
General description of the disease

This is a group of diseases during which there is an inflammatory process in the walls of blood vessels.

Types of vasculitis

Depending on which blood vessel is inflamed, this group includes vasculitis.

If a person has inflamed arterial walls, then he has arteritis.

When an inflammatory process occurs in the walls of small arteries, doctors diagnose arteriolitis.

Capillarite people suffer in whom the inflammatory process occurs in the walls of the capillaries (the smallest vessels).

With inflammation of the walls of the veins, phlebitis.

If several types of blood vessel walls become inflamed, systemic vasculitis.

The causes of vasculitis

The causes of vasculitis can be divided into 2 groups, depending on which there are 2 main types of the disease. Allocate primary and secondary vasculitis.

Primary vasculitis – an independent disease that occurs on its own, the reasons for its appearance to this day remain a mystery for modern medicine.

Concerning secondary vasculitis, then it occurs against the background of other diseases. It can be provoked by:

  • acute or chronic infections (both bacterial and viral);
  • treatment of oncological diseases, which is carried out with biological poisons;
  • Vaccines (vasculitis is caused by the body’s reaction to serum or a chemical)
  • prolonged stay at high or low temperatures, as a result of which the body overheats or supercools;
  • skin burns (both solar and thermal);
  • trauma (of various kinds, size, etiology and location);
  • genetic predisposition of a particular person;
  • allergic reactions;
  • erroneous identification of the body of blood tissues as foreign, due to which the body’s defenses attack them and inflammation occurs.

Vasculitis symptoms

From the very beginning, it is difficult to determine the symptoms of vasculitis, because its manifestation is similar to either a cold or an allergy. The patient has a sharp increase in body temperature, chills, fever, decreased appetite, rapid weight loss, rash, pain and aches in the joints. These are common manifestations of the disease.

In the future, vasculitis can make itself felt in different ways. It all depends on the affected vessel and its location.

If the vessels of the skin are damaged, an itchy rash appears on it, if the cerebral vessels are damaged, there is a high risk of stroke, and if the cardiac vessels are damaged, there is a high probability of a heart attack. If the vessels in the kidneys are damaged, nephritis may develop or a kidney infarction may occur.

RџSЂRё rheumatoid form vasculitis, the joints become inflamed (the skin over the joint turns red, swelling occurs, during movement or when pressing, the patient feels severe acute pain). In most cases, the ankle, wrist and knee joints are affected.

RџSЂRё abdominal form hemorrhagic vasculitis appears blood effusion in the walls of the mesentery and intestines. The patient is disturbed by bouts of pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, nausea, vomit are accompanied by blood. At the time of an attack, the face becomes pale, the heart rate accelerates, the tongue becomes dry with a white coating. On palpation of the animal, it is noticeable that the muscles of the peritoneum are strongly tense.

If small hemorrhages appear on the skin, this indicates vasculitis. hemorrhagic type.

In addition, vasculitis can be disguised as other diseases. For example, temple arteritis (a type of vasculitis) is manifested by pain in the occipital, temporal and parietal regions, accompanied by vision problems. It occurs in people over 50 years of age.

Also, sinusitis or otitis media may occur with Wegener’s granulomatosis. Eosinophilic agiitis makes itself felt in the form of asthma attacks, which can easily be defined as suffocation in bronchial asthma.

Healthy foods for vasculitis

Whatever type of vasculitis the patient has, he needs to adhere to a special diet and diet. You need to eat 6 times a day, chewing food thoroughly. The diet should contain vitamins B, C, K and A. The consumption of table salt should be limited – the daily intake should be no more than 8 grams.

With vasculitis, calcium is washed out in significant volumes, therefore, to replenish its deficiency, it is necessary to eat fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat content (cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, sour cream). During treatment, the patient may be faced with a lack of potassium in the body. To nourish the body with potassium, you need to eat any dried fruits (especially dried apricots, prunes, raisins). If the patient has renal failure, then foods with potassium are contraindicated for him.

When vasculitis is recommended for admission:

  • steamed or boiled vegetables (can be mashed or steamed puddings);
  • soups (only pureed or dairy, no need to wipe soup boiled with cabbage);
  • milk porridge or just porridge with vegetable / butter;
  • boiled meat and fish of low-fat varieties (poultry meat must be consumed without the skin);
  • vegetable oils;
  • soft-boiled eggs or steamed omelets;
  • sweet fruits and berries (apples, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, currants);
  • white crackers or stale white bread;
  • all kinds of juices from fruits and vegetables, compotes, jelly, smoothies, preserves, jam, green tea, rosehip decoction (everything must be homemade).

Gradually, as you recover, you can stop grinding food. But still, it should only be boiled.


The diet should be assigned to each patient separately. The above diet can be adjusted (it all depends on the location of the disease and symptoms).

Traditional medicine for vasculitis

Treatment of vasculitis can be carried out not only with the help of medicines, but also using traditional medicine. The alternative method can be included in treatment only with the permission of the doctor. He must prescribe measures and write out the required prescriptions depending on the type of vasculitis and its manifestations.

Also, the methods of traditional medicine for the treatment of vasculitis are divided into several directions. Let’s consider each of them.

To improve blood clotting it is necessary to take decoctions of herbs that contain vitamin K. For this purpose, dioecious nettle, water pepper, knotweed, yarrow, St. John’s wort, viburnum bark, horse sorrel, shepherd’s purse high elecampane, arnica (flowers) are excellent. This list should be used with caution. This limitation must be adhered to due to the possible consequences – there is a risk of blood clots. And their appearance will significantly complicate treatment and worsen the patient’s well-being.

To relieve inflammation it is necessary to use tinctures of knotweed, plantain, elecampane, immortelle, St. John’s wort, leaves and berries of black currant, lingonberry, wild strawberry, elderberry flowers, horsetail, creeping wheatgrass, burdock, medicinal calendula, licorice roots, thick-leaved badan.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels fragrant rue, fruits of chokeberry, rose hips, cranberries, currants, green tea and white cabbage are used.

To relieve allergic reactions vasculitis will help: feathery Kalanchoe, medicinal oregano, peppermint, stinging nettle, common oregano, black elderberry, evading peony, bitter wormwood, motherwort, medicinal valerian, lemon balm, St. John’s wort.

These herbs can be used individually or combined. Here are the most effective recipes for traditional medicine for vasculitis:

  • Take in equal proportions the leaves of the stinging nettle, the flowers of the black elderberry, the fruit of the Japanese sophora, and the yarrow. In total, 8 tablespoons of raw materials should come out (that is, there should be 2 tablespoons of each component). Pour a liter of hot boiled water and let it brew for an hour. At the end of the time, filter the broth. It should be taken in a glass three times a day.
  • With a strong allergic reaction, an infusion of elderberry flowers, calendula, poplar buds, horsetail, yarrow and mint will help. Take half a tablespoon of all the components and pour 0,5 liters of boiling water. Insist hour. Drink half a glass of infusion in the morning and before bedtime.
  • A decoction of bitter herbs: take a tablespoon of immortelle, wormwood and elecampane, place in a thermos, pour 1,5 liters of boiled hot water. Brew dry, crushed leaves for the evening and leave in a thermos overnight, and filter in the morning. Take 3 tablespoons at a time. Number of appointments per day – 2.
  • To cure vasculitis, it is necessary to drink an infusion of badian like tea. To prepare it, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over 30 grams of raw materials. Insist all night. When using add a spoonful of honey. Be sure to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. 30 minutes after ingestion, you can start your morning meal.
  • You need to drink 35 drops of alcoholic tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus, zamanihi (optional)
  • To improve blood supply, a course of leech therapy may be prescribed.
  • With the cutaneous form of vasculitis, compresses from pine resin are applied to rashes or hemorrhages. To prepare the medicinal mixture, take 200 grams of pine resin, melt it in a water bath, add 40 grams of vegetable oil (it should only be not refined), and add 50 grams of beeswax to all this. All are thoroughly mixed, allowed to cool and applied to the damaged areas. The compress must be done at night and kept for at least 1 day (it is better to try to withstand the 2nd day).

Skin changes with vasculitis, it can be treated with applications of infusion of elder flowers, horsetail, peppermint and yarrow (moreover, elderberry and horsetail should be twice as much as yarrow and mint). The mixture of herbs is poured with water and brought to a boil (6 tablespoons of herbs are needed per liter of water). After boiling, the infusion is left for 10 hours. Then they filter and start making applications. Keep the broth on the skin areas affected by vasculitis for no longer than 25 minutes (the minimum fitting time should be 15 minutes). For applications, you can use gauze, cotton pads, plain cloth.

Another good remedy for external use against vasculitis is considered to be powdered birch buds with nutric fat. To prepare the ointment, you need to take a glass of grated dry birch buds (you can also take a glass of gruel from fresh buds) and 500 grams of nutria fat. Everything must be thoroughly mixed, placed in a clay pot and simmer for 7 days for three hours in the oven. On the seventh day, the entire resulting mixture should be filtered and poured into jars. After that, the ointment is ready for use.

Dangerous and harmful foods for vasculitis

  • any foods or seasonings that contain allergens or are allergic to (with extreme caution you need to treat eggs, cocoa, chocolate, citrus fruits);
  • salt in large quantities;
  • excessively cold or, conversely, hot food;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • refractory fats;
  • foods containing potassium (for kidney failure).

All of these foods can impair the metabolism of medicines and cause liver complications.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

Nutrition for other diseases:

1 Comment

  1. Buna ziua as dori un tratament pentru Vasculită Am de cinci ani și nu știu ce fel de medicamente .Aici în Germania mi-au prescris Dapson Și ce regim as putea folosi .Am dureri de cap picioarele și mâinile și amețeli . Va rog foarte frumos O zi binecuvântată 🙏

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