The Perfect Morning: 8 Simple Tips

8 simple recommendations for a “perfect morning”:

1. Dream. Get enough sleep, but don’t oversleep. It is extremely important to get enough sleep and sleep at night. The fact is that the hormones responsible for appetite and satiety are subject to circadian (daily) rhythms and, as studies show, insufficient sleep or lack of sleep at night leads to an increase in appetite, thereby contributing to overeating and the appearance of excess weight. Full sleep for everyone has a different duration, on average from 6 to 8 hours. But don’t oversleep! The habit of sleeping off on the weekends or sleeping in the afternoon leads to an imbalance of hormones, general lethargy, apathy and contributes to weight gain. 

2. Water. Start your morning with a glass of warm water. The ideal water temperature is about 60C, if desired, you can add a little lemon juice to it. Water, especially water with lemon, is a good way to activate the digestive system and the body as a whole, promotes morning defecation (cleansing the intestines) and weight loss. 

Keep in mind that hot water can overstimulate your appetite and interfere with your morning rituals before breakfast. Don’t forget to also drink water throughout the day. Contrary to popular belief, there is no need to drink only 2-3 liters of pure water, the water available to the body is found in fruits, vegetables, and even tea and coffee. It is most reasonable to drink water not in glasses, but in sips, while learning to track the feeling of thirst. It is also helpful to drink 0,5-1 glass of water before each meal. And avoid cold and even more so ice water and sweet lemonades. 

3. Charger. Start your day with a little exercise. It can be 5-10 minutes of hatha yoga, joint gymnastics, or 1-2 minutes in a horizontal bar. This will tone the whole body and awaken the mind. In addition, a little physical activity before breakfast helps stabilize blood sugar levels, which blocks hunger and prevents overeating at breakfast. 

4. Meditation. Spend at least five minutes each morning focusing on the present moment. The practice is simple: sit comfortably with a straight back in a quiet place, pay attention to the state of your mind, track thoughts and feelings. Meditation is devoid of tension and does not involve effort and making changes to what is happening. You just watch what is and don’t try to interfere with it in any way. Numerous studies have shown that a short morning meditation helps to reduce weight and control eating habits.   

5. Protein breakfast. Do not neglect breakfast, because in fact it sets the course for the whole day. Only a few people benefit from making breakfast light or even do without it, for the rest, a hearty breakfast is an important meal. Breakfast determines whether you will feel full and satisfied until lunch or endless snacking. Protein for breakfast promotes weight loss by reducing levels of ghrelin, a hormone that is responsible for appetite. But a breakfast with a lot of carbohydrates increases the secretion of ghrelin and thus only stimulates the appetite and prevents satiety. Accordingly, oatmeal or muesli for breakfast is not the best option. It is wiser to use cottage cheese, yogurt, cheeses, nuts, seeds, protein cereals, such as quinoa or amaranth, and others for breakfast.


6. Two hour break. Discipline your mind. At first, set an alarm and keep a two-hour pause between breakfast and the next meal (you can extend the pause up to 5 hours). This simple practice will not only give you more control over your eating habits, but will be a good tool for self-discipline. Plus, maintaining long pauses between meals helps to unload the body and restore the enzymatic system. 

7. Sun. Just open the curtains. Sunlight has a positive effect on the nervous system, including the secretion of “hunger” hormones, which helps to get rid of excess weight. So open the windows or, if the sun is out, take a 15-minute morning walk. Sunlight exposure is also the best way to meet your body’s vitamin D needs. And getting enough vitamin D can help you lose weight and even help prevent weight gain. On average, being in the sun for 15 minutes (assuming most of the skin remains open) is the optimal time for the body to produce sufficient levels of vitamin D. If you live “without the sun, then you should consider taking a vitamin D in the form of dietary supplements.


8. A diary. Start your “perfect day” by writing a to-do list and try to stick to that course throughout the day. Before going to bed, review your morning list and review (oral or written) the entire day. Mark important events, achievements, failures, evaluate your condition at all levels: physical, mental, emotional, etc. This simple practice promotes a deeper experience and promotes inner growth. Keeping a food diary throughout the day is a simple method of self-discipline that is often underestimated. Meanwhile, studies have shown that this simple technique is not only useful for weight loss, but also favorable for the discipline as a whole. 

A few small changes to your morning habits can be the key to a “good day” and an easy way to maintain balance and vitality. Plus, it has a positive effect on weight loss and overall health improvement. Don’t neglect the morning!



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