
As a field of applied psychology, developmental psychology is concerned with the practice of human development through psychological methods.

Developmental psychology and psychological training

The relationship between developmental psychology and psychological learning is unclear. Most likely, these are overlapping sets. It seems that a major part of developmental psychology is psychological learning. At the same time, it is obvious that some area of ​​psychological education does not set the goal of development and is not involved in development. And there is an assumption that some processes of psychological development can take place outside of psychological training.

Developmental psychology and psychotherapy

In practice, psychotherapeutic and developmental work are quite closely intertwined, sometimes used simultaneously. However, it is important to distinguish these approaches. When a patient who needs psychotherapy gets to developmental trainings, both the patient himself and the participants of the training next to him suffer. When a vigorous and healthy person gets into psychotherapy sessions (which can sometimes be inaccurately called personal growth trainings), he has:

  • or a false opinion is formed about what growth and development of a person is (“This is for the sick!”),
  • or he himself will not become ill for some time. This happens too…

How to determine how this specialist works or what is the focus of this group? See Psychotherapy and Developmental Psychology

Difficulties in the development of developmental psychology

Developmental psychology is a young approach, and some difficult moments in the formation of this approach can be noted. See Difficulties in Developmental Psychology

Developmental psychology as a direction of practical psychology and as an academic science

As an academic science, developmental psychology studies the psychological changes of a person as they grow up. See Developmental psychology as an academic science

Positive psychology

Positive psychology is a branch of psychological knowledge and psychological practice, in the center of which is the positive potential of a person. Supporters of positive psychology believe that the paradigm of modern psychology should be changed: from negativity to positivity, from the concept of illness to the concept of health. The object of research and practice should be the strengths of a person, his creative potential, the healthy functioning of an individual and the human community. Positive psychology seeks to draw the attention of psychologists to what people do well, to understand and use in psychological practice the adaptive and creative elements of the human psyche and behavior, to explain in terms of psychology why, despite all the difficulties that surround them in the outside world, most people live a meaningful life that you can be proud of. See →

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