Bee hotels

Albert Einstein argued that if bees disappear from the face of the Earth, then humanity can only exist for four years … Indeed, with the disappearance of bees, the crops pollinated by them will also disappear. Can you imagine your life without, for example, nuts, berries, citrus fruits, coffee, watermelons, melons, apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, peppers? And all this can disappear along with the bees … Now the bees are actually disappearing and the problem is getting worse every year. The intensive use of pesticides and the disappearance of the habitual habitats of bees contribute to the decrease in the number of pollinating insects. This problem is especially acute in cities where there are simply no places left suitable for nesting bees. In this regard, the so-called “bee hotels” are becoming increasingly popular. Contrary to popular belief, not all bees prefer to live in hives. More than 90% of bees do not like to live in a team and prefer their own nests. Bee hotels come in all shapes and sizes, but there are a few must-haves. First, when building nests for bees, it is desirable to use materials such as wood, bamboo, tiles, or old brickwork. Secondly, the holes should have a slight slope so that rainwater does not enter the dwelling. And thirdly, so that the bees do not get hurt, the holes must be made even and smooth inside. A hotel specially designed for Mason’s red bees. Bees of this species are 50 times more effective in pollinating plants than ordinary pollinating insects. At the same time, Mason’s red bees are not at all aggressive and can easily coexist with human habitation. This hotel has 300 nests The largest bee hotel in Europe is located in England based on materials  

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