
General description of the disease


This is a chronic disease of an autoimmune nature, during which the defenses (the immune system) attack their own tissues, while they do not fight pests (viruses and bacteria), thereby developing permanent inflammatory processes in the body.

According to statistics, the majority of patients with lupus are female.

What causes lupus?

Until now, scientists have not identified the exact reasons that provoked the appearance of the disease. In the assumptions, the family factor remained (this applies to all autoimmune diseases). It should be noted that lupus is a disease caused by genetics and is not hereditary.

Lupus can be caused by a combination of a familial character with 3 main dangers. These should include ultraviolet irradiation, disorders in the hormonal system of a woman (fluctuations in estrogen levels, taking hormonal contraceptives) and the third important factor for the onset of lupus is infectioninside the body.


Types and signs of lupus

Depending on what is damaged and what is the provocateur, 4 types of lupus are distinguished: systemic lupus erythematosus, discoid lupus erythematosus, drug-induced lupus erythematosus, neonatal lupus.

Systemic lupus erythematosus – the most common type of disease, which is referred to when they say “lupus”. This disease can affect any system of the body, therefore it is called “systemic”. The disease can be defined at any age in the range from 15 to 45 years. Symptoms depend on which system is damaged.

Discoid lupus erythematosus affects only the skin. A red, prominent rash appears on the skin, which is covered with scales in the most pronounced places. Most often, a rash appears on the face. It may disappear and reappear, or it may not go away for many years. This form of lupus erythematosus does not transform into systemic lupus erythematosus.

The following 2 types of lupus are classified as special forms:

Drug-induced lupus (or drug-induced lupus erythematosus) can develop while taking isoniazid, guinidine, methyldopa, procainamide. Also, it can be caused by some drugs that relieve convulsive syndrome. It proceeds in a mild form, joints and skin are affected. All symptoms disappear after stopping the medication that triggered the lupus.

Neonatal lupus – develops in infants born to women with lupus erythematosus or who have a severely compromised immune system. Such babies have severe malfunctions in the cardiovascular system, a rash on the skin, a low blood cell count, and problems in the functioning of the liver. Cases of neonatal lupus are very rare, most mothers with lupus have healthy babies and the rash will go away on its own over time without any intervention from a healthcare professional.

Common signs of lupus

There are a number of signs that can help distinguish a lupus rash from a common allergy. The patient has a rash located mainly on the face and has the shape of a butterfly. When exposed to sunlight, the rash appears more and turns red. At the same time, the body temperature rises, all joints and muscles ache, the mucous membranes of the throat and nose become inflamed, there may be rapid breathing, increased perception of light, a sharp change in weight, severe hair loss, lack of air, pinching of the heart, swelling of the feet. If the course is too severe, vibration sickness, anemia, psychosis, paralysis and even convulsive syndrome can develop.

Healthy foods for lupus

It should be noted right away that there are no foods or dishes that can cause and heal lupus.

In this case, your diet should be made depending on the type of lupus and the symptoms that torment the patient. Also, it is worth considering which body systems are affected by the disease.

In order to help the body fight lupus, you need to eat a variety of foods and, with the help of nutrition, fight the main problems in this disease. Namely: you need to take care of the removal of inflammation; about the strength of bones, muscle elasticity; on the elimination of all side effects that have arisen due to taking medications during drug therapy for lupus; it is worth taking care of maintaining the correct body weight and ensuring the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Let’s consider each direction separately.

Removing the inflammatory process in the body directly depends on foods containing omega-3 and antioxidants.

Vegetables and fruits with antioxidant properties are foods containing vitamins E, C and beta-carotene: mango, apricots, broccoli, peaches, grapefruit, nectarines, beets, turnips, all citrus fruits, papaya, bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, green peas, carrots, nuts, melon, kiwi, spinach and all greens, sunflower seeds, beans, eggplant, dried fruits, grapes (especially red).

Large amounts of omega-3 are found in sea fish, nuts, olive and canola (rapeseed) oils, and flour made from flax seeds.

Bone strength and muscle elasticity

Vitamin D and calcium are fully responsible for this task. Its source is fermented milk products. It is better to choose butter, milk, cheese, low-fat yogurt, in addition, you can drink soy or almond milk, fresh juices, eat more vegetables with a dark green color, muesli and cereals (great for a full breakfast). Every day you need to eat one chicken egg.

The same vitamin D and folic acid (found in all leafy vegetables and herbs, currant leaves, viburnum leaves, cucumbers, mushrooms, orange and yellow fruits, vegetables and berries, chicken meat, barley porridge, eggs, whole grain bread).

Medicines prescribed by doctors for lupus contain large amounts of corticosteroids, which destroy bone and muscle tissue.

Maintaining the correct body weight

Every person with lupus has serious weight problems. For some, body weight decreases to critical values, while for others, on the contrary, it increases at a tremendous rate.

In this matter, it is important to consult a nutritionist who will select for each directly the required diet.

All people suffering from this disease should adhere to these principles:

  • Do not overeat;
  • eat fractionally, in small portions and 6 times a day;
  • cook all dishes either steamed or cook;
  • drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day;
  • eat only healthy foods;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • if there is no allergy, then replace sugar with honey;
  • do not drink fatty broths – only broth cooked on meat a second time is allowed (this means that the first, rich broth is drained, then the meat is poured a second time with water, boiled and only then given to the patient to drink).

If you follow these rules, the normal metabolism will not be disturbed, which is responsible for maintaining a healthy weight.

Prevention of cardiovascular disease

Often, with lupus, the patient’s heart suffers. Therefore, in order to avoid problems and complications of the situation, you need to eat foods rich in omega-3 and completely eliminate cholesterol foods, do not overdo it during physical activity.

If you have any specific heart problems, nutrition should be adjusted for each heart disease separately.

Traditional medicine for lupus

Traditional medicine methods are mainly aimed at taking infusions and preparing ointments to treat the rash.

For the treatment of lupus, it is necessary to drink decoctions and infusions made from mistletoe, licorice root and peony, hemlock leaves, celandine, calendula, tartar, burdock, sweet clover, yarrow, oregano, nettle, St. John’s wort, hop cones. You can drink both individually and in combination.

For the treatment of the skin, it is recommended to rub in propolis oil, fresh celandine juice, a combined decoction of olive oil, violets and string.


Under no circumstances should you take alfalfa (either in tablets or in decoctions). Alfalfa contains amino acids that boost the immune system. Such work will increase the “devouring” of their own cells and increase the inflammatory process. Because of this, using it for lupus, the patient feels increased fatigue, severe pain in muscles and joints.

Dangerous and harmful foods for lupus

  • everything fried, fatty, salty, smoked, canned;
  • confectionery with cream, condensed milk, with artificial fillings (factory jams, preserves);
  • a large amount of sugar;
  • Cholesterol-containing foods (rolls, bread, red meat, high-fat dairy products, sauces, dressings and soups based on cream);
  • foods to which there are allergic reactions;
  • fast food and products with unnatural fillers, dyes, rippers, enhancers of taste and odor;
  • products with a long shelf life (meaning those products that spoil quickly, but due to various chemical additives in the composition, they can be stored for a very long time – here, as an example, can be attributed to dairy products with a one-year shelf life);
  • sweet soda, energy drinks and alcoholic drinks;
  • if you have kidney problems, food containing potassium is contraindicated;
  • canned food, sausages and factory-made sausages;
  • store mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, dressings.

Eating these foods can speed up the progression of the disease, which can be fatal. These are the maximum consequences. And, at least, the dormant stage of lupus will become active, due to which all the symptoms will worsen and the state of health will worsen significantly.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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