Table etiquette: how to eat bread correctly

Bread is both a tradition of a feast, a tasty product, and an indispensable attribute of a full meal. Even if you do not eat bread, then when hosting guests, most likely, put bread on the table.

By the way, we have already said that you should not give up bread in order to lose weight. Among its many types, there are also useful ones. But how to eat bread correctly? This question is especially important when a lot of people are gathered at the table.  

Shared plate

Bread is most often placed on the table in a common plate, so if the common plate is in front of you, take the dish in your hands and offer the bread to the one on the right.


They take bread from the basket with their hands and put it either on their main plate or on a pie plate. The pie plate is always on the left, there should be a butter knife on it. Never cut bread with this knife, it exists to spread butter with it.

How to cut common bread

If the bread is not sliced, do not ask the hostess to do it. Chop it yourself. The main thing is, when you cut the bread, do not touch it with your hands. The hostess should provide that there is a kitchen towel in the bread basket that will help the guest to hold the loaf. Offer the slices to the person on the left, take them for yourself, and then pass the basket of bread to the right.

Bread in your plate

Place the bread and butter on your plate. Butter (it can be both jam and pate) from a common dish is put on a plate with a knife. Do not break the bread in half. Break off a small piece, brush it with butter and eat.

Never spread bread by weight or by placing a slice of bread in the palm of your hand. It is not hygienic. Stick a slice of bread on a plate if necessary.

It is not customary to smear the entire slice of bread and then eat it. You do not have to cut into pieces, but spread a small part that you can bite off at a time. And if during a meal you take a piece of bread in your hands, then a knife with a fork must be put on a plate.

Bread is not allowed

  • You cannot hold a piece of bread in one hand and a drink in the other.
  • If the last piece is left in the bread basket, you can take it only after you have offered it to others.
  • It is not customary at the table to wipe the remaining sauce from the bottom of the plate with bread.

Recall that earlier we talked about how to bake Japanese milk bread, and also wrote about what additives are sometimes hidden in bread. 

Delicious bread to you!


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