How to clean breeches on the thighs? Top 30 exercises for outer thigh!

Breeches – this is the most stubborn problem area for girls, the fat deposits which hide the beautiful and graceful lines of the legs. How to clean breeches and get rid of the lugs on the hips?

We offer you a selection of effective exercises for the outer thigh, as well as useful tips on how to reduce hips and improve leg shape.

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How to clean breeches: basic rules

The problem area on the outside of the thigh is considered to be one of the most difficult to remove. Strategic fat reserves that the body maintains a “rainy day”, often accumulate in the upper thighs and lower abdomen. Therefore, to remove the breeches on the thighs is a very daunting task. In life processes the body uses body fat on the outside of the thighs, and in the process of weight loss the problem area disappears almost the last.

However, the lugs on the hips appear not only due to body fat. In their formation actively involved muscle tissue. Weak gluteal muscles and muscles of the hips, otica visually form a crease on the sides of the hips. If you try to raise the buttocks, you notice that the breeches tightened. Therefore regular exercises to tone leg muscles and glutes are also very important if you want to remove the breeches.

Why are the lugs on the hips or breeches:

  • A high percentage of fat in the body, which in women often concentrated in the lower part of the body.
  • Poor muscle tone, which promotes the formation of wrinkles on the sides of the hips.
  • Features type shape: the shape type pear lugs on the hips can appear even if the overall slenderness of the body.
  • Hormonal disturbances.

However, what would have been the cause of the lugs on the hips, they can be removed only by the reduction of body fat and increase muscle tone. So the problem is solved breeches always diet and exercise. Don’t count on a magic pill, a miracle wrap or other super-effective technique. These methods are not working. So what you need to take to remove the breeches?

How to fix the breeches?

If you want to remove the breeches, the first thing you need to do is to adjust the power. The body begins to consume fat, only when it gets less food than he can spend, ie in a caloric deficit. How will you achieve this deficit, take your pick: can count calories, can adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, can simply be limited to the elimination from the diet of harmful products. It’s your choice.

PROPER NUTRITION: where to start

The second point is training. Unlike food, without which changes to lose weight basically does not work out, workouts are not a mandatory element for retracting a pair of breeches. However, regular exercise will help you reach your goal much faster! In addition, as we have seen above, the muscle tone tightens the folds and removes the lugs on the hips. Because you don’t just need to tighten the muscles, but to burn fat in the field of breeches, your lesson should include:

  • Cardio exercises for burning calories and accelerating fat burning
  • Exercises for breeches for muscle tone and enhance blood circulation around the problem areas.

This two main points that will help you clean breeches in a short time. Wraps, massages, banks and other popular methods can be used only as a Supplement to diet and exercise alone, such methods do not work!

Also stress that you cannot force the body to lose weight locally in a specific zone. How would you not exercises for breeches or massaged the problem area, fat out from the entire body as a whole. So if you want to remove the breeches – you first need to reduce your overall percentage of body fat. And that is nutrition and exercise.

Why it is impossible to remove the breeches:

  • You fail to comply with the deficit of calories so the body doesn’t burn fat.
  • You only begin to lose weight, and the body has not had time to get to strategic fat reserves, which are usually located on the upper thighs and lower abdomen.
  • You – pear, for this type of figure breeches to clean up much more difficult, so you should be patient.
  • You do not workout, low muscle tone may form folds on the outer side of the thigh.
  • Breeches and strongly expressed in the cellulite on the thighs can be a sign of hormonal disturbances.
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Cardio exercise for outer thigh

Cardio exercises will help you to run processes in the body, which will contribute to fat loss. It is the combination of cardio and isolation exercises from breeches will help you achieve quick and quality results. And exercises from breeches is recommended to perform immediately after cardio to enhance blood circulation in the problem area.

We offer you a selection of cardio exercises with an emphasis on the outer thigh. With their help you can clean breeches and, in General, to pull the body. What jumping exercises are the most effective means to burn fat and eliminate the breeches. In addition, the proposed exercises are suitable for all dieters, especially if the problem area is the lower part of the body.

If you do not jumping, and shock loading, it is not necessary (and undesirable) to completely abandon cardio. You can effectively do cardio workouts without jumping, for this we recommend to watch:

Cardio workout: exercise + lesson plan

The following cardio exercises from breeches formed in ascending order from simple to complex. Although the simplicity and complexity of individual exercises is very individual.

1. A kick to the side of the + knees

2. Kick sideways with a touch of sex

3. Skater

4. Lateral jumps

5. Jumps breeding arms and legs

6. Squats with a jump to the side

7. Jumping with breeding of feet in the squat

8. Jumping with raising the legs + jumping

9. Jumping in the strap by raising the legs

10. Jump into a wide squat

11. Jump star

Training plan for beginners

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise in 2-3 round, rest between rounds 1 minute.

  • A kick to the side of the + knees
  • Jumps breeding arms and legs
  • Skater
  • Lateral jumps
  • Squats with a jump to the side
  • Jumping with breeding of feet in the squat

Timer 30 sec. work / 30 sec. the rest:

30 sec work 30 sec rest Interval Timer (30/30 interval timer) up to 60 reps

Training plan for advanced

Perform each exercise for 40 secondsthen rest 20 seconds. Repeat the exercise in 2-3 round, rest between rounds 1 minute.

  • Jumping with raising the legs + jumping
  • Jumping in the strap by raising the legs
  • Lateral jumps
  • Jump into a wide squat
  • Kick sideways with a touch of sex
  • Jump star

The timer is 40 seconds. work / 20 sec. the rest:

Interval timer - 40 sec rounds / 20 sec rests (including links to 19 workout routines)

Exercises for outer thigh (from breeches)

Most of these exercises from the breeches are on the floor, so they are safe for people with varicose veins and joint problems. You can always complicate exercises using ankle weights or a dumbbell. You can also use a fitness band for additional resistance – this is one of the most effective devices for slim legs.

1. Lateral lunge

2. Leg lift to the side standing

3. Diagonal lunges

4. Triangular raising the legs

5. The rotation of the feet while standing

6. Leg lift while sitting

7. Leg lift to the side on my knees

8. Leg lift in side plank

9. Leg lift lying on your side

10. Diagonal leg lift

11. Lift legs perpendicular to the body

12. Pulling up the legs to the body

13. Leg swings parallel to the floor

14. The rotation of the feet lying on your side

15. The rotation of the feet lying on your side with a small amplitude

16. Combination with leg lift

17. Side leg lift on all fours

18. Lift direct feet on all fours

19. Raising the legs in the bridge

20. Raising the legs while lying on stomach

21. Shell

22. Shell is complicated

23. Shell lifting legs

Thanks for the gifs youtube channels: mfit, Linda Wooldridge, Jessica Valant Pilates, Christina Carlyle, Love Sweat Fitness, Evin Himmighoefer.

Exercise plan from breeches

We offer you 3 ready-made exercise plan that will help you to remove the breeches. It is desirable to perform after cardio workout. Repeat these exercises in two rounds: in first round all exercises are performed on the right leg, in the second round on his left leg. If the exercise is performed on both legs, then repeat it in the first and in the second round. If you are a beginner, choose the minimum number of repetitions, gradually increasing their number.

You can alternate between the 3 options a, choose only one option, or independently to generate a plan of exercises from breeches. Over time, your muscles will get used to the load, and even a large number of repetitions will cease to produce results. In this case we recommend to start using ankle weights. Weight weight 0.5-1 kg is sufficient for exercises for legs, at least for the first time. The elastic band will also help to increase the load.

Option 1

  • Side lunges: 15-20 reps
  • Leg lift to the side standing: 15-25 reps
  • Leg lift in side plank: 10-15 reps
  • Lift legs perpendicular to the body: 20-30 reps
  • Rotation foot side-lying: 10-15 reps
  • Shell: 20-30 reps
  • Side leg lift on all fours: 20-30 reps
  • Raising the legs in the bridge: 20-30 reps

Option 2

  • Diagonal lunges: 10-15 reps (on each leg)
  • Leg lift to the side on his knees: 15-25 reps
  • Diagonal leg lift: 15-25 reps
  • Combination with leg raise: 15-20 reps
  • Lift legs parallel to the floor: 15-25 reps
  • Lift straight legs on all fours: 20-30 reps
  • Shell complicated: 20-30 reps
  • Raising the legs while lying on stomach: 15-25 reps

Option 3

  • Triangular raising the legs: 20-30 reps
  • The rotation of the feet while standing: 10-15 reps
  • Leg lift sitting: 15-25 reps
  • Leg lift lying on your side: 20-30 reps
  • Pulling up the legs to the body: 20-30 reps
  • Side leg lift on all fours: 20-30 reps
  • The rotation of the feet lying on your side with a small amplitude: 10-20 reps
  • Shell with the raising legs: 15-20 reps

How often to do exercises to remove the breeches?

If the problem is breeches you need, you can train this area 2 times a week, combining cardio exercises and exercises for muscle tone. If the goal is to remove the breeches is not the key, the proposed exercise is enough to run 1 time a week. At least once a week do a workout for the glutes, which will also help you shape slender legs.

TOP 50 exercises for buttocks

Ideally, training should take place in the following way: 20-30 minutes you are doing cardio exercise, then immediately go to exercise against breeches for 15-20 minutes. It is also possible to train in a circular pattern: 10 minutes of cardio; 10 minutes of exercises for the inner thighs; 10 minutes of cardio; 10 minutes of exercises for the inner thighs.

Videos that will help to remove the breeches

Please note that we have left excellent selection: 20 finished videos to the external side of the thigh. So you can always do a ready effective workouts that will help you clean breeches.

1. Anelia Skripnik: Exercises from breeches (30 minutes)

Избавляемся от галифе | Лучшие упражнения от "ушек на бедрах" и жирных ляшек!

2. Blogilates: Exercises from breeches (10 minutes)

Quick Burn SADDLEBAGS Slimdown! Best Outer Thigh Workout!

3. Rebecca Louise : the Inner and outer part of the thigh (17 minutes)

Inner & Outer Thigh Workout | Rebecca Louise

4. FitnessBlender: For the outside of the thigh (20 minutes)

20 Minute Outer Thigh Workout - Outer Thigh Exercises

5. Linda Wooldridge: For the outside of the thigh (20 minutes)

20 MIN BEST OUTER THIGH Mat Workout // BARLATES 100 Rep Challenge Outer Thighs with Linda Wooldridge

For those who want to remove the breeches, it is necessary to remember two important factors that will help you achieve a caloric deficit and regular exercise. However, you must remember that the correction of the external side of the thigh rather laborious process in which it is impossible to achieve a positive result is super-fast.

See also:

  • Top 30 exercises for inner thigh + ready-made lesson plan
  • Top 50 coaches on YouTube: a selection of the best workouts at home
  • TABATA training: 10 ready-made exercises for weight loss

Legs and buttocks

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