Fasting: pros and cons

Fasting refers to abstaining from food for 16 hours or longer, for a certain number of days or weeks. There are several varieties, for example, fasting on fruit juices and water with the rejection of solid food; dry fasting, which involves the absence of any food and liquid for several days. Fasting has both supporters and opponents, each of which is right in its own way. In this article, we look at the benefits of short-term and the risks of long-term fasting. Reasons why it is recommended to avoid prolonged (more than 48 hours) fasting: During fasting, or starvation, the body turns on an “energy-saving mode.” The following happens: metabolism slows down, cortisol production increases. Cortisol is a stress hormone produced by our adrenal glands. During illness or stress, the body releases more of this hormone than it normally does. High levels of cortisol in the body lead to feelings of physical, mental and emotional stress. With prolonged absence of food, the body produces less thyroid hormones. A low level of thyroid hormones significantly slows down the overall metabolism. During fasting, appetite hormones are suppressed, but they are fully enhanced when returning to the usual diet, which results in a constant feeling of hunger. Thus, with a slow metabolism and increased appetite, a person runs the risk of gaining weight quickly. Let’s move on to the pleasant… What are the benefits of fasting up to 48 hours? Studies in mice have shown that intermittent fasting can improve brain function by reducing oxidative stress. Oxidative (or oxidative) stress is associated with brain aging. This can injure cells, impair memory and learning ability. Intermittent fasting has been shown to reduce several indicators of cardiovascular disease by reducing triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins, and blood pressure. It is also worth noting that fasting inevitably leads to weight loss, which has a positive effect on the state of the heart. Cell proliferation (their rapid division) plays an important role in the formation of a malignant tumor. Many studies evaluating the relationship of diet to cancer risk use cell proliferation as an indicator of effectiveness. The results of an animal study confirm that one-day fasting can reduce the risk of cancer by reducing cell proliferation. Fasting promotes autophagy. Autophagy is the process by which the body rids itself of damaged and defective cell parts. During fasting, a large amount of energy previously spent on digestion is focused on the “repair” and cleansing process. Finally, a general recommendation to our readers. Have your first meal at 9 am and your last meal at 6 pm. In total, the body will have 15 hours left, which will already have a positive effect on weight and well-being.

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