Dancing for weight loss

To study at home, you do not need to look for additional funds and have a suitable level of training. It is enough to carve out some free time when it is convenient for you. Doing all of the dances can help you lose weight, but not exactly the same. If you are doing single dances, then you get the maximum physical load on all muscles, without exception.

Where to dance for weight loss?

First of all, you need to decide on the type of dance: it should be interesting for you. After that, you need to decide on the place where you will dance: it should be spacious and not cause discomfort. The room should also be bright, this will accompany a good mood. You can also take care of the presence of mirrors to closely examine the imperfections in the movements.


The absence of a telephone, a husband with children, and pets in the room is good for training. That’s it, your personal time has come – without washing, cleaning and cooking.

What to do dancing?

Next – these are pre-prepared clothes and shoes for training. Again, it all depends on the type of dance. It can be as a closed suit with sneakers, and an open swimsuit or shorts with a T-shirt. The main thing is that the clothes do not hinder your movements, but, on the contrary, make it easier.

To create a positive mood for yourself and to add strength and energy to dance practice, make sure you have music. It has to be fast.


What are the dances for weight loss?

There are dances that target specific muscle groups, such as belly dancing. In this case, the extra pounds go away from the hips and abdomen. Irish dances create beautiful posture and strengthen the muscles of the legs, and in pole dance all muscles work at the same time.

As for how often and how long to practice dancing, this is an individual indicator. Trainers advise to train at least 5 times a week for half an hour or 3 times a week for an hour. After your workout, it doesn’t hurt to do a little stretching.


Can you eat after dancing?

Exercising is pointless if right after dancing you pounce on the refrigerator and fill your belly with sweet, fatty, or flour foods. Try replacing these foods with vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods.

It is not recommended to practice dancing immediately after eating, rest for an hour, and you can safely start. Green tea, water, ginseng and vitamin B invigorate well before workout.

In order not to quit your dancing classes, you need to train your willpower, to believe that you will succeed. As they say, not all at once. Think that soon you will have a perfect figure and toned body muscles.


People who are engaged in dancing have a good mood, look positively at the world around them, and this is a huge plus for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. Among other things, dancing is a good way to relieve stress and forget about problems and adversities.

Are there any contraindications for dancing for weight loss?

We must not forget that, like any other way to lose weight, dancing has its own contraindications. If you have a strong enough desire to dance, we advise you to visit a doctor. Dancing classes are undesirable for people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, spine, after all, dancing is a physical activity. Dancing is contraindicated during pregnancy, menstruation, or when there is a fever. You should forget about pole dancing if you have knee injuries, scoliosis or joint pain. If the above health problems are not present, then dancing will become your favorite pastime.


Thanks to dancing, the body becomes flexible, slender and takes on a beautiful relief. Effective dances are belly dance (for the abdomen and hips), strip dance (all muscles), flamenco (strengthening the arms, neck, hips), hip-hop and break dance (burning extra pounds, developing plasticity and flexibility), step ( strengthening the buttocks and legs, fighting overweight), zumba (burning fat), Latin American dances (correcting problem areas of the body) and others.

If you want to combine business with pleasure, then dance! Just 30 minutes a day is enough for the body to become beautiful and fit.


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