The McKenzie method for back pain. How are Mckenzie exercises performed?
The McKenzie method for back pain. How are Mckenzie exercises performed?The McKenzie method for back pain. How are Mckenzie exercises performed?

Ailments related to the spine can significantly hinder functioning, sometimes even diametrically embracing the freedom and ease of movement. Most of the remedies recommended for this ailment focus only on eliminating the symptom of pain, completely ignoring the cause of its formation. As you know, such action is only a temporary antidote. Without proper identification of the source of the pain, it is likely to reappear soon. The McKenzie method is the answer to this – which is based on identifying the causes of soreness and adapting to this type of exercise. What is this completely different method of treating the spine? What exercises are done?

The Mckenzie method – what is its phenomenon based on?

The McKenzie method was created based on the belief of its author that any ailment can be relieved by performing a few specific movements. Before the diagnostician using this method selects the right set of exercises for the patient, it will be preceded by an interview based on a diagnostic protocol dedicated to this method, determining the possible occurrence of problems in subsequent sections of the spine and limbs. The next stage is movement tests, during which subsequent parts are set in motion to locate the source of pain and its intensity during the undertaken activity. Diagnostics leads to the determination of the disorder profile.

If there is a disorder structural team, they concern abnormalities within the disc, i.e. the intervertebral disc. When it is shifted, it will probably result in radiating pain from the spine along the limbs, and additionally also sensory disturbance, numbness of the arms and legs.

Another type of disorder diagnosed with this method is dysfunctional syndrome. It indicates mechanical damage resulting from an injury when lifting a heavy object or a violent twisting of the body. With this type of disorder, pain is felt locally, localized where the injury occurred.

The last type of spinal disorders, defined by the McKenzie method, is postural syndrome. It is associated with the limitation of flexibility and mobility in movement. Typically, the causes indicate an inactive lifestyle, being in a sitting position for a long time. This syndrome is characterized by back pain, especially in the thoracic region.

Mckenzie’s exercises – selection of the method

Determining the type of disorder in the patient is the first step in preparation Mckenzie’s set of exercises supporting the process of treatment and rehabilitation. If the patient has been found to have structural disorders, i.e. disc displacement, the McKenzie method treatment is based on determining the direction of the damaged tissue movement, which allows for a skilful reconstruction of this process by moving the damaged tissues to their place. Rehabilitation consists in teaching the patient to make this movement on their own and indicating movements that increase this pain in order to limit them as much as possible.

If the patient has suffered a mechanical injury, the simplest action that is recommended in such a case is to remove this injury by performing a movement opposite to the one that caused the injury.

For people who struggle with a postural disorder, in the first stage, exercises are performed to restore mobility, and then exercises that will later shape the correct posture and maintain it permanently.

For each of the disorders, it is necessary to teach the patient to perform movements that will not cause him pain. This applies in particular to very mundane situations and cases – such as getting out of bed, taking a sitting position, or the way of going to sleep. Such therapy is also aimed at prophylactic action, protecting against the recurrence of pain, injury, ailments.

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