Why is a cow dreaming
Dreams about a cow mostly promise prosperity and joy, but some mediums think otherwise. Let’s see what the cow is dreaming of

Cow in Miller’s dream book

The psychologist believed that dreams about a cow are a clue whether you are doing everything right in life. If yes, then you will see fat, well-groomed, peacefully grazing animals, happiness and mutual understanding will come in your personal life, and things will go uphill. Also, career growth and good profits promise white or friendly cattle.

Consider a herd of tortured, thin individuals as a signal: you need to reconsider your habits, otherwise you will direct your forces in the wrong direction and spend your whole life in hard, unloved work.

Who owned the cows? If you, then your fortune will grow well.

What happened to the herd? You just looked at him – people whom you considered close will deceive, betray or show hostility; you drove him – be careful, you are in danger; it ran by itself – new things will bring either great success, for example, promotion at work, or complete disappointment; rushed about in a panic – a threat loomed over your career, do not let your work be ruined (dirty cattle, black or with long horns, also predict the intrigues of enemies); calmly waited until he was milked – hopes would come true, and dreams would come true; already milked – you will enter into a fight for an inheritance with a large number of people.

If the cow (bull) was alone in a dream and was chasing you, then because of someone else’s envy, big problems can begin in your work or personal life. A dream about a dead cow is also associated with relationships: a black streak will come in them, the second half will upset you with their behavior. To avoid a fatal quarrel, do not be angry with your loved one, talk to him, find out what is the cause of the discord, and together try to fix everything.

If the animal tried to gore you, then you risk making enemies among friends by mishandling their property. It is better not to borrow money or other people’s things. You will be able to cope with all enemies if you dream of a cow chewing grass.

Separately, Miller explained the meaning of dreams about a bull for women – this is a symbol of an imminent marriage proposal. Think carefully before agreeing, perhaps this is not the best candidate for the role of a spouse.

A cow in Vanga’s dream book

All dreams about a cow can be divided into several groups according to their interpretation:

  • crop failure (cow with huge horns, light-colored, obese, chewing hay, drinking water, swimming, skinny runaway, fallen, dying or dead);
  • good harvest (calving or already calving, grazing with a calf).
  • attempts to quarrel with your loved ones (running without some part of the body – horns, head, legs, skins, or chasing a sleeping person);
  • prosperity in the family (to feed, buy, see on the farm, in the pasture or in the cemetery and just look at the cow).
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It is considered good signs if in a dream you saw a wild cow (to a beautiful wife), watched a grazing herd (to harmony in relations with relatives), milked a cow (to joy and good luck), rode on it (to get rid of piled problems) , touched her horns (to well-being), heard lowing (to replenishment in the family), ate beef (to growth of authority and well-being).

Also, dreams about this type of cattle can be regarded as a forecast for the future: the fatter and healthier the cow, the more prosperous times will be, and, conversely, the skinnier and sicker it is, the more difficult the years will be.

Cow in Freud’s dream book

The subconscious desire to have children is indicated by a cow (milking her is a dream come true soon). A well-fed, strong cow promises excellent health and some kind of major acquisition. A sick animal is associated with parents’ worries about the health of their offspring. The psychoanalyst advises to let go of thoughts about this so as not to torment yourself. Worries about the future of the child in general and thoughts about whether you will be able to put him on his feet reflects a dream in which you herded cows.

Freud shared what a cow dreams of a woman, and what a man dreams of. In the first case, a dream reflects a feeling of inferiority, in the second, it promises health and major acquisitions.

Cow in Loff’s dream book

Loff does not make a distinction whether he dreamed of a cow or a bull, in both cases he correlates the animal with an authoritarian man. Although it may turn out to be a woman who suppresses you with power and authority. To understand who we are talking about and what influence this person can have on you, analyze all the details of the dream, correlate them with reality.

Cow in Hasse’s dream book

The medium gave such dreams extremely positive interpretations. A cow, in her opinion, always promises happiness. A well-fed cow promises wealth, and a skinny one symbolizes a free life. Wait for news about the inheritance if you milked a cow in a dream.

Cow in Tsvetkov’s dream book

The scientist associates this animal with troubles, worries and anxieties, but they will be positive. If you looked at the cow from afar, then circumstances will turn out well for your affairs. But the cow chasing you is a symbol of a sudden inheritance.

Cow in the Esoteric dream book

Dreamed of a cow? Mobilize all your forces: you will have a chance that should never be missed! Thanks to him, you can drastically change your destiny, from “Cinderella” to turn into a “princess”.

Milked a cow? Rejoice! Soon your dreams will come true, and you will get everything you wanted from life.

If in a dream the cow was in a barn, then you will receive a profitable offer: hands and hearts or at work. But be careful if in a dream you find a job in a barn – colleagues are starting some kind of intrigue.

If you yourself were in the barn – this is a signal, listen to it! So the body is trying to say that it needs to relax in nature more often to recuperate.

Remember if there was manure in the room? The larger it is, the stronger the meaning of sleep will manifest itself.

Psychologist’s comment

Maria Koledina, psychologist:

Carl Jung considered the interpretation of archetypes (universal prototypes) that arise in clients as the main task of analytical psychology, of which he was the ancestor. So the mother archetype has many manifestations. It symbolizes abundance and fertility, and therefore the cow is most often associated with it.

An animal may show interest, may remain indifferent, or may hostilely expose its horns towards it. Of no small importance is how a cow looks in a dream: clean and well-fed or hungry, dirty, with tangled burdock thorns. The behavior of the animal in relation to the dreamer, the method and form of contact with the cow allow us to understand the unconscious attitudes towards the mother, to draw conclusions about the relationship with her, about the place of the mother in his life.

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