How to control hunger

Hunger is different to hunger, it can be impulsive, it can be angry, tired, unexpected or planned, habitual and nervous, and each has its own opposition. For a while, you can pull yourself together, and sometimes you wake up when your stomach hurts from too much food. What drives you in a fit of hunger and what to do in order not to harm your health and correctly feed your body.


The most common signal that the body needs recharging, needs strength, energy. And if she does not arrive in the near future, she will definitely want sweet or starchy foods. Continuing to work on energy reserves, the body will require fast carbohydrates or will not stop when you finally sit down at the table.

This hunger does not need to be fought, it needs to be satisfied in a timely manner with a balanced menu. And if you do not have time to do this, then it is better to have a snack on hand that will not harm the figure and give a little energy before a full meal.



If you have absolutely nothing to do, then very often your free time is imperceptibly filled with food. I grabbed it there, tried it here, another piece. Boredom is dangerous by imperceptible overeating, it seems that nothing has been eaten, and the stomach is full of all sorts of nonsense, and you want to eat again.

You need to work not with hunger, but with filling your free time. Learning to rest and relax is also a science: remember a hobby, read, draw, sign up for a seminar, go to an exhibition, or just get some fresh air.

On the nerves

People who are often nervous are divided into two camps: some cannot eat at all, others eat non-stop. Before resolving a situation that drives the body into such a stressful state, it is important to have food on hand that will not harm health and weight. And also try to find ways to relieve stress – massage your temples, exercise or clean up.


It is impossible to pass by the bowl of sweets; having opened the refrigerator to take the ingredients for lunch, I could not refuse a piece of cheese. Dozens of pieces a day are more than one meal in calories, and we are surprised at the extra numbers on the scales. In such satisfaction of hunger, psychologists advise to develop a method of pauses: before you eat something, stop and think about your next step. Often, having realized the action, the hand does not reach for a beautiful piece, and if it is impossible to resist, then the enjoyment of this piece occurs consciously.

From anger

When this feeling dominates, blood sugar drops and stress hormone levels rise. Hence the hunger along with the desire to throw out aggression, which requires additional energy. It is unlikely that in such a state you will be able to use the pause method or be distracted by something extraneous, but if there are no harmful products in your house, then excess weight will not threaten you.


The hormonal system during PMS is practically uncontrollable, and the only thing you can do is forgive yourself for everything you overeat during this time. Nature is wise, with the help of food you raise your mood, calm down the hormonal storm and give strength to the complex processes taking place inside.


As soon as the screensaver of your favorite TV series or interesting movie appears on the screen, you want to immediately sit down comfortably with a sandwich or nuts. Uncontrolled food intake is bad for digestion and weight, especially since most television films are watched at night, far after dinner. The only way out is to keep your hands busy and avoid watching advertisements in which you will literally be called upon to open the refrigerator.


The habit of throwing a feast on any occasion with a variety of mayonnaise salads and a choice of alcohol is gradually being eradicated, but still the main preparation for the celebration is still food. And the gatherings at the table pass imperceptibly, during which, gradually and methodically, high-calorie food is rammed into your stomach. The only way out is to change the formats of meetings with friends and relatives, organize sports events, dances, karaoke, go to a spa or water park together.

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