The course of an amniocentesis

An amniocentesis costs within 500 €. But don’t worry: she is fully covered by Social Security provided that the risk calculated by the doctors is greater than 1/250.

After having located the fetus by means of an ultrasound, the obstetrician gynecologist disinfects the skin of the mother’s stomach. Always under ultrasound control so as not to touch the baby, it pricks a very fine needle in the abdomen but a little longer than for a blood test (about 15 cm). A quantity of 20 ml of amniotic fluid is taken and sent to the laboratory for analysis. The sample only lasts a few minutes. It is not no more painful than a blood test, except possibly when the amniotic fluid is collected. The mother may then feel a feeling of tightness.

Amniocentesis can be performed either in the office of your obstetrician gynecologist or in the maternity ward, in a room provided for this purpose. It does not require no special preparation (no need to arrive on an empty stomach or drink water beforehand, as for an ultrasound). a repos is necessary, however, during 24 hours that will follow the amniocentesis. The rest of the pregnancy then proceeds normally (except in the rare cases where the examination causes complications or if an abnormality of the fetus is detected). In the event of loss of amniotic fluid in the hours or days following the sample, consult your gynecologist promptly.

Amniocentesis: establishing the fetal karyotype

From the cells of the fetus present in the amniotic fluid, a fetal karyotype is established from which it can be determined whether the number and structure of the fetal chromosomes are normal : 22 pairs of 2 chromosomes, plus the XX or XY pair which determines the sex of the baby. The results are obtained in about two weeks. Other tests can detect genetic abnormalities. The most common is the trophoblast biopsy. Performed between 10 and 14 weeks of amenorrhea, this makes it possible to obtain an earlier diagnosis, which is preferable if one must proceed to a therapeutic termination of pregnancy. However, the risk of miscarriage following this examination is higher (approximately 2%). A fetal blood puncture in the umbilical cord is also feasible but the indications remain exceptional.

Amniocentesis: the risk of miscarriage, real but minimal

Between 0,5 and 1% of pregnant women who have undergone amniocentesis subsequently miscarry.

Although minimal, the risk of miscarriage is therefore real, and often greater than the risk that the baby is actually a carrier of trisomy 21. In addition, if amniocentesis is performed between 26 and 34 weeks, it is not. more of a risk of miscarriage but a possibility of premature delivery.

Once informed by the doctor, parents can choose whether or not to perform this examination. It may sometimes, but rarely, be necessary to perform amniocentesis again if the sample is unsuccessful or if the karyotype has not been established.

Amniocentesis: Sandrine’s testimony

“For the first amniocentesis, I was not prepared at all. I was only 24 years old and I really didn’t think I would have such problems. But, after the blood test taken at the end of the first trimester, the risk of having a child with Down’s syndrome has been evaluated at 242/250. My gynecologist therefore called me to perform an emergency amniocentesis (in case the pregnancy had to be terminated). It shocked me, because I had already become very attached to my baby. All of a sudden, I might not be able to keep it. I took it really badly; I cried a lot. Fortunately my husband was there and supported me a lot! Amniocentesis was performed by my gynecologist in his office. While the amniotic fluid was being collected, he asked my husband to come out (to keep him from feeling bad). I don’t remember it hurting, but I really wish my husband had been there. I would have felt more reassured. ”

Amniocentesis: expect the worst but hope for the best

“Once the sample is taken, you still have to wait for the results for two weeks or three weeks. It’s really difficult. During this difficult time, I put my pregnancy on hold, as if I was no longer pregnant. I was trying to detach myself from this child in case I had to have an abortion. At that time, I suffered from having no support from other parents who had experienced the same thing or from doctors. Finally, I was very lucky since the results were good… A great relief! When I got pregnant for the second time, I suspected that I would have to have an amniocentesis. So I was better prepared. Until the exam, I made no effort not to attach myself to my fetus. Again, the results showed no abnormalities and my pregnancy went very well. Today my husband and month plan to have a third child. And, I hope I could benefit from this review again. Otherwise, I will not be reassured… I will always have a doubt… ”

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