Tasty and healthy dishes from buckwheat

Buckwheat! How much in this word for a Russian person. Since time immemorial, it has been one of the main components of the cuisine of the peoples in Rus’ and, moreover, the most useful. Крупа гречихи не только не содержит белок глютен (делая её незаменимой для аллергиков), в ней так же отсутствуют химикаты — растёт она и без того быстро и просто. Гречневая крупа не поддаётся генной модификации, споры о безобидности которой продолжаются и поныне. Indeed, in Russia, buckwheat is used everywhere for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is worth noting that the proteins in this cereal are well absorbed by humans, especially if buckwheat is consumed raw sprouted. Мы рассмотрим самые полезные из всех возможных рецептов с участием неоценимой гречневой крупы. Such a simple dish in the morning will saturate you with energy due to the huge amount of fiber. 100% vegan-friendly and therefore suitable for strict adherents of plant-based nutrition. Place buckwheat in a food processor or blender, beat several times. Add almond milk, maple syrup, cinnamon, vanilla, flaxseeds, salt, beat until smooth. Add coconut flakes, season to taste. Divide the porridge among bowls, serve with berries, chopped nuts or banana slices. From such an ingredient as buckwheat, a wonderful gluten-free pastry is obtained for lovers of healthy buns for tea. We stumble upon a recipe! Preheat the oven to 180С. Line the muffin pan with baking paper. In a bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. In another bowl, egg substitute, banana and honey. Mix the contents of both bowls, then add the apple slices and walnuts. Divide the dough into molds. Bake until golden brown, about 30 minutes. Serve with aromatic tea and jam! East is a delicate matter! Salad, which came to us straight from the Arab countries, will be a great addition to lunch or dinner. Place water and stock cube in a saucepan, bring to a boil. Add buckwheat, reduce heat to a low boil, let sit for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, chop all the vegetables, mix in a bowl. Add buckwheat when done. Pour in lemon juice, mix well. Приправьте солью и перцем. Let it brew for 30 minutes so that the ingredients are well soaked. Royal pleasure, there is no other way to call it. Just think: 100% vegan, gluten free, sugar free and extremely low fat! Именно его стоит приготовить в ближайшие выходные 🙂 Разогрейте духовку до 180С. Grease a pie tin with oil (important condition: use a tin with a removable bottom). In a large bowl, mix dry ingredients together. Add lemon zest, stir. Add raisins and pecans, stir, set aside. In another large bowl, mix wet ingredients. Add dry to them, stir. Add pieces of 2 apples. Pour the batter into the prepared mold. Lay the apple slices on top. Sprinkle with grated coconut. Bake 40-45 minutes in the oven. Дайте пирогу остыть 10 минут перед подачей на стол. So, buckwheat is definitely a product that should not be neglected. If it is not yet present in your diet, you should try to gradually add it in different forms: green sprouted, boiled, in the form of flour for baking.

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