the Channel Shelly Dose: an intense workout for weight loss

We have opened a new section on our website devoted to trainers from Youtube. Currently on YouTube there are tons of video channels dedicated to fitness. Today article will be devoted to coach Shelly Dose, which offers intensive programs for weight loss, fat burning and body tone.

Description fitness channel with Shelly Dose

Shelly DOS is an American certified trainer with years of experience in conducting group sessions. According to her she loves working out in the fitness classes, but special pleasure she takes classes at home. She has created a youtube channel to share my experience and introduce people to home fitness. Now the channel Shelly Dose is more than 100 different videotronic added weekly and new releases of classes.

Shelly prefers high-intensity interval training, or in other words HIIT. The video duration is usually 30-40 minutes, during this time, you will burn maximum amount of calories. The classes consist of a series of intervals of varying intensity for effective fat burning and weight loss. Including options and TABATA training. At the basis of all programs lies with cardio exercise and plyometrics, so these videos are not suitable for everyone.

Among video Shelly and DOS ‘s low impact workout, which can be enjoyed even barefooted. Such programs, though suggesting a high rate, but the load to the joints and ankle are much lower. On the channel there are also strength training for muscle tone, but most often they are combined with aerobic load. Classes will be interesting and for those who love kickboxing: have with Shelly and a few classes based on it.

Mainly for classes you do not need additional equipment: dumbbells only, and even then not in all workouts. But Shelley also tries to vary the exercises using a step platform, bosu, kettlebells, fitball. You can find classes in accordance with the sports equipment that you have available.

To understand the variety of workouts on the channel Shelly Dose, we recommend you to select playlists. There you can see the video that is generated by categories:

  • Workouts HIIT (intense interval training)
  • Arms and Abs Workout Videos (arm and abdomen)
  • 7 Day Workout Schedule (prepared weekly plan)
  • Tabata (TABATA workout)
  • Kettlebell Workout (with weights)
  • Bosu Ball Workout (with Bosu)
  • Step Workouts (with step platform)
  • Stability Ball Workouts (fitball)

The pros and cons of the workouts Shelly Dose


1. Most of the workouts Shelly DOS represent a high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This is the most effective method for losing weight and getting rid of excess weight.

2. Channel Shelly DOS you can find all possible variants of programs: interval cardio for muscle tone, kickboxing, TABATA. There are separate classes with a focus on stomach, legs or hands.

3. In the channel and options ‘s low impact workout (Low Impact) under which you are going to do to barefoot and less stress on the joints of the feet.

4. For most classes you either do not need additional equipment or just dumbbells. But Shelly also offers DOS video using a step platform, exercise ball, weights, bosu.

5. Training takes place under the cheerful music in the fiery positive.

6. Videos totally free and accessible to everyone. Shelly regularly produces new classes.


1. Most workouts are very intense. They are designed for the advanced level and good health.

2. Video shot not on a professional level. Shooting is only one front view.

30 Minute Total Body Workout, Cardio + Weights Fat Burning Circuit Training Workout

Reviews on workout Shelly Dose:


If you are ready to work on my fitness with intense interval training, then you will be able to find Shelly DOS suitable classes. Subscribe to her video channel and improve your fitness calendar new and effective programs. We also recommend you to read: Top best comprehensive programs for the advanced student.

For weight loss, Cardio workout

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