World religions and founders of medicine about fasting

Whether you were born into a Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or Mormon society, chances are you are familiar with the concept of fasting according to a particular denomination. The idea of ​​abstaining from food is represented to some extent in every world religion, is this a coincidence? Is it really a coincidence that followers of different religious views living thousands of kilometers apart turn to a single phenomenon in its essence – fasting? When Mahatma Gandhi was asked why he fasted, the people’s leader answered the following: . Here are some of them: The passage about the Prophet Moses, taken from Exodus, reads: . Abu Umama – one of the apostles of Muhammad – came to the Prophet for help, exclaiming: And Muhammad answered him: Perhaps one of the most famous adherents of fasting, Jesus Christ, who slew the devil on the fortieth day of fasting in the wilderness, said:. Considering the sayings of the spiritual leaders of different faiths, some similarities are noted with the naked eye. Generosity, creation, endurance and the Way. Each of them believed and preached that fasting was one of the ways to harmony and happiness. In addition to its spiritually cleansing properties, fasting is welcomed by traditional healing systems of all peoples (even traditional medicine). Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, noted the ability of fasting to stimulate the body to heal itself: . Paracelsus – one of the founders of modern medicine – wrote 500 years ago:. Benjamin Franklin’s quote reads: . Fasting reduces stress on the digestive system. Stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, intestines – a well-deserved vacation for the internal organs. And rest, as you know, restores.

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