5 Health Benefits of Hemp Oil

Hemp oil has a long history of use in Eastern culture as a multipurpose natural remedy. In European countries, however, for a long time it was associated with drugs and was not widely used. In fact, the oil does not contain a drop of THC, the psychoactive element in cannabis. The more truthful information about hemp oil spreads in society, the more people begin to use this wonderful product for health benefits.

We will talk about the five benefits of hemp oil, proven by scientists.

1. Benefits for the heart

Hemp oil has a 6:3 ratio of omega-3 to omega-1 fatty acids. This is the perfect balance to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Fatty acids play an important role in many biological processes and help prevent a number of degenerative diseases.

2. Beautiful skin, hair and nails

In the cosmetics industry, hemp oil is used as an ingredient in skin creams and moisturizers. Studies have shown that this component is effective for dry skin, relieves itching and irritation. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of hemp oil also protect against premature aging.

3. Nutrition for the brain

Essential fatty acids, including docosahexanoic acid, which is abundant in hemp oil, are important for brain function as well as for the retina. It is especially necessary to obtain these substances in the first year of life. Today, doctors recommend that pregnant women add hemp oil to the diet for the harmonious physical development of the fetus.

4. Fatty acids without mercury

It is known that fish oils can contain large amounts of mercury. Luckily for vegetarians, hemp oil is a terrific alternative as a source of omega-3 fatty acids and does not carry the risk of toxicity.

5. Supports the immune system

Another remarkable property of essential fatty acids is the support of healthy microflora in the intestines, and, therefore, the strengthening of the immune system. Taking hemp oil is beneficial during cold and flu season when the epidemic rages in schools and offices.

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