Chloramphenicol – action, indications, contraindications and dosage

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Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic drug that should only be used in exceptional circumstances. The list of side effects caused by this antibiotic is so long that you must not deviate from the doctor’s recommendations when using chloramphenicol. How does chloramphenicol work and what are the indications for the use of this antibiotic?

Chloramphenicol – mechanism of action

Chloramphenicol is a bacteriostatic antibiotic. It was first isolated in 1947 by Paul Burkholder and his associates. They obtained it from gram-positive products of Streptomyces venezuelae. Currently, chloramphenicol is obtained synthetically. The mechanism of the antibacterial action of chloramphenicol is based on the blocking of protein biosynthesis in the ribosomes. This antibiotic shows bacteriostatic properties against staphylococci and gram-negative rods against the Enterobacteriaceae family, while it is bactericidal against Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitidis. Chloramphenicol is fat-soluble, while it is insoluble in water. The parenteral form of the drug is water-soluble.

Chloramphenicol – indications for use

Chloramphenicol is used topically in the case of skin, eyeball or ear infections. The use of chloramphenicol carries a significant risk of serious side effects, therefore it should be used only in exceptional circumstances. Chloramphenicol is taken as an alternative antibiotic for the treatment of meningitis, brain abscesses, lung infections, typhoid fever, brucellosis, rickettsial disease and tularemia.

Chloramphenicol – when not to use the drug?

Chloramphenicol cannot be used by all patients who may need it. Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug is a contraindication to the use of chloramphenicol. It is prohibited to take chloramphenicol in the case of acute porphyria, bone marrow disease and during the period of preventive vaccinations or during desensitization. Chloramphenicol should not be used by patients who suffer from renal or hepatic insufficiency. Moreover, this antibiotic is not indicated for the treatment of newborns, including premature babies. Treatment with chloramphenicol is allowed only when no other therapy is available.

Chloramphenicol – dosage

The dosage of chloramphenicol is determined by the physician prescribing this antibiotic. According to the leaflet, topical chloramphenicol can be used 3 times a day. Adults can take a dose of 2-4 g per day, which should be divided into 4 servings. The maximum total dose of this antibiotic is 25 g for the entire treatment period. For children and infants, the total dose should not exceed 700 mg per kilogram body weight. Treatment with chloramphenicol should not exceed 14 days.

Chloramphenicol – side effects

The use of chloramphenicol, as previously noted, may cause side effects. The most common ones include:

  1. after administration – dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic symptoms, dizziness and headaches, anemia;
  2. toxicity – prolonged therapy or too high doses may have a negative effect on the bone marrow;
  3. gray baby syndrome – a complication that is associated with abdominal distension, vomiting, increasing cyanosis, irregular breathing and circulatory failure;
  4. yeast superinfections;
  5. aplastic anemia.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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