Reticulocytes – norm, deficiency, excess. What are the indications for the examination?

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Blood is a picture of how our body functions. Therefore, its regular examination allows you to detect irregularities in the work of systems and organs in time and introduce treatment early. Reticulocytes are one of the blood components that can be assessed by laboratory analysis. What are their standards and what do incorrect results show?

Reticulocytes – what are they?

Reticulocytes are also known as proerythrocytes. It is an immature form of red blood cells. The reticulocytes mature in the body within four days. Their formation occurs when the body begins to inform about erythrocyte deficiency. This may be related either to their natural destruction process, or to destruction as a result of diseases developing in the patient’s body. The number of immature red blood cells shows how quickly the bone marrow produces red blood cells.

Reticulocytes – indications for examination

Reticulocyte level in the body is mainly studied to diagnose anemia. Performing the test allows you to check whether the increase or decrease of reticulocytes is related to bone marrow disorders, bleeding or hemolysis. Symptoms that should worry us and most often accompany anemia include:

  1. paleness,
  2. somnolence,
  3. dizziness,
  4. frequent syncope
  5. changes in the mucous membranes of the tongue and throat,
  6. decreased immunity,
  7. concentration disorders,
  8. heart problems,
  9. dry skin
  10. brittleness of nails and hair,
  11. hair loss.

Reticulocytes – preparation for the test

Examination of the level of reticulocytes it does not require special preparation. The patient should be on an empty stomach (should not eat at least 8 hours before the examination). The test person can only drink a glass of still water about half an hour before the test.

The test itself involves taking blood from the patient, most often from the veins in the elbow flexion. It only takes a few minutes and the collected blood sample is submitted for analysis in the laboratory. Checking the level of immature red blood cells consists in calculating the ratio of mature erythrocytes to reticulocytes that have been released from the bone marrow directly into the blood. The results can be collected about a day after the test is performed.

Reticulocytes – standards

In the case of reticulocytes, the norm of their concentration in the blood is different for children and adults. Depending on age, in healthy people, the norms are as follows:

  1. 2,5-6,5 percent in newborns;
  2. 0,5-3,1 percent in infants;
  3. 0,5-2,0 percent in children and adults.

All values ​​below and above the established standards are considered an abnormal condition and may indicate a disease developing in the body.

High levels of reticulocytes

People diagnosed with an excess of immature red blood cells often struggle with haemolytic anemia, sickle cell anemia, leukemia, and chronic hypoxia. Excess reticulocytes it is also associated with the condition after bleeding and haemorrhage, as well as after spleen removal surgery. Pregnancy may also increase the level of reticulocytes.

Often, a high level of reticulocytes is manifested in the results of examinations of patients during therapy with folic acid, vitamin B12 and iron.

Low levels of reticulocytes

The cases where there is a deficiency of immature erythrocytes are:

  1. plastic anemia,
  2. pernicious anemia,
  3. iron deficiency anemia,
  4. bone marrow failure
  5. erythropoietin deficiency,
  6. anterior pituitary insufficiency,
  7. adrenal insufficiency.

Deficiency also occurs in people struggling with malignant tumors and undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy with the use of cytostatics. Low levels of reticulocytes also affect people suffering from alcoholism.

What is anemia?

The most common cause of abnormal blood reticulocyte counts is anemia. This disease is better known as anemia. It manifests itself in the results of tests with a low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood or a low level of red blood cells. There are several types of anemia in medicine.

The most common is iron deficiency anemia – it is estimated that it may affect up to 25 percent. women between 20 and 50 years of age. Unfortunately, anemia is still neglected by many patients. This is a huge mistake. Failure to find its causes can have very serious consequences for your health and life.

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