Laryngeal cancer – causes, symptoms, treatment

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Laryngeal cancer is more common in men than in women because statistically more men smoke cigarettes. The first symptoms include: chronic hoarseness, frequent coughing up, voice change, cough and shortness of breath. The type of treatment for laryngeal cancer depends on the stage of the disease.

Laryngeal cancer – causes and symptoms

The most common causes of laryngeal cancer are cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse and chronic laryngitis. The risk group also includes people with chromium, nickel, uranium, and asbestos in their environment, as well as people after burns and laryngeal injuries. Teachers, singers and other people who work with their voice are another group at risk of developing laryngeal cancer. One of the reasons is also a viral infection that leads to the development of laryngeal papillomas.

The symptoms of laryngeal cancer include:

  1. hoarseness for more than 2-3 weeks
  2. foreign body sensation in the throat
  3. voice change,
  4. expectoration of an increased amount of sputum,
  5. sore throat radiating towards the ear
  6. shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing
  7. coughing and spitting blood
  8. swollen lymph nodes in the neck;
  9. unexplained weight loss
  10. general weakness and fatigue,
  11. unnatural pale skin.

Laryngeal cancer – diagnosis

Diagnosing laryngeal cancer begins with an ENT examination, which consists of palpation of the neck and laryngoscopy. As a result of these tests, the nature and area of ​​neoplastic changes are determined, and samples are also taken for histopathological examination. Additional diagnostic tests are ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment of laryngeal cancer

Treatment of laryngeal cancer depends on its stage. A tumor in a less advanced stage requires surgical removal or chordektomii (removal of the occupied vocal cord). The disease in an advanced stage can lead to laryngectomy (removal of the larynx). During partial laryngectomy, the patient retains his voice and proper breathing. When complete, the patient loses not only the larynx, but also the surrounding lymph nodes. One of the methods of laryngeal cancer surgery is endoscopic laser chordectomy. This procedure is performed through the oral cavity. After the larynx is completely removed, surgeons perform tracheostomy, i.e. the exit of the trachea to the front of the neck.

Laryngeal cancer prophylaxis

Doctors who have been dealing with the prevention of neoplastic diseases for years and have repeated ad nauseam – it is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, you should avoid exposure to factors that may cause disease, e.g. smoking or inhaling toxic substances. People who use the voice in their professional work should learn to speak in such a way that the vocal cords are as little stressed as possible. Even minor infections of the throat and larynx must not be underestimated, and each prolonged hoarseness lasting more than two weeks should motivate us to an ENT consultation. People suffering from vitamin A deficiency must take it regularly.

It is estimated that nearly 70 percent. cancer is caused by the influence of harmful environmental factors and our inappropriate habits. So much depends on ourselves. The best prevention of laryngeal cancer is:

  1. Stop smoking. Tobacco smoke contains about 4 harmful substances, over 40 of which are carcinogenic. Smoking is directly related to 90 percent. lung cancer cases, 80-90 percent cases of cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx and esophagus. It is also responsible for 30 percent. bladder and pancreatic cancer. Two years after quitting the addiction, the risk of developing the disease is significantly reduced, and after 15-20 years it is the same as in people who have never smoked.
  2. Diet. According to specialists, the wrong one is responsible for at least 30 percent. neoplastic diseases. They even managed to establish a culprit grocery list. These include fats, especially fried and rancid, table salt, alcohol, saccharin, some ingredients of coffee, black tea, edible mushrooms, beer. Preservatives, dyes and food flavors also have a potential carcinogenic effect. But in the prevention of cancer, the origin of food products is also important. Food produced in ecologically contaminated areas may contain nitrosamines (they accumulate in vegetables), which contribute to the development of gastrointestinal and urinary cancer. Vegetables and fruit harvested from roadside fields and orchards are stuffed with heavy metals (e.g. cadmium, lead, cesium) and can provoke cancers of the genitourinary system. Equally dangerous is benzopyrene formed during grilling, smoking and in fat that is reused many times. Moldy nuts and grain products contain aflatoxin, which can cause stomach and liver cancer.
  3. Viral infections. Their relationship with the formation of certain types of cancer is indisputable. Hepatitis B and C viruses take the biggest tolls, which can cause liver cancer. The first one managed to tame with a vaccine. The second – unfortunately – still goes unpunished. Cervical, vaginal, vulvar and rectal cancer can be caused by the genital herpes virus (herpes type II, HSV II) and the human papillomavirus (HPV). Epstein-Barr virus (EPV) allows Hodgkin’s disease, lymphomas, and cancers of the nose and throat to develop.

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