Magic and psychology: what do they have in common?

In the XNUMXst century, magic and psychology still coexist in the same territory. It seems that they really have a lot in common: both there and there there is a place not only for irrational phenomena, but also for the real miracle itself. A specialist talks about mystical tools in psychology and the demand for magic.

Fortune tellers, astrologers and other esotericists are usually excellent psychologists. Of course, they are more intuitive than graduates, but still they have a high level of empathy.

At the same time, grateful clients also often call an intelligent psychologist a real magician. This is how the collective unconscious guesses the connection between psychological science and mysticism. Let’s take a closer look at these parallels.

Querent, native, client

First of all, both magic and psychology are united by a person who comes to solve an issue. In Tarot terminology, he is called a querent, in astrology — a native, in psychology a client.

So far, magic sells better than psychology: it is much older and more “experienced”, does not say that you have to work hard on yourself, and plays on people’s endless faith in a miracle, a magic pill that will relieve problems without any extra effort.

Nevertheless, psychology has recently been gaining ground — the level of awareness of society is growing, and many are beginning to understand that even a fortuneteller must come with a clear request, which a psychologist will help to formulate.

Cognition of the subtle worlds

In addition, magic and psychology work with the finest matter — the inner world of a person. But if science is guided by pure logic, then its competitors turn to intuitive spheres.

It is the mind-boggling unknown that attracts the «rich and famous» to mystical techniques. Such people have achieved material success. As a rule, they already work with psychologists, but want something more. For them, it is not so much the basis that is important, but the superstructure: the use of spiritual practices, the opportunity to touch the subtle worlds.

Universe Signs

Divination by Tarot, drawing up natal charts in astrology, conspiracies of shamans — all these are psychotechnics, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by centuries of practice. No wonder the founder of analytical psychology and the author of the theory of archetypes and the collective unconscious Carl Jung called horoscopes the first step of humanity towards psychology.

All this ancient knowledge, with its magical appeal, can serve well in the hands of a competent psychologist, if used as tools for psychodiagnostics or psychocorrection. With some people, for example, it is better not just to have a classic psychotherapy session, but to make a Tarot alignment and convey the necessary knowledge as a kind of sign of the Universe.

Not just a psychologist

Some clients say so: “You are not just a psychologist, but you also own Tarot and astrology.” That is, psychology for them is “simple”. Five years of specialty, years of practice and postgraduate study, Ph.D. defense — all this is not as impressive as the possession of «ancient knowledge». But the secret is to use «magic» in conjunction with common sense and the laws of psychology.

For example, with the help of astrology, a client who believes in magic can be told about his strengths and areas of growth — qualities that still need to be worked on.

The layout on the Tarot, in turn, includes associations, and, looking at the card, a person understands how to solve the problem. Therefore, if you ask competent questions at the Tarot session, you will get a full-fledged psychological consultation with additional techniques. When the client believes in the method, his work with the psychologist is more effective.

Mix but do not shake

The richer the psychologist’s arsenal of tools, the greater the range of tasks he is able to solve. Alternative methods are a competitive advantage in a market where magic sells so well.

Esotericists will also benefit from classical psychological education. It is necessary to be able to recognize the true problem and redirect the client to another specialist in time. For example, at the peak of the pandemic, people asked to lay out Tarot cards for the presence of coronavirus or antibodies. It is clear that in such cases you should not leave the one who came to you for help, one on one with you.

In any case, neither magic nor psychology works if the person himself does not work. The responsibility for improving the quality of life is only in our hands. But in what ways to achieve the desired changes, everyone decides for himself.

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