster virus to the fetus, pregnant women are given specific immunoglobulins.

Chickenpox during pregnancy can lead to:

  • miscarriage ;
  • premature birth;
  • mental retardation of the newborn;
  • convulsions of the child;
  • congenital defects of the fetus (scars on the skin, atrophy of the cerebral cortex, malformations of the arms or legs).

Chickenpox is most dangerous a week before childbirth. It causes a severe form of the virus in an infant with the development of complications (inflammation of the kidneys, lungs, heart). Congenital chickenpox in 20% of cases leads to infant death.

Chickenpox risk group

Newborn babies born to mothers who did not have chickenpox during pregnancy are absolutely not susceptible to the Varicella Zoster virus, as they received antibodies during fetal development. During the first year of life, maternal antibodies are washed out of the child’s body, after which he can become infected with smallpox.

With age, susceptibility to the disease increases and is about 100% at 4-5 years. Since almost all children attending preschool educational institutions manage to catch chickenpox, adults get sick very rarely.

Physicians at risk include:

  • children of preschool and primary school age;
  • elderly people who did not have chickenpox in childhood;
  • patients with immunodeficiency;
  • people with severe illnesses.

The peak incidence is observed in autumn, when children return to kindergartens and schools, and in spring, when immunity is lowered.

Chickenpox prevention

To prevent the spread of the varicella-zoster virus, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  • stop the isolation of the patient only 5 days after the appearance of the last vesicle;
  • isolate children who have been in contact with a patient with chickenpox and have not previously had this disease for 3 weeks;
  • ventilate the premises;
  • treat things that are in the same room with a sick person with disinfectants;
  • pregnant women who have not had chickenpox but have been in contact with an infected person should receive an immunoglobulin injection within 10 days of contact.

Chickenpox vaccinations

Vaccination against the varicella-zoster virus is not included in the vaccination calendar of the Russian Federation. It is optional. But anyone can be vaccinated against chickenpox, thus providing themselves with strong immunity for 10-20 years.

Today, Okafax (Japan) and Varilrix (Belgium) vaccines are used. It has been proven that people who have been vaccinated and become infected with the disease tolerate it in a mild form, regardless of age.

This article is posted for educational purposes only and does not constitute scientific material or professional medical advice.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!


  1. Manda ham shunaqa vaziyat paydo bo‘ldi ma’lumot uchun rahmat

  2. Menga ham suvchechak kasalligi yuqdi to’ğrisini aytsam azob ekan hamma joyim qichishib lanj bõlib qoldim Hoziram soğaymadim hali ma’lumos uchun rahmat!!!

  3. Yoshligimda yuqtirsam bolarkan

  4. Rostan ham kassalik davri juda ham qiyin kecharkan ayniqsa qichishi juda ham yomon kasalik ekan eng asosiysi buning uchun juda ham kuchli sabr kerak ekan malumotlar uchun katta raxmat

  5. Rostdan ham suvchechak kasalligi juda ham odamni sabrini sinaydigan kasallik ekan.

  6. Vawe qiynalib kettim lekn. Uydan chqmasdan ôtiriw azob ekan. Qichiwiwi esa undan battar azob

  7. ha suv chechak kasalligi judayam ogir oʻtar ekan.ayniqsa qichishiga chidab boʻ hozir suv chechak bilan kasallanganman hozir kasallanishning 3 kuni

  8. Assalomu alaykum ma’lumot uchun raxmat. Suvchechak qiyin ekan ayniqsa homiladorlarga yuqsa qiynalib ketdim ichimdagi boladan havotirdaman. Qichishishlarniku aytmasa ham bo’ladi.

  9. Menga ham bu kasallik yuqdi.4 oylik qizcham bor hayriyat unga yuqmas ekan.bugun 4chi kun.necha kun davom etadi uzi bu kasallik. malumotlar uchun rahmat

  10. suv chechak necha kundan necha kungacha davom etadi

  11. Assalom aleykum! Suvchechak juda yomon kasallik ekan. 3 yoshli o‘g‘lim bog‘chadan yuqtirib keldi, uniki yengil o‘tdi kn 1 yarim oylik chaqalog‘imga yuqdi, vrachlar 1 yoshgacha yuqmaydi diyishgandi! bechora qizim juda qiynaldi 7 kun toshmalar to‘xtamadi bugundan yaxshi Allohga shukr. Endi o‘zimga yuqdi qichishish bosh qisib og‘rishi azob berayapti!

  12. Assalomu alekum xa manam shunaqa kasallikni yuqtirib oldim yoshim 24da zelonka qo‘yvoldim xozir dorilarni ichishni boshladim kasallik yana tezroq tuzatish uchun nima qile maslahat berilar

  13. Man man suvchechak kasaligini yuqtirdim Osma ukollar oloman judayam azob ekan faqat sabrli bolish kerak ekan Juda achishib qichishi judayam yomon . xozir bugun 3kuni ancha qichishi qoldi alhamdullilah ollohimga shukr yaxshi boloman

  14. Suvchechak yuqdi manga ham , boshidagi 3-4 kun azob bilan oʻtdi, hozir ancha yaxshi boʻlib qoldim. yuzimga ham chiqdi, uning oʻrni dogʻ boʻlib qolmaydimi keyinchalik, keyin suvchechak boʻlgan vaqtda bosh yuvib choʻmilsa boʻladimi.

  15. Assalomu alaykum yoshim 22 da manda ham suvchechak chiqdi yoshligimda bôlmagan ekanman Hozir tanamni hamma joyida chiqqan qichishishi azob beryapti qancha muddatda yôqoladi

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