Mushrooms are undoubtedly a very tasty and nutritious product. But the danger should not be forgotten either. When harvesting mushrooms for the winter, you need to choose methods that ensure complete sealing of the container. Some housewives simply fry the mushrooms (even without using salt!), put them in glass jars and pour them with oil. This is an unfortunate option: as a result of fat oxidation, mushrooms will become unpleasant in taste. And this is not the worst! Such mushrooms are not worth serious poisoning. After all, a layer of oil and the absence of oxygen is a favorable environment for the growth of spores of botulinum microbes that produce a deadly poison. You should be aware that it is impossible to completely get rid of these spores by washing, boiling or roasting. Some of them will still remain on the mushrooms placed in the jar. The whole task is not to provoke their activation. To do this, you need to carefully monitor the sterility of containers and lids. Otherwise, botulism cannot be avoided.

1) Frozen mushrooms should be stored in the freezer in cling film bags. At the same time, it does not matter by what technology they were frozen: fresh or pre-cooked. Freezing allows you to save the taste and beneficial properties of mushrooms for 12 months. That is, stocks should be enough until the new season.

2) Dried mushrooms also retain all vitamins and minerals, but are rather capricious in terms of conditions. They should be kept wrapped in paper or cloth material in a dry, well ventilated and not too cold place. It is worth remembering that dried mushrooms perfectly absorb foreign flavors, so it is recommended to store them separately from garlic, onions, seasonings and spices. On average, dried mushrooms can be used without fear for health for two years. But it should be borne in mind that with a long shelf life, the amount of protein in them decreases.

3) Pickled mushrooms необходимо хранить в подполе, погребе, холодильнике или подвале, то есть в достаточно холодном и защищенном от света месте. Тара должна быть только стеклянной, а крышки – металлические (с пищевым покрытием для защиты содержимого, иначе многократно возрастает риск отравления) или тоже стеклянные. Они должны плотно прилегать к банке и не пропускать воздух извне. Со стеклянными крышками маринады хранятся дольше – до двух лет, тогда как металл ограничивает этот срок всего лишь годом. Этот факт вполне объясним: содержимое банки реагирует на металл намного быстрее, чем на стекло. То есть грибы начинают выделять опасные для жизни токсины, есть такие консервы категорически не рекомендуется.

4) Солёные грибы can be kept in different containers. For example, an oak barrel, an enamel pan or a glass jar. For the safety of the product oppression is necessary. Mushrooms must be completely immersed in the liquid (brine). The best place to store mushroom pickles is a cellar or refrigerator, and the optimum temperature is from +5 to +6 degrees. Even sub-zero temperatures are not terrible for them, so jars with mushrooms are often placed directly on the balcony. But it is always worth remembering that mushrooms harvested in this way deteriorate very quickly. Therefore, you need to eat them quickly, until the lovingly made blanks are covered with nasty mold. Oh, and don’t salt too many mushrooms.

5) Caviar from mushrooms store in a cool place and in sterile glassware. This delicacy is easy to prepare. It is fried in oil until the liquid is completely evaporated and immediately, without waiting for cooling, they are laid out in containers. From above, everything is poured with hot vegetable oil and closed with lids. Then the jars need to be sterilized. For this, metal utensils with a fairly wide neck are suitable (for example, a saucepan or a bowl with high sides). At the bottom you need to put a cloth napkin, pour hot water, put jars of caviar in it and add more water so that its level reaches the level of caviar. Then bring the liquid to a boil. Sterilization time depends on the volume of the container. For example, five minutes is enough for a half-liter jar, but a liter container must be sterilized for at least ten minutes. Then the lids are tightly twisted, and the jars of caviar are sent to cool in a warm place. You may not sterilize mushroom caviar, but then you can keep it exclusively in the refrigerator. This workpiece tolerates the harsh conditions of the freezer well. But this option has its own subtleties: salt quite a bit (a teaspoon for five liters) and put it in a plastic container, which, unlike glass, is not afraid of low temperatures.

6) Для грибного порошка a sealed container made of metal or glass is best suited – the humidity indicators do not change in it, so the powder will retain its beneficial properties and mushroom taste for a long time without impurities. This type of blanks “loves” darkness, humidity not higher than 75% and air temperature of 18 ° – 20 ° C. Slightly worse for storing powder are wrapping paper with an additional layer of parchment, laminated paper or cellophane. In them, the moisture content of the powder changes over time. For example, after four months it increases by 15-30%, and after six months of storage it again decreases by 13-16%.

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