5 myths about meat, which many still believe

Around the meat goes a lot of rumors and myths. Vegetarians do believe that this product begins to rot our body and impair health. Is it really so? And what are the facts about the meat we should know?

Meat is a source of cholesterol.

Opponents of meat argue that its use leads to increased bad cholesterol in the blood.

Cholesterol provides an important function in our body. It fills the cell membrane and stimulates hormone production. Liver – a record in the process, but when the cholesterol enters our body with food, this organ begins to produce hormones in smaller quantities, thus providing the desired balance in the body.

Of course, with the meat, there comes a lot of cholesterol; however, the overall picture is not particularly affected.

5 myths about meat, which many still believe

Meat rots in the gut

The point of view that meat is not digested by the body but rots in the intestine is wrong. The influence of acid and enzymes cleaves the stomach; it breaks down proteins into amino acids and fats into fatty acids in the intestine. Then through the intestinal wall, it all ends up in the bloodstream. And only the remaining fiber spends some time in the intestine, as well as any other remnants of food.

Meat provokes heart attack and type 2 diabetes.

These diseases are leading to allegations of the dangers of meat. However, scientists who conducted studies in this field have concluded that there is no connection between meat-eating and heart disease or diabetes. However, products from processed meat with lots of preservatives really increase their risk and other diseases.

5 myths about meat, which many still believe

Red meat leads to cancer.

This statement horrifies all fans of steak – red meat causing colon cancer. But, scientists do not hurry with such categorical conclusions. Any meat, as, indeed, the product that is prepared incorrectly, can trigger the disease. Overcooked food contains many carcinogens harmful to humans.

The human body is not designed to accept meat.

Opponents of meat argue that human beings are herbivores. According to research, the structure of our digestive system ready to accept food of animal origin. For example, our stomach has hydrochloric acid that breaks down protein. And the length of our intestines allows assuming that the person is somewhere between herbivore and predator.

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