Cardio workout at home: exercise + plan lessons for beginners to advanced

Cardiovascular training is exercises that increase your heart rate and increase blood circulation throughout the body (from the English. cardiovascular – cardiovascular).

To do cardio workouts like in the gym at the gym (treadmill, bike, ellipsoid), and at home without additional equipment. We offer you a unique selection of cardio and finished plan cardio workouts at home for weight loss and burning calories.

General information on cardio workouts at home

For some cardio training is a favorite pastime, for others, on the contrary, real passion and pleasure. But no matter how you react to cardio workouts, they are one of the key components of fitness. Be sure to include cardio exercises in your training plan, even if you have poor endurance or are you a beginner. If possible to pick up an adequate load, then cardio workout will be available to everyone.

7 biggest myths about cardiovascular training

Why you need a cardio workout?

Before moving on to cardio exercises at home, let’s remember once again why you need aerobic exercise:

  • Improvement of the cardiovascular system due to exercise the heart muscle
  • Burning calories and increasing muscle tone
  • The development of endurance
  • Release negative emotions, reduce the risk of depression
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes
  • Reducing the risk of diabetes by reducing sensitivity to changes in the level of blood sugar
  • Improving the functioning of the respiratory system
  • Increase bone density

In addition, moderate cardio training gives energy for the whole day, you will feel cheerful and full of energy. Of course, if it’s not ultra-intense activity, which is executed at the limit of your ability. In this case, on the contrary, the possible lack of energy and fatigue.

The rules and characteristics of home cardio workouts:

  1. Always do cardio exercises at home in sneakers. Not barefoot, not in socks, not shoes, as in sneakers. Workout without running shoes dangerous joint problems and injuries.
  2. For accurate measurement of calories burned during a cardio workout it is better to use a heart rate monitor or a fitness bracelet. The average 30-minute cardio workout high intensity burns 300-400 calories. Medium intensity: 250-350 calories. Low intensity: 200 to 250 kcal.
  3. During cardio workouts keep your heart rate within the 130-150 BPM. This is the optimal range for high-quality and safe workout for the heart and effective burning of calories. If you do not have a heart rate monitor, you can pause for 15 seconds and measure your pulse (or during the break between sets).
  4. If you have a problem with varicose veins, you can use compression stockings or socks, which protect the veins from overload and injury. But the shock jumps are best avoided.
  5. Much more effective to do cardio workout in interval mode. For example, 30 seconds of intense work and 15 seconds of rest (or popular option TABATA training: 20 seconds/10 seconds – more on this below). This will help to burn more calories, reduce the loss of muscle tissue, speed up the process of weight loss and will allow to conduct training efficiently in less amount of time.
  6. Cardio exercises for women and men the same, and the approach to aerobic training doesn’t differ. Except that stamina in men is usually higher.
  7. Always start cardio workout at home with warm up and end with a hitch. View our ready-made options warm up before exercise and stretch after exercise.
  8. If you want to lose weight, don’t forget about the food, which are crucial for fat burning. Even with regular exercise without a diet to lose weight impossible.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: how to start step by step

Well, now to the main part of this article: cardio exercises for different fitness levels. Read more about how many times a week, doing cardio workouts read below.

Cardio exercises are presented in the GIF animation that helps you clearly understand how you are driving. After the pictures there is a version of the lesson plan for 25-30 minutes. You can change the duration and intensity of cardio workout at home, reducing or increasing the number of rounds.

Fat Burning Cardio Workout - 37 Minute Fitness Blender Cardio Workout at Home

‘s low impact cardio exercises for beginners without jumping

This collection cardio exercises at home suitable for beginners and those who avoid jumping, for example, due to problems with the joints or varicose veins. Even without jumping, these cardio exercises will help you to raise the heart rate and to carry out an effective cardio workout.

Thanks for the gifs youtube channel MFit!

1. Breeding hands and feet

2. Walking zahlest Shin

3. Lift knees to chest

4. Skater

5. The knees

6. Lift knee + lunge back

7. Sprinter

8. Boxing

9. Kick sideways with a touch of sex

10. Kick forward and back with opposite foot

11. Burpee’s low impact

12. Walking in the bar

13. Raising the legs in the strap

Plan cardio workouts for beginners 25 minutes

All the exercises are given in the table:

Round 1 (repeated in 2 laps)Round 2 (repeat round 2)Round 3 (repeated in 2 laps)
1. Walking zahlest Shin1. Breeding hands and feet1. Skater
2. Lift knees to chest2. The knees2. Kick forward and back
3. Boxing3. Kick sideways with a touch of sex3. Walking in the bar
4. Raising the legs in the strap4. Burpee’s low impact4. Sprinter
Rest 1 minuteRest 1 minuteRest 1 minute

Repeat each exercise 30 seconds, then 15 seconds rest. Each round is repeated in 2 laps. Between rounds rest 1 minute. If you want to change the workout time, you can adjust the number of laps and time of the exercise.

Exercises Sprinter, knees up, Kick sideways and Kick forward and backward in the first round are performed on one leg, in the second round on the other.

You can start doing for 15 minutes a day (by only 2 rounds), gradually increasing the duration cardio workout.

Cardio exercises for intermediate level

These cardio-exercises will be experienced working in or those who easily tolerate cardio and jumping.

1. Running with Shin zahlest

2. Running with high knee lift

3. Jumps breeding arms and legs

4. Scissors

5. Jumping to the side

6. Lateral plyometric lunge

7. Squats with lifting arms

8. Jump into a wide squat

9. Squats with jumping

10. Horizontal Jogging

11. Jumping in the strap by raising the legs

12. Touch foot in back strap

13. Running from side to side

Plan a cardio workout for intermediate level for 25 minutes

All the exercises are given in the table below. Some exercises are taken from the initial level, so that you have the opportunity to take a breath and to sustain the lesson from beginning to end.

Round 1 (repeated in 2 laps)Round 2 (repeat round 2)
1. Jumps breeding arms and legs1. Jump into a wide squat
2. Running from side to side2. Skater
3. Squats with jumping3. Lateral plyometric lunge
4. Boxing4. Scissors
5. Jumping in the strap by raising the legs5. Walking in the bar
6. Touch foot in back strap6. Running with high knee lift
7. Running with Shin zahlest7. Kick forward and back
Rest 1 minuteRest 1 minute

Repeat each exercise 30 seconds, then 15 seconds rest. Each round is repeated in 2 laps. Between rounds rest 1 minute. If you want to change the workout time, you can adjust the number of laps and time of the exercise.

Exercises Plyometric lateral lunge and Kick forward and backward in the first round are performed on one leg, in the second round on the other.

Cardio exercises for advanced level

If you unchecked the option perform cardio workout for intermediate level, you can further complicate your program. Attention: the following cardio exercises are suitable only for experienced dealing without health problems.

1. Jumping 180 degrees

2. Jumping lunges

3. The jump

4. Jump star

5. Jump shell

6. Sumo squats with jumping

7. Burpee

8. Pushups + kick feet

9. Climber

10. Jump in the bar

11. Vertical jump in the strap

Plan a cardio workout for intermediate level for 30 minutes

All the exercises are given in the table below. Some exercises are taken from the average level to have the opportunity to take a breath and to sustain the lesson from beginning to end.

Round 1 (repeated in 2 laps)Round 2 (repeat round 2)
1. Jumping 180 degrees1. Jumping lunges
2. Horizontal Jogging2. Running with high knee lift
3. Sumo squats with jumping3. Pushups + kick feet
4. Jump in the bar4. Climber
5. Jumping to the side5. Jumps breeding arms and legs
6. Burpee6. Jump star
Rest 1 minuteRest 1 minute

Repeat each exercise for 40 seconds, then 20 seconds rest. Each round is repeated in 2 laps. Between rounds rest 1 minute. If you want to change the workout time, you can adjust the number of laps and time of the exercise.

TABATA: 10 ready-made exercises

Cardio workout at home method TABATA

TABATA training is a variant of a cardio workout, in which explosive intense intervals interspersed with short rest intervals. Cardio workout TABATA method involves the following scheme: 20 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest, each exercise do 8 approaches between exercises 1 minute rest, TABATA-one round lasts 4 minutes.

Read more about TABATA training

We offer you 2 options TABATA workout at home: for intermediate and advanced level training. Usually one TABATA-workout includes 8 exercises, in this case, the lesson lasts for ~40 minutes, but there may be other options at your discretion. For beginners it is better not to practice TABATA workouts, and choose a study plan proposed above.

The scheme is run cardio workout at home on the TABATA Protocol:

  • In a TABATA workout includes 8 exercises
  • Each exercise is done 8 approaches
  • Each approach involves 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest
  • One exercise is performed for 4 minutes
  • Between exercises rest 1-1,5 minutes
  • The total duration of the cardio workout the TABATA Protocol is 8 rounds is 40-45 minutes

Ready for TABATA timers you can download to your mobile absolutely free, view in market applications of your device (Tabata Timer). Or turn on the finished video with the timer and music, for example:

TABATA TIMER \ Табата таймер (DANCE music)

TABATA-training for medium level at home

Exercises which are cardio training:

  • Running with Shin zahlest
  • Squats with jumping
  • The knees
  • Jumping in the strap by raising the legs
  • Lateral plyometric lunge
  • Jumps breeding arms and legs
  • Touch foot in back strap
  • Jumping to the side

Exercise the”knees up” and “lateral Plyometric lunge” performed 4 sets, first one side, then another.

The execution scheme:

  • Each exercise is performed according to the scheme: 20 seconds work and 10 seconds rest (this is one approach)
  • Each exercise is performed in 8 approaches, and then move on to the next exercise.
  • Between exercises rest 1-1,5 minute
  • The General training duration: 40-45 minutes

For example, first carry out “Running with zahlest Shin” 8 approaches according to the scheme of 20/10 seconds, a minute rest and move on to the”jumping Squats”, which is also repeated in 8 approaches, etc.

TABATA is training advanced at home

Exercises which are cardio training:

  • Jumping lunges
  • Running with high knee lift
  • Burpee
  • Jump into a wide squat
  • Horizontal Jogging
  • Sumo squats with jumping
  • Scissors
  • Jumping 180 degrees

The execution scheme:

  • Each exercise is performed according to the scheme: 20 seconds work and 10 seconds rest (this is one approach)
  • Each exercise is performed in 8 approaches, and then move on to the next exercise.
  • Between exercises rest 1-1,5 minute
  • The General training duration: 40-45 minutes

For example, first carry out the “Jumping lunges” 8 approaches according to the scheme of 20/10 seconds, a minute rest and move on to “Run with high lifting knees”, which is also repeated in 8 approaches, etc.

What else is important to know about cardio exercises at home

How many times a week you need to do cardio training?

1. You want to lose weight:

  • If you plan to alternate power and cardio training on different days, then do cardio for 30-45 minutes 2-3 times a week.
  • If you plan to use weights and cardio workout in one day, then do cardio 15-30 minutes 3-4 times a week.

2. You just want to keep in shape or working on muscle mass:

  • If you plan to alternate power and cardio training on different days, then do cardio for 40-50 minutes 1 once a week.
  • If you plan to use weights and cardio workout in one day, then do cardio for 20-30 minutes 2 times per week.

When doing cardio training: before or after weight training?

If you are doing intense power loads with large weights for muscle growth, then do cardio after strength training.

If you are doing strength training with small weights for muscle tone, the fundamental values of when to perform cardio exercises, no. Focus on your health. If, after cardio you hard for a full workout, then start your activity with strength exercises. Conversely, if you don’t have the strength to cardio after strength exercises, then begin your session with a cardio exercise.

How else can you engage in cardio training at home?

But if ordinary cardio exercises at home that you feel are boring or just not the right occupation, you can choose another type of activity for the development of the cardiovascular system:

1. Simulators. You can purchase a home treadmill, cycle upright, elliptical, bike, and then the question of choice of cardio will disappear by itself.

2. Step aerobics. With this type of cardio like step aerobics you will never be bored, and the load on the knees when doing step aerobics is significantly lower than while jumping. Read more about it: Step aerobics: use and effectiveness.

3. Walking up the stairs. If you live in an apartment building, walking the stairs can be great to raise your heart rate, burn calories and effectively develop problem areas of the feet.

4. Jump rope. Another boring way aerobic exercises is jumping rope. Read more about this article: Jumping rope.

5. Classes ready video workouts. If you love to have on the finished video lessons, look at one of our collections:

  • 14 cardio workouts from FitnessBlender for beginners without jumping
  • 20 TABATA training in the Russian language from FitnessoManiya
  • Top 20 cardiovascular exercises for weight loss youtube channel Popsugar
  • 10 cardio workouts without jumping and running from Ekaterina Kononova

We have tried in this article to collect for you all the possible options for cardio workouts at home. You will always be able to optimize the classes to suit your features by changing the length of rounds, rest time and set of cardio exercises.

For beginners, slimming, advanced, Cardio workout

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