Avitaminosis: in which products to look for 6 necessary vitamins

Avitaminosis is a lack of vitamins, and most often its peak falls on the change of seasons. Poor winter nutrition weakens the defenses of our body, a series of colds, depressive conditions and exacerbations of chronic diseases begins. How to get rid of the signs of vitamin deficiency and wake up your body from hibernation? Of course, first of all, you need to establish nutrition in order to maximize the use of the necessary vitamins.

Vitamin C

We need it to increase immunity and be able to resist seasonal viral diseases and infections. It is important to know that when food is processed with a high temperature, vitamin C, alas, is destroyed, as well as during prolonged drying.


Where to look: It is abundant in citrus fruits, black currants, rose hips, bell peppers, apples, first greens, sea buckthorn, strawberries, sorrel, potatoes, cabbage and legumes. 

Vitamin D

This sunshine vitamin is responsible for the absorption of calcium by our body and is produced in the skin during walks on a clear day. Vitamin D is preserved during cooking.

Where to look: in foods it can be found in fish oil, yolk, caviar, red fish, butter, sour cream, milk, liver. 

Vitamin A

It is very important for visual acuity and correct skeletal formation. Vitamin A will be preserved only if the product is exposed to high temperatures for a short time; during prolonged cooking it is destroyed.

Where to look: It is found in carrots, beets, pumpkin, tomatoes, red peppers, nettles, apricots, corn. 

Vitamin B1

Needed by your nervous system and metabolism. Thiamine is produced in the intestines and it is important for it to maintain a rich microflora.

Where to look: Found in wheat flour, bread, buckwheat, rice, oats, rye, yolk, yeast, legumes and nuts, as well as pork and beef.

Vitamin B2

It is important for growth and prevents the development of anemia, and also becomes an assistant in wound healing. Vitamin B2 is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation and in an alkaline environment.

Where to look: in yeast, fresh vegetables, cereals, milk, eggs, meat and fish. 

Vitamin E

This “vitamin of youth” affects the muscular system and the proper functioning of the gonads. Does not survive in alkaline environments.

Where to look: it is found in herbs, vegetable oil, yolk, rose hips. 

Be healthy!  

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