Top 10 short’s low impact workout for the legs from Blogilates

Casey Ho (Cassey Ho) – is one of the most popular coaches on YouTube, which offers a large choice ‘s low impact workout-based Pilates. Her video channel Blogilates has more than 3.5 million subscribers and is among the top most popular fitness resources in the United States. We offer you 10’s low impact workout for legs from Blogilates that will help you to tighten the muscles, improve the relief of your hips, to get rid of sagging and problem areas.

Casey Ho mainly offers short training. You can do a video performing it in a few laps, or combine several sessions depending on time availability and capabilities. You can also add these for your leg workouts into your fitness plan for the additional load on the muscles of the legs. To achieve quick results on the proposed exercise videos for legs at least 3 times a week 30 minutes a day.

Workout Blogilates fit for all skill levels, but experienced working in a program can seem less dynamic. All training takes place without any additional equipment, if not specified separately. Classes are presented no warm-up and cool-down, however, we recommend that you always carry them further, for example, videos from Blogilates:

  • Warm-up:
  • Hitch:

10’s low impact workout for legs from Blogilates

Workouts that are completely on the floor

1. 5 Best Thigh Slimming Exercises (10 minutes)

The workout includes 5 effective exercises for slim legs: Flexed inner thigh (left & right), Criss cross scissors Leg circle lowers, Butterfly kickouts. All exercises are performed lying on the floor and help it to effectively slender legs. Particularly active with this workout Blogilates eliminated the problem areas on the outer and inner thigh.

5 Best THIGH SLIMMING Exercises

2. Perfect Legs Workout (10 minutes)

In this program you will actively engage not only the muscles of the thighs, but the muscles of the buttocks and bark. The outer side of the thighs also will not remain without attention. Casey Ho offers the following exercises: Half clam lifter, Half clam pulse, Bloor tap, Brogger, Criss cross legs, Tiny leg circle, Leg circle.

Perfect Legs Workout | POP Pilates

3. Best Thigh Exercises for Toned Legs (11 minutes)

This program mainly consists of leg lifts in a prone position on his side, so during class, especially to actively work the outer thigh. You are waiting for the following exercises: Triangle thighs, Clamshels Extended clamshells, Pointed sideways scissors.

Best Thigh Exercises for Toned Legs! (At Home No Equipment Workout Routine)

Workouts that are standing

4. Bikini Blaster: Sexy Legs Workout (12 minutes)

For this workout you will need light dumbbells 1-2 kg, but you can do without them. Video includes interesting modifications of lunges and squatsthat will help you to engage the muscles of the buttocks and legs. Also Casey Ho offers exercises for balance and light plyometrics. Exercise: Cross lunge butt kick, Single-legged t-squat, Squat Jumps, Narrow squat, Side lunge, Lunge Kicks.

Bikini Blaster 2: Sexy Legs Workout Part 1

5. Sculpted Legs in Skinny Leggings Workout (14 minutes)

This effective ballet training with a chair will help you to effectively work on problem areas of the legs and buttocks. Casey Ho offers a few exercises, but due to multiple reps and pulsing movements of your muscles will remind myself throughout the video. You will exercise: Diamond Squats, Circlethons, Bulgarian Lunge, Bridge.

Sculpted Legs in Skinny Leggings Workout

Mixed exercises (standing and on the floor)

6. Glutes & Thighs Trimdown

The workout includes classic exercises for legs and buttocks: squats, bridge, scissors and even light jumping in the strap. The lesson is short, but quite intense exercise. You will have: Squat, Bridge, Single leg bridge, Single leg circles, scissors Sideways, Dancing animal, Plank jack.

Glutes & Thighs Trimdown!

7. Thigh Slimming Challenge

In the first half of the workout you will perform squats, lunges and swings in the second half – leg lifts lying on the floor. Especially actively being worked on buttocks and inner thighs. You are waiting for the following exercises: Side lunges, Plie squats, Leg swings, Inner thigh pulses, Side leg lifts.

30 Day Thigh Slimming Challenge

8. Legs on Fire (10 minutes)

This workout includes enough of the original exercises. If you’ve been doing for the youtube channel Blogilates, and I think that you have nothing to surprise, you can try this video. Surely, Casey will be able to offer you something new. The exercises in this program are the following: Lunge and squats, Calf attacks, Plow & squat, Diamond bridges Saddlebag shaver.

Legs on Fire | POP Pilates

9. POP Pilates: Perky Butt & Long Lean Legs

This program from Blogilates can be roughly divided into 3 parts: in the first part you will perform the exercises lying on your back, in the second part – on his knees in the third part, the coach made the ballet squats. In this video, equally effectively work your buttocks, thigh and calf, and even partially stomach muscles.

POP Pilates: Perky Butt 'n Long Lean Legs

10. Thigh Trimmer & Butt Lifter Workout

The feature of this Blogilates workout is that the exercises are carried out with fitness band. In this short video Casey offers some very good exercises for legs and buttocks, which are more complicated with the resistance of the expander. Exercise: Swinging door, The squat walk, Push, back, Push, hold, accordion Thigh, Thigh wiper.

Thigh Trimmer & Butt Lifter Workout

Bonus: Can I do 1000 Squats (45 minutes)

This exercise will help you to apriciate firm butt for 45 minutes. You are waiting for all sorts of modifications squats: classic, leg lifts, plie-squats, squats with donkey raises, squats on one leg squats and even roll over on the Mat. 1000 squats in 45 minutes is no joke. Your muscles will burn.

Can I do 1000 Squats? FULL LENGTH Version

We stress once more that for weight loss in the legs is not enough to perform regular exercises. Reduction of fat is achieved only with a daily calorie deficit. Read more about this in the article: Counting calories: popular questions and answers

See also: Top 25 best video for the inner thigh.

For tone and muscle growth’s low impact workout, Legs and glutes

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