the TOP 5 foods that you cannot eat during a diet

Nutritionists promote some products as contributing to weight loss. And the reality is just a commercial move, and their use causes the opposite effect and uncontrollable hunger. What foods should you minimize if you are on a diet?

Frozen foods

If products and preparations, you froze yourself, use them on a diet, only encouraged. When industrial frozen manufacturers are often added to ready meals, preservatives, including sodium, can hold water in the body—besides, serious doubts about the composition of meat products where high-quality raw materials at least.


Various carbohydrate crackers, bread made use of as a healthy snack. However, the net carbs on an empty stomach are quickly processed into glucose, causing a sharp spike of insulin in the blood. Hunger appears again and again. Preferable to consume snacks, in which composition together with carbohydrates, there are fats and proteins.

the TOP 5 foods that you cannot eat during a diet

Natural juices

It would seem, without preservatives and extra sugars, natural juices – only aid in losing weight. In fact, juices without fiber bad saturate the body, and the concentration in them of natural sugar is very high. As a dessert, it is better to eat on a diet one fruit.

Low-fat foods

Natural low fat the product itself is tasteless has an unpleasant texture, and therefore probably would not have had a great success among buyers. That is why manufacturers are struggling to improve the taste and add a lot of sugar and preservatives. In the end, violations of appetite and new weight.

Drinks with sugar substitutes

These drinks are actively advertised as a diet, as it does not contain sugar. In fact, sweeteners are addictive, and they influence insulin spikes are also noticeable. The best drink for weight loss – water with lemon, berries, herbal tea, or mineral water without gas.

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