My child is coughing, what should I do?

Cough in children, what is it?

Initially, your child may have encountered a infectious agent (virus, bacteria), allergens (pollens, etc.), irritating substances (pollution and certain chemicals in particular) … We must consider the cough as a natural reaction of the body, which seeks to defend itself. When a baby or child is coughing, it may be appropriate to try to identify the type of cough they are making, if only to react accordingly.

What are the types of coughs in children?

Child’s dry cough

We speak of a dry cough in the absence of secretions. In other words, the role of a dry cough is not to remove the mucus that clogs the lungs. It is a cough known as “irritative”, sign of an irritation of the bronchi, which is often present at the beginning of a cold, an ear infection or a seasonal allergy. Although it is not accompanied by secretions, a dry cough is nonetheless a cough that tires and hurts. Briefly, she can meet during a pleural effusion (pleurisy), whooping cough, viral pneumopathies (measles, adenoviruses, etc.). Note that the dry cough which is accompanied by wheezing must be reminiscent of asthma or bronchiolitis.

A fatty cough in children

A fatty cough is said to be “productive” because it is accompanied by mucus secretions and water. The lungs thus evacuate microbes, the bronchi are self-cleaning. Sputum phlegm may occur. A fatty cough usually occurs during a big cold or a bronchitis, when the infection “falls into the bronchi”.

Signs associated with coughing

Some children cough so chronic. Their symptoms? Temporary episodes of fever; continuous discharge from the nose; transient eye discharge; rales of bronchitis during auscultation; mild inflammation of the eardrums. In front of a persistent cough, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Why is my child coughing at night?

Due to lying position, the child’s cough may increase at night. It is recommended to sit or straighten the child by sliding a pillow under his mattress, at the level of his chest or his head, for example. These positions will relieve him quickly enough and help him breathe better.

My child is coughing, what should I do?

In case of dry cough

Le miel and thyme infusions are the first approaches to consider in case of a dry cough, to calm the irritation.

Depending on the age of the child, the doctor or pediatrician may prescribe a sirop antitussif. This will act directly in the area of ​​the brain that controls the cough reflex. In other words, a cough syrup will soothe a dry cough, but will not cure the cause, which will have to be identified or even treated elsewhere. Obviously, you should not use a cough syrup for a dry cough to treat a fatty cough, as the infection may worsen.

In case of heavy coughing fits

Wash your nose regularly with physiological serum or with seawater spray, and give the child plenty of water to drink, in small amounts. This will help to thin the secretions, which will evacuate better.

As long as the child’s oily cough does not cause him regurgitation or does not interfere with his breathing, it is better to be content to relieve his cough by lining his mucous membranes and protecting them with honey, thyme herbal teas, and unclogging his nose.

Also maintain the temperature of his room at 20 ° C. To humidify the atmosphere, you can place a bowl of water on its radiator in which you have diluted four drops eucalyptus or thyme essential oil, with softening and antitussive virtues. Provided, of course, to put this bowl out of his reach.

While waiting for this virus to break down, you can give your child some paracetamol if he has a fever over 38 ° C. If the fever or cough persists, or if it is a baby, you should see a doctor or go to the emergency room.


What medicine to calm a cough in children?

The thinners or expectorants, prescribed until now to treat fatty coughs, have never proven their effectiveness. Moreover, few are still reimbursed by Social Security.

As for cough suppressants, they should be reserved for dry coughs that prevent your child from sleeping, for example. In the event of a fatty cough, if you give him this type of syrup, you risk worsening his condition and causing superinfection of the bronchi.

Persistent cough in children: when to worry? When to consult?

Watch out for superinfection. If this cough persists for more than a week, if it is accompanied sputum, fever, pain, take your child to the doctor. He may be suffering from a secondary bacterial infection or inflammation of the bronchi (bronchitis). The general practitioner will prescribe a little rest, antibiotics to kill the bacteria or stop their proliferation, a antipyretic (paracetamol) and possibly symptomatic drugs. Your child’s immune system will be strengthened and able to cope with the infection.

Don’t panic if he vomits. If your little one has a very fatty cough, he may regurgitate, especially at breakfast. He has swallowed his nasal secretions all night and when he begins to cough, the effort causes stomach contents to rise. To prevent this little incident, consider giving him a drink a glass of water when you wake up to liquefy its secretions.

Emergencies in case of cough in children


If your baby under 3 months old has a dry cough, rapid, wheezing breathing, call the doctor on duty right away or take him to the emergency room. He probably suffers from bronchiolitis, a viral infection that rages every year from the end of October to March and which can be serious in a very young baby. If your child is older, make an appointment with the doctor. He will no doubt prescribe respiratory physiotherapy sessions to relieve his bronchial tubes.


If your child wakes up in the middle of the night with loud breathing and a cough similar to bark, immediately call the doctor on duty. These are typical signs of laryngitis, an inflammation of the larynx that prevents air from passing properly. While waiting for the doctor to arrive, stay calm and install your child in the bathroom. Close the door and turn on the hot water tap as far as possible. The ambient humidity will gradually reduce the edema which makes it difficult for him to breathe.

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