Rizina wavy (Rhizina undulata)

  • Wavy root;
  • Helvella inflated;
  • Rhizina inflated;
  • Rhizina laevigata.

Rizina wavy (Rhizina undulata) photo and descriptionRizina wavy (Rhizina undulata) is a mushroom belonging to the Helwellian family, the genus Rizin and is its only representative.

External Description

The fruiting body of the wavy rhizina is disc-shaped. In young mushrooms, it is prostrate and flat, gradually becoming convex, with an uneven and wavy surface. The color of this fungus is brownish-chestnut, dark brown or red-brown. In young mushrooms, the edges of the fruiting body are slightly lighter from the middle, have a light yellow or white edge. The underside of the wavy rhizine is characterized by a dirty white or yellowish color, in mature mushrooms it becomes brown, covered with white (sometimes with a yellowish tinge) roots, which are called rhizoids. The thickness of these roots varies between 0.1-0.2 cm. Often the fruiting bodies of the described fungus merge with each other. The diameter of this mushroom is 3-10 cm, and the thickness is from 0.2 to 0.5 cm.

Mushroom pulp is very fragile, with a waxy surface, has a red-brown or ocher color. In mature mushrooms, it is more rigid than in young ones.

Spores of rhizina wavy are characterized by a spindle-shaped, elliptical shape. Narrow, with pointed appendages at both ends, often smooth, but sometimes their surface can be covered with small warts.

Grebe season and habitat

Wavy rhizina (Rhizina undulata) is distributed throughout the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere of the planet. This fungus occurs singly or in small groups, prefers growing in mixed or coniferous forests, bears fruit well in open and sunlit areas, on sandy soils. Often found on scorched soils, bonfires and burned areas. A fungus of this species can infect the roots of coniferous trees, which are 20-50 years old. this parasitic fungus can also kill young seedlings of needles; larch and pine often suffer from it. However, we note that the roots of deciduous trees are not affected by corrugated rhizomes.


There are no exact data on the nutritional properties of wavy rhizina. Some mycologists consider this mushroom to be an inedible or mildly poisonous species that can cause mild eating disorders. Other mushroom pickers with experience speak of wavy rhizine as an edible mushroom suitable for eating after boiling.

Rizina wavy (Rhizina undulata) photo and description

Similar types and differences from them

The wavy mushroom (Rhizina undulata) is similar in appearance to the thyroid discine (Discina ancilis). True, in the latter, the lower part has irregularly located visible veins, and the leg is shorter. Thyroid discine prefers to grow on the twirling wood of deciduous trees.

Other information about the mushroom

Rizina wavy is a parasitic fungus, large colonies of which develop in forest fires and areas where bonfires were previously made. Interestingly, the spores of this fungus can stay in the soil for a long time and be inactive if suitable conditions are not created for their development. But as soon as the environment becomes favorable, the spores of wavy rhizins begin to develop actively. This process is greatly facilitated by the presence of a thermal environment (appearing, for example, when making a fire at the location of fungal spores). The optimum temperature for their germination is 35-45 ºC. If the corrugated ridge has no competitors nearby, it quickly enough roots of trees. For several years, the activity of the parasitic fungus has been very active and leads to mass death of trees in the area. After a long period of time (several years), the fruiting of the rhizina wavy fades.

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