Meat-eating and homosexuality

Meat-eating and homosexuality


“Meat-eating should be equated with a deviation in the development of society, and the promotion of meat-eating should be equated with the promotion of homosexuality” – such an opinion is heard silently among various religious movements from people who are actively engaged in self-improvement. And indeed: why drag people into something not only dubious, but also directly contrary to the worldview of a huge number of fellow citizens?! Now we see a growing movement in support of representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation. Of course, there should be no discrimination in society for any reason. But now it is not about that, but about the reaction of the public. It stubbornly refuses to notice the really important problems of society. Among them is the rising crime rate. And against this, none of the religious fanatics, no matter how patriotic politicians seem to object. And if they are trying to find a solution that will improve society, then it may not be suitable, for various reasons, for many people. But one of the easiest ways is vegetarianism. Its advantages are that it has no contraindications, it promotes ethical thinking and promotes health. A government program to explain the benefits of not killing animals would not require large financial investments, and the benefits from this are obvious. 


And while there is a hunt for people of non-traditional orientation, the question of meat remains open. And this is because such is the will of the “majority”. But as soon as the preponderance is outlined in the other direction, politicians and public figures will immediately forget about the pursuit of mythical threats and start persecuting meat-eaters. No, that’s not possible either. Today’s meat-eaters can make very good vegetarians. And not persecution is needed, but dialogues, discussions. However, the behavior of the “guardians of morality” shows how they want to “improve” society. You could even say that it would be better if the fans themselves retired from society. From the point of view of vegetarians, the chances of a healthy society would be high if at least a large part of it would stop killing animals for profit, for food, for clothing and experiments. People cannot be forced to live according to the canons of any religion, and vegetarianism is based on universal human values ​​that only a non-human can deny. Vegetarianism upholds high moral and ethical aspirations regardless of religion. Scientific and technological progress, coupled with violence, is doomed to moral degradation on a global scale. 


We don’t say: “Chase the meat-eaters, fuck them all!” We say: “Just try a new quality of life!”. Nothing bad happens to meat-eaters-in-the-past when they begin to lead a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, healthy not only from a physical, but also a psychological point of view. When a society lives in accordance with ethical norms, then no one will be embarrassed, annoyed, or driven into a frenzy by someone else’s orientation, party views, nationality, etc. 

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