10 reasons to lose weight

Recall that obesity can be talked about if the body mass index exceeds the indicator equal to 30. If it is a figure from 25 to 29, in this case the person is overweight. In order to calculate your own BMI, you need to divide your weight by height in centimeters squared or use our Body Analyzer.

“Minor” reasons for losing weight:

  1. Heartburn Is a consequence of being overweight. Like many other diseases, it is unpleasant, because many fat-containing foods and ready-made meals cause an additional release of acid into the esophagus.
  2. Flu… Scientists have shown that influenza and being overweight are linked. The more obese people, the higher the percentage of deaths from the flu. Obesity destroys the immune system, the body becomes vulnerable to the most primitive health problems.
  3. Paradontitis – This is an inflammation of the gums, it has been experimentally proven by North Carolina dentists that one of the causes is overweight.
  4. Musculoskeletal disorders… Arthritis is a fairly common disease of the knee joint. It is very difficult for people to move, they are inactive, hence the problem with being overweight.
  5. Infertility… According to statistical surveys, obese women find it difficult to get pregnant, bear and give birth to a child. They have miscarriages, pregnancy proceeds with complications, the baby may be born with birth defects, health problems. Obese men have low testosterone levels and have too little sperm motility.

Psychological factors of weight loss:

  1. Psychological factors… Many women and men have gained a lot of weight through depression. They replaced the lack of communication, the absence of a family with high-calorie food. Psychologists sound the alarm, because such people very often think about suicide.
  2. Pessimism… All of the above problems often lead to melancholy, bring to a state of depression and indifference to life. This is why many countries are allocating funds to combat this problem.

Life-threatening reasons for losing weight:

  1. Heart problems… Excess fat tissue, especially around the waist, not only increases cholesterol and triglyceride levels, but also increases blood pressure. The vessels suffer from this, their structure is disturbed. That is why in overweight people the risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes is too high.
  2. Cancer… If a person is overweight, this significantly increases the risk of developing cancers of the breast, colon, gallbladder and esophagus.
  3. Diabetes – a disease directly related to obesity and the hormone insulin. Most often it affects both men and women of middle age. The risk is increased if the fatty tissue is most in the waist area. Parents with overweight children should also think about it.

Do not panic, because the reasons for losing weight are quite simple. Read the article “What does obesity lead to and why is it urgent to lose weight?” and you will understand everything yourself. Think, you will not only have a good mood, health and figure, but also love for the world around you.

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