About willpower and achieving goals

Willpower is not innate, it is an individual quality of character, which is nothing more than a person’s ability to consciously control their behavior. The ability to overcome obstacles, endure hardships and come to terms with pain in order to achieve certain goals are also signs of the presence of willpower. Are there any terms, having which you can honestly tell yourself – after all, this is the most important thing, honesty with yourself – yes, I have willpower? Of course, they are not all that supernatural.


Desire and clear purpose


There are a million questions for our desires – what do I want? Do I want it so badly? Is what I want actually needed? And many others. Very often a person clearly knows what he is doesn’t want, but with specific desires, the situation is more complicated. The clearer and more specific the goal is, the faster the brain will understand in what ways it is easier and faster to achieve it. Moreover, it is better to set a global goal and mini-goals to achieve it. If it concerns weight loss, then, for example, the global goal is to lose 3 kg in 10 months. Minicels – lose 3,5 kg every month.


On the way to achieving the goal, you need to learn not to listen to constant fears – and they will, that’s how a person is. Only actions that pose a clear threat to life, health and universal human morality should be prohibited, and all necessary, but difficult to perform, can and will be overcome, because there is a third component – belief in oneself and one’s own strengths.


Belief in yourself and your own strength

Only installations – I can! I can do it! I will overcome everything! – the most important words in achieving the goal. Yes, there are those lucky ones who get all their dreams and desires without effort, but these are, rather, exceptions to the rule. Belief in oneself is not synonymous with narcissism and impudence, it is a conscious and deep feeling, which is largely formed in childhood, but an adult is quite capable of developing it in himself.



This quality is useful in many aspects, because sometimes we have to endure physical pain and hardship to achieve our goals. Not a single sculpturally sculpted figure will become such if the body, getting used to the loads, does not ache with every muscle. Not a single kilogram will go away until bans are imposed on the amount or certain types of food. Remember, if you gained weight for a whole year, then you will not be able to throw it off in 1 week. Be patient and go towards your goal.


Optimism and overcoming adversity

A positive attitude helps at any time in life, especially when it is difficult and unbearable to move forward at times. But – after all, these are our own goals and desires, who, no matter how we should achieve them? If you do not have enough resources of optimism, you can focus on the examples of other people who, in the most unfavorable scenario, emerged victorious from difficult life situations.


Willpower can and should be developed and nurtured in oneself, if every day you take a small step towards achieving, if not a global, but significant goal. It is today, now! And then everything will work out!

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