Mercury thermometer – how does it work? What to do when it crashes?

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The mercury thermometer is a device used to measure temperature. Although it was discontinued in 2009, it is still used in many homes. How does a mercury thermometer work? What to do when it breaks down?

The mercury thermometer – when was it invented?

Work on constructing a device for measuring temperature lasted from the XNUMXth century. Galileo created a device called a thermoscope, which led through a tube to a container with water – its level depended on the temperature change. However, the device had a drawback in that it also responded to changes in air pressure.

In the 1734th century, the Tuscan prince Ferdinand II made the tube independent of pressure fluctuations. The first thermometer to resemble modern temperature measuring devices was created by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in the XNUMXth century, using the properties of mercury. Initially, the Fahrenheit scale was used to measure temperature, but it was replaced by the Celsius scale created in XNUMX.

Worth knowing

The modern mercury thermometer is an invention of Thomas Clliford Allbus, which not only reduced not only the dimensions of the device, but also the measurement time from 20 to 5 minutes.

Mercury thermometer – how does it work?

A mercury thermometer is an elongated tube (called a capillary) made of glass. Inside is mercury, which expands under the influence of temperature, pushing it upwards, where conditions similar to a vacuum prevail.

Due to the poisonous properties of mercury, which is the only metal remaining in liquid form under normal conditions, on April 3, 2009, the European Union decided to completely withdraw mercury thermometers from circulation, which does not mean that many homes still do not use them. However, special care should be taken when taking the temperature, especially in the case of children.

To safely measure the temperature, it is worth ordering the Fever Set: a contactless thermometer + a gel compress, thanks to which you can quickly cool the body in the event of a fever.

  1. Know the symptoms of mercury poisoning

Mercury thermometer – how to use it?

The method of using the mercury thermometer depends on where you want to measure the temperature. Regardless of this, before each use, the device should be shaken to set the indicator on the level of 35,6 degrees. If you measure the temperature in the armpit, the mercury thermometer should be pressed lightly, but not so tightly as not to knock the device. If the temperature rises above 37,5 degrees, it means a fever. A level between 36,6 and 37,5 indicates a low-grade fever.

  1. Why is the human body temperature 36,8 degrees Celsius?

We can also measure the temperature in the mouth. Before use, wipe the capillaries with salicylic alcohol or food alcohol. The temperature in the mouth is around 36,8 degrees. It will show a fever above 37,5 degrees.

The most accurate measurement is obtained by measuring the temperature in the rectum. This method is most often recommended for children who will not be able to hold the device properly in their mouth or armpit. Before using the thermometer, coat it with oil or petroleum jelly, and then insert it to a depth of about 2 cm. The rectal temperature is around 37,1 degrees. We talk about fever when the indicator is above 38 degrees.

  1. Baby thermometer – which one to choose?

Mercury thermometer – what to do if it breaks?

If the mercury thermometer is broken, proceed very quickly. First of all, in the room where the mercury has been spilled, open the windows to ventilate the interior.

The next step is to carefully collect the liquid into a tightly closed jar or plastic bag. The mercury must be collected with rubber gloves. The liquid can be sprinkled with garden sulfur or soil for flowers, which will neutralize its poisonous properties.

The jar or bag should be taken to a place where mercury is disposed of or to a pharmacy where there is a special container for this type of hazardous substances.

It is much safer to purchase an Electronic Thermometer with a flexible BRAUN PRT1000 tip, which is safe and convenient to use. Discover the full range of thermometers available on Medonet Market and choose the one that will suit you best.

This must not be done!

If the mercury thermometer breaks, it must not be cleaned with household cleaners, especially those containing ammonia and chlorine, as well as vacuuming or touching with a brush, because vapors may escape from mercury “balls” – they are dangerous to humans.

Mercury thermometer – what to replace with mercury?

After mercury thermometers were withdrawn from circulation, the demand for replacement thermometers increased. They are constructed with the use of liquids which, first of all, have a very low freezing point and, at the same time, a very high boiling point, as well as high and linear thermal expansion. Such liquids include isopropanol and galinstane, which is an alloy of metals.

We recommend the TM-CLASSIC waterproof electronic thermometer with a flexible tip, which you can buy at a favorable price at Medonet Market.

Are mercury-free thermometers effective?

Mercury-free thermometers replaced the popular mercury-containing devices. Instead, it is most commonly used environmentally friendly galinstane to measure body temperature. They correctly indicate the result, therefore they are effective and, above all, safer. Typically, a mercury-free thermometer is also packaged with a shaker. The price of the device is about PLN 25.

Electronic thermometers are also available on the pharmaceutical market and are becoming more and more popular. At Medonet Market you can buy non-contact thermometers at favorable prices, incl. Neno Medic T02 or Neno Medic T05 with the function of measuring the temperature of the liquid.

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