Tantra massage: how does a tantric massage take place?

Are you interested in tantra but don’t know where to start? Tantric massages can help you eroticize your sex life and discover new pleasures as a couple. Find out what tantra massages are used for, how they work and their benefits.

What is tantric massage? How to do it? Is this all some kind of “sit in silence and hope that an orgasm comes out of thin air” nonsense? We answer your questions and give you the tools to achieve tantric Narnia.

What is Tantrism?

The term Tantrism brings together a set of dogmas, rituals, texts and practices revolving around spirituality, which have strongly influenced the Hindu and Buddhist religions. This school of thought considers that sexuality can lead to a form of ecstasy, both physical and spiritual. Sex is seen there as a sacred thing, which can lead to a transcendent state. To achieve this, it is necessary to have recourse to sexual practices and rites, of which tantric massages (or tantra) are a part. These practices of sacred sexuality guide individuals towards a powerful sensory experience, where the physical body merges with the psychic to become one. Thus, with tantrism, the body is eroticized and becomes the support of orgasmic sensations. Like meditation, this form of sacred sexuality is seen as a deep personal experience, accessible to all through inner work.

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What is tantric massage?

Tantric massage, whose roots go back to ancient times, is the achievement of calm and relaxation with a partner or alone. Tantric massage, which includes not only physical practices, but also spiritual and emotional components, is designed to help clear the mind and achieve a state of acceptance.

“Tantra is not a thing that is the same for everyone, it is a philosophy of being here and now,” says tantric expert Nadia Dean of the Institute of Intimology. – Orgasm is wonderful, but this is not the goal of a tantric massage, but rather a delicious bonus. Much more important is the prolongation of intimate experience and the control of sexual liberation.”

Among the benefits of tantric sex are sexual stamina, pain relief, and better sleep.

What does a tantra massage consist of?

Tantric massages can be one of the ways to integrate tantrism into your relationship in a simple and progressive way. They awaken the senses and awaken new or unexplored sensations. Tantric massage is a sensual and passionate exchange between the two partners, which is practiced only in an intimate setting (and not in a salon for example, because of its assumed sexual nature). It is practiced naked, using massage oil. There are no techniques or movements strictly speaking: a massage that is tantric will be felt more in its intention and in the erotic intensity of the gestures. Finally, the idea is to stimulate your partner’s whole body in different ways, with slow and subtle gestures.

The establishment of a tantra massage

Tantric massage requires a minimum of preparation, especially regarding the setting in which it will take place. Make yourself comfortable in a space that is not cluttered, clean and tidy. Nothing should disturb the sensual atmosphere and the carnal atmosphere of the moment. You can optionally create a mood by lighting candles, dimming lights, or burning incense or essential oils. The idea is that the person who is going to be massaged is as comfortable and relaxed as possible. Set her up comfortably on a bed, sofa or mattress with cushions. The best is to provide a massage oil (such as vegetable oil) in order to make the glide of the movements more pleasant. Finally, tantric massage is performed naked, so remember to heat the room enough so that you or your partner does not feel cold. You have to be as relaxed as possible, and a warm atmosphere is more conducive to relaxation.

The course of a tantric massage

There are no precise movements for the course of a tantra massage. Tantric massage is part of a global way of thinking, it may not impose massage practices or specific rules. However, there are a few parameters to be taken into account, such as the fact that the whole body must be stimulated, and not just the back for example. Every part of the body should be seen as an erogenous zone and should be viewed and touched. Likewise, the more intense and varied the movements (supported, slow, then lighter at times), the stronger the exchange between the two partners. Tantra massage remains a massage, above all, imbued with love, tenderness and passion. It should not be done solely for the purpose of sexually arousing his or her partner. It should be seen as a passionate exchange that combines eroticism, spirituality and pleasure of the senses.

The benefits of tantra massages

Tantra massage allows you to refocus on your sexual energy and awaken your senses. In a couple, it can help strengthen the passion and the bond that unites you by discovering other forms of bodily and carnal pleasure for two. Likewise, thanks to its spiritual dimension, tantra makes it possible to consider the relationship to the body in another way and to associate physical pleasure with mental awakening. If you want to evolve in your relationship and experience new things in your relationship with sex, tantra can allow you to approach your sexuality differently. Finally, as for “classic” massages, tantra massages allow the recipient to relax and their whole body to relax.

How to make tantric massage

Step one

Be in the right mood. Make sure you have enough time to fully immerse yourself in the pleasure. Turn off your phones, and if you have neighbors, make sure they don’t get in your way or distract you. And you don’t have to rush anywhere: no appointments, movie tickets, or emergency calls. Nothing kills sex more effectively than haste.

step two

Get in the mood. What surrounds you plays no less a role than the massage itself. Consider air temperature, your appearance, sound, and room ambiance. Scented candles are great for creating a sensual atmosphere.

Tantra massage: how does a tantric massage take place?

Step Three

Tune in to your partner or massage therapist. Try to catch his eye and synchronize your breath. You must be on the same wavelength.

Step Four

The massage itself. Let your partner lie on his stomach. Warm the oil in your hands. Starting from the middle of the back, massage firmly towards the extremities. Imagine how the flow of energy spreads around the body. Do not let go of those areas that are usually not involved in the massage: the pads of the toes, between the fingers, the back of the hands.

Remember that this is a conscious practice, so be aware of your partner’s reactions and needs of his body at the moment. Spend at least 30 minutes stretching your body front and back.

Step Five

Start massaging your partner’s erogenous zones: chest, inner thighs, but for now avoid the genital area. If you are giving a massage to a girl, barely touch her chest, you can even connect a feather or a soft cloth, do not squeeze or wrinkle. Try alternating between different touch styles. The key to tantric massage is delay and prolongation – there is no point in immediately grabbing the clitoris or cock.

Step Six

Using oil, place one hand on your partner’s heart and the other on his genitals, mentally connecting the flow of energy between them. Starting at the perineal area (located between the anus and vaginal opening/under the testicles), gently and very slowly massage the area with the pads of your fingers.

When you feel your partner is ready, gently circle the clitoris/head of the penis, being sensitive to how your partner’s body responds. At his request, you can also perform  an internal massage. When it’s over, spend some time recognizing and living your emotions, share them with your partner, and listen carefully to their response.

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