The return of diapers, how is it going?

What is the return of diapers?

The return of diapers is the reappearance of the rules after childbirth, quite simply. If you are not breastfeeding, you have to wait six to eight weeks. During this time, the body is not idle! Following the sudden drop in placental hormones, the pituitary and ovarian hormonal secretion gradually starts up again. It takes 25 days minimum. During this period, we are not fertile. But… then, and even before the return of diapers, ovulation is possible… and in the absence of contraception, pregnancy too! So if we do not want to be pregnant again, we provide contraception.

When we breastfeed, when is it?

Breastfeeding pushes back the date of return of diapers. In question prolactin, the hormone of the milk secretion which keeps the ovaries at rest. Return of diapers depends on the frequency and duration of feedings, and it also varies depending on whether breastfeeding is exclusive or mixed. Difficult to give precise figures, especially as the level of prolactin differs according to the women. Suddenly, some have their return from diapers when they stop breastfeeding. Others have to wait a few weeks, and some have their period coming back while they are still breastfeeding.  


If I breastfeed, will I not be pregnant?

Breastfeeding could have a contraceptive effect if it is practiced according to a strict protocol: up to 6 months after childbirth, and by following the LAM method *. It consists of exclusively breastfeeding, with feedings lasting more than 5 minutes. You need at least 6 per day, including one at night, spaced 6 hours maximum. In addition, one must not have had his return from diapers. If a criterion is lacking, contraceptive efficacy is no longer guaranteed.


After the return of diapers, are the rules as before?

It is very variable! Those who had a painful period before becoming pregnant sometimes notice that it hurts less. Others find that their periods are heavier, or that they last longer, or are less regular … Some have warning signs such as tension in the breasts or pain in the lower abdomen, while in other bleeding happens without warning … After a nine-month break, it takes a little time for the body to resume its cruising speed.


Can we put tampons?

Yes, without worry. On the other hand, their insertion can be delicate if you have a scar of episio which is still sensitive or a few points which pull. In addition, the perineum may have lost its tone and “hold less” the tampon. At last, some moms may experience vaginal dryness, especially those who are breastfeeding, which complicates the introduction of the tampon a bit.

* LAM: Breastfeeding and Amenorrhea Method

THE EXPERT: Fanny Faure, MIDWIFE (Sète)

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