Tropical exotic – mangosteen

The mangosteen fruit has been used in traditional medicine in various Asian countries, after which it traveled all over the world to be recognized by Queen Victoria. It is truly a storehouse of nutrients needed for growth, development and overall well-being. Different parts of this plant are used for various kinds of diseases and disorders. Consider the wonderful beneficial properties of mangosteen. Scientific studies have revealed that mangosteen contains natural polyphenolic compounds known as xanthones. Xanthones and their derivatives have a number of properties, including anti-inflammatory. Antioxidants xanthones restore cells damaged by free radicals, slow down the aging process, and prevent degenerative diseases. Mangosteen is rich in vitamin C, 100 g of fruit contains about 12% of the recommended daily intake. As a powerful water-soluble antioxidant, vitamin C provides resistance to influenza, infections, and inflammation-causing free radicals. This vitamin is vital during pregnancy: folic acid plays a significant role in the development of the fetus and the formation of new cells in the body. Mangosteen helps stimulate red blood cells, preventing the development of anemia. It improves blood flow by causing blood vessels to dilate, which protects against conditions such as atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, and chest pain. By stimulating blood flow to the eyes, the vitamin C in mangosteen has a positive effect on cataracts. The strong antibacterial and antifungal properties of mangosteen are extremely effective in boosting a weakened immune system. Its inhibitory action against harmful bacteria will benefit those suffering from tuberculosis.

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