Scientists warn: how dangerous are plastic kitchen appliances

Scientists warn that no matter how high-quality and durable plastic may seem, you should be more careful with it. So at least that its heating (ie, interaction with hot food) can cause toxic substances in your plate.

The problem is that most kitchen spoons, soup ladles, spatulas contain oligomers – molecules that are able to penetrate food at a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius and above. In small doses, they are safe, but the more they get into the body, the higher the risks associated with liver and thyroid disease, infertility and cancer.

German scientists warn about this in a new report and note that although many plastic kitchen utensils are made of a material strong enough to withstand the boiling point, over time, the plastic still breaks down. 

An additional danger is that we do not have much research on the negative effects of oligomers on the body. And the conclusions that science operates on mainly relate to data obtained during studies of chemicals with similar structures.


And even these data suggest that already 90 mcg of oligomers is enough to pose a threat to human health weighing 60 kg. Thus, testing of 33 kitchen appliances made of plastic showed that 10% of them emit oligomers in larger quantities.

Therefore, if you can replace kitchen plastic with metal, it is better to do so.

Bless you!

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