How are food and mood related?

6 facts linking food and mood

If you eat bad, polluting food, then you will feel oppressed. Healthy foods open up a life full of light. What do you need to know to always be in a good mood?

There are two types of carbohydrates: complex and refined. Complex carbohydrates are found in vegetables, fruits, and some nuts and seeds. Refined carbohydrates are found in processed foods, which typically contain refined sugar. Such carbohydrates have no nutritional value, contaminate blood vessels, increase blood sugar levels and lead to insulin insensitivity. Worse yet, refined carbohydrates from white sugar, white flour, or corn syrup impair brain function by interfering with the proper release of neurotransmitters.

Thanks to carbohydrates, the body produces serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood and regulates sleep and wakefulness. Carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits, gluten-free grains like quinoa and buckwheat are ideal for brain function and mood.

Gluten is an indigestible protein found in wheat. Is the gluten-free label just a marketing ploy or something more? A number of people are intolerant to gluten, which causes them mood swings. Why is this happening?

Studies say that gluten can reduce tryptophan levels in the brain. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid and is critical for the production of serotonin and melatonin. Both of these neurotransmitters play a direct role in mood balance. Gluten also affects the thyroid, and hormonal imbalances and mood swings go hand in hand. It’s best to avoid gluten and opt for grains like quinoa and buckwheat.

Grabbing a cup of coffee when you wake up to get your brain working? Although many people believe that caffeine will give them an energy boost, this is not entirely true. Calories are the only source of energy. Excessive consumption of caffeine only causes exhaustion.

Although coffee can cause a temporary mood boost, its abuse leads to the opposite effect – nervousness and anxiety. As a psychotropic drug, coffee blocks adenosine receptors in the brain and causes negative mental symptoms, up to depression.

To stay awake, you need to get enough sleep, exercise, and eat healthy foods.

If you’re eating processed industrial foods, don’t be surprised if you’re in a bad mood. These foods lack vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Whole foods are sorely lacking in the diet of people. But they are rich in nutrients and uplifting.

The thyroid gland regulates hormones, including those responsible for mood. Sadness can be a symptom of thyroid problems. Because of these diseases, thousands of people suffer from depression. The most important substance that supports the thyroid gland is iodine. But most people suffer from an iodine deficiency in their diet. Therefore, it is necessary to take iodine supplements to maintain a good mood.

Before scolding your child for finding a cache of sweets, remember that a moderate amount of chocolate is very healthy. You just need to choose the right variety. Organic dark chocolate, with at least 65-70% cocoa content, is rich in antioxidants and essential for brain stimulation. It also contains tyramine and phenethylamine, two energizing compounds that are recommended for people prone to depression.

A growing body of research is pointing to the connection between food and mood. Medications are not always appropriate for the treatment of mental problems. It is enough just to choose a diet that will give the brain all the necessary elements to be in shape.

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