Extension of one hand on the triceps sitting in a tilt
  • Muscle group: Triceps
  • Type of exercise: Isolation
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Dumbbells
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner
Разгибание одной руки на трицепс сидя в наклоне Разгибание одной руки на трицепс сидя в наклоне
Разгибание одной руки на трицепс сидя в наклоне Разгибание одной руки на трицепс сидя в наклоне

Flattening one hand on the triceps sitting in the slope — technique of the exercise:

  1. Sit on a horizontal bench. Take in one hand and a dumbbell with a neutral grip (palm facing you).
  2. Bend your knees and lean forward, bending at the waist as shown in the figure. Keep your back straight, almost parallel to the floor. Head raised.
  3. Part of the arm from shoulder to elbow is aligned with the line of the torso, parallel to the floor. Arm is bent at the elbow at a right angle so that the forearm is perpendicular to the floor. This will be your initial position.
  4. Keeping the shoulder immobile, Flex the triceps to lift the weight up, straightening your arm. During the execution of this movement breathe out. The movement is only the forearm.
  5. After a short pause on inhale, slowly lower the dumbbells, returning arm to starting position.
  6. Complete the required number of repetitions.
  7. Change hand and repeat the exercise.


  1. You can also perform this exercise with both hands simultaneously.
  2. Instead of dumbbells, you can use the handle of a wire rope lower block. In this case, hold the handle spinaround grip (palm facing up) or neutral grip (palm facing body). If you decide to use a rope handle, in this case, do the exercise with a neutral grip.
exercises for the arms exercises triceps exercises with dumbbells
  • Muscle group: Triceps
  • Type of exercise: Isolation
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Dumbbells
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner

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