Year of the Goat
People born in the year of the Goat are excellent actors. A distinctive feature is the willingness to help all those in need. The noble Goat is an excellent conversationalist, as she is very well-read and educated. We will analyze the full characteristics of the sign in this article.

Goats were born in the following years: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015.

The goat is a symbol of harmony and peacefulness, therefore people born in the year of the Goat are generously endowed with these qualities. Due to his pliability, the Goat-man does not seek to gain power and move up the career ladder.

Love for a person fills the gap of love for work, therefore, in relationships, representatives of this sign are very sensual and romantic.

What does the goat symbolize in the chinese horoscope

There are 12 signs in the Chinese zodiac – the Goat occupies the 8th place among them. People born this year have a number of distinctive features. Consider what characteristics are inherent in the Goat.

  • Personality type: peacekeeper
  • Strengths: responsiveness, generosity, kindness
  • Weaknesses: shyness, contemplation
  • Best Compatibility: Rabbit, Goat and Pig
  • Talisman stone: emerald, moonstone, sapphire
  • Colors (shades): red, brown, purple
  • Flowers: primrose, carnation
  • Lucky number: 2 and 7 (either alone or in combination)

What years are in the Year of the Goat

According to the Chinese horoscope, the cycle lasts 12 years, and each year has its own zodiac sign, represented by an animal. 

Unlike the calendar we are used to, the change of the patron animal comes according to the lunar one. I would like to note that this event never falls on January 1st, which we used to consider the beginning of the year. It is worth considering these subtleties in order to accurately determine your sign according to the Chinese horoscope. For example: if you were born on January 30, 2003, then the Water Horse will be the sign of the year, and starting from February 1, 2003, the sign of the Chinese zodiac is the Water Goat.

To determine your sign of the year, we recommend that you refer to the table that we have prepared for you.

February 13, 1907 – February 1, 1908Fire Goat
February 1, 1919 – February 19, 1920Earth Goat
February 17, 1931 – February 5, 1932Metal Goat
 February 5, 1943 – January 24, 1944Water Goat
January 24, 1955 – February 11, 1956Wooden Goat
February 14, 1967 – February 2, 1968Fire Goat
February 2, 1979 – January 21, 1980Earth Goat
February 15, 1991 – February 3, 1992Metal Goat
February 1, 2003 – January 21, 2004Water Goat
February 19, 2015 – February 7, 2016Wooden Goat
 February 6, 2027 – January 25, 2028Fire Goat
February 24, 2039 – February 11, 2040Earth Goat

What Goats are

Each animal of the Chinese horoscope has an element to which it belongs. There are five of them – Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of the representatives of each of them.

Fire Goat

Versatility and a high level of intelligence are the hallmarks of the Fire Goat. Representatives of this sign are well-mannered and have secular manners. Next to the right person, they are able to reveal their potential by 100%.

Strengths: high level of intelligence, goodwill Weak sides: closed

Earth Goat

The Earth Goat is a man of his word, always ready to help. Accuracy in words and actions helps to be in good standing with others. Thanks to the status of a reliable person, the Goat is an ideal partner for business and love relationships.

Strengths: stability, responsiveness Weak sides: passivity

Metal Goat

Among all representatives of the sign, the Metal Goat is the most sociable. He is distinguished by his creative nature and optimism. Faithful in a relationship and does not intend to tolerate betrayal by a partner.

Strengths: communication, optimism Weak sides: does not take into account other people’s opinions

Water Goat

The Water Goat is the most secretive, many secrets are kept in her head. A person born under the auspices of Water is absolutely disinterested in any relationship. However, if necessary, he is able to use his manipulative skills.

Strengths: purity of soul, the ability to subjugate others Weak sides: stealthiness

Wooden Goat

The representative of the sign of the Wood Goat is a domestic person who clearly defines his personal boundaries. Does not pursue the status of a leader, easily accepts defeats. Despite the excessive love of love, he is very faithful to his partner in the love sphere.

Strengths: wisdom, loyalty Weak sides: affection, passivity

Characteristics of the male Goat

A man born in the year of the Goat is a rather changeable nature. He can endure bad treatment, but when patience runs out, he will burst into outbursts of anger. You should not be afraid of this, because by nature the male Goat is endowed with a kind heart.

From time to time, the representative of this sign likes to be capricious. You need to give him the opportunity to let out all the emotions and the bad mood will quickly pass.

In a love relationship, the Goat man is timid and romantic. Interesting dates, unexpected surprises, nice gifts – all this awaits his companion. However, in a couple, a woman will take a leadership position, since the partner needs to be constantly fed with inspiration, which he himself is not able to find. 

The goat is intolerant of the betrayals of an ally, but she herself sins with this. A man thus tries to cope with self-doubt. 

Characteristics of the Goat Woman

The Goat Woman is calm and sociable, distinguished by her artistry. He tries to avoid conflict situations by controlling his emotions, but he can easily become depressed.

Nature endowed the representative of this sign with powerful female energy and the ability to attract men. But behind the image of a naive coquette lies a strong wise lady who will not let anyone near her.

The main plus of the Goat woman is the ability to provide assistance. The responsiveness of this lady is always well rewarded, and she herself enjoys performing feats.

Goat’s purpose is family. The representative of this sign is an excellent mother and mistress. Cleanliness and comfort always reign in her house.

The Goat Woman, due to her non-conflict, is considered weak. But it was not there, deceit and manipulation skills will make themselves felt at the right time, so be on the lookout.

Child born in the year of the Goat

A child born in the year of the Goat may seem weak and defenseless. The kid needs the support and protection of adults.

A shy child impresses those around him with his purity and sincerity, so he has many friends since childhood.

If a Goat child cannot get what they want, for example, a toy they like, then parents should be prepared for a long tantrum.

Children born under these signs, study is easy, thanks to the natural mind and ingenuity.

Goat in different areas of life

The goat is an intelligent, inquisitive animal that can be stubborn. So the representative of the Goat sign in the Chinese zodiac has identical qualities.

The sensual nature of the Goat-man makes him a romantic in relationships and a lazy person at work. Family will always come first for the Goat, and friends and career will wait.

Goat in love and marriage

Goat Man is a family man. Therefore, he chooses a partner based on material needs, sometimes they can be called mercantile.

The choice of an ally is approached responsibly, and when one is found who meets all the criteria, the Goat will do everything to save the relationship.

A romantic nature makes itself felt – regular dates, variety in bed and a fantasy rich in surprises. All this Goat will be happy to do for a loved one.

goat in friendship

Thanks to the innate responsiveness, the Goat will become a welcome friend for everyone. She has a wide social circle that nourishes and inspires her to new achievements.

Goat in work and career

Career is not the main goal in the life of a Goat man. Since he is more inclined to create a family, there is no desire to achieve certain heights in work. The partner of the Goat will be responsible for the material component in life.

Goat and health

A person born in the year of the Goat has good health, both physical and mental. To maintain a healthy body and spirit, it is recommended to play sports, read books, and meditate. 

Goat compatibility with other signs

The Goat has the most favorable compatibility with such signs as the Rabbit, Goat and Pig.

Goat and Rabbit

Excellent compatibility. The spark in this pair will never disappear, they will always cheer each other up and support each other in difficult moments. Common goals, interests and outlooks on life will contribute to a good relationship.

goat and goat

The perfect couple. It is pure union of souls. They feel good together, without conflicts and showdowns.

Goat and Pig

A wonderful union. An exemplary example of complementarity of partners. The Goat inspires the Pig, and the second realizes her dreams. As a result, everyone is happy.

Goat and Rooster 

The passion that quickly flared up will begin to fade over time. In the course of studying each other, the partners will realize that their views on life do not converge at all, so the chance for a long-term relationship is minimal.

Goat and Dog

This couple can exist successfully if the Goat obeys the partner. But this happens extremely rarely, since the Goat man values ​​​​his personal space and is unlikely to want to move the boundaries.

Goat and Dragon

Doubtful alliance. The Dragon requires a lot of attention, but the Goat is not ready to devote more time to him than to himself.

Goat and Monkey

Complete opposites. These are people with different interests and goals in life. But if they manage to find common ground, then a long-term relationship has a place to be.

Goat and Horse

Not the best compatibility option. Relationships are possible only if the Goat has a benefit in them, and the Horse partner is ready to provide it. Most often, such an exchange occurs between them – finance for positive emotions and vice versa.

Goat and Rat

Their relationship rarely lasts long. But if together they are ready to experience even not the most positive emotions, then a strong connection is provided.

Goat and Ox

Union of opposites. Stubborn Ox and submissive Goat. In this pair, there is not enough passion for the Ox-man, and the meek Goat is happy with everything.

Goat and Tiger 

Not the best union. The Tiger is too quick-tempered for the Goat, who is used to calmness. Relationships are possible, but likely to be a burden to both.

Goat and Snake 

In this pair, the Goat will not suit the Snake with its unwillingness to obey. The second one is used to controlling everything and taking into account only her own opinion, but for the Goat, violation of personal boundaries is a taboo.

Goat by zodiac sign

The soft and gentle nature of the Goat can vary depending on the sign of the zodiac according to the eastern horoscope. Let’s analyze each of them.


Goat-Aries combines calmness and emotionality at the same time. Because of this – changeable mood. In a relationship, she surrounds her partner with warmth and care.


Goat-Taurus is particularly attractive, both external and internal. The sociability of this sign helps to find an approach to any person and a way out of the most difficult situation.

Gemini Goat

The Gemini Goat is the most active of the signs. She needs continuous communication and a favorite thing in which she can invest all her energy. Representatives of this sign are very changeable, even in love. They quickly get bored with monotony, so a frequent change of partner is required.


Goat-Cancer is a very soft and “meek” sign. A kind soul, so frequent experiences hurt him from the inside. Among all the signs, it is the most family one: it cannot be without the support of loved ones, it is hard for breaks and losses, but it is in no hurry to marry.


Goat and Leo are a harmonious combination – the tenderness of the Goat drowns out the irascibility and “fire” of Leo. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their seriousness and responsibility. In relationships, they value sincerity and will not tolerate betrayal.


Goat-Virgo is a good actor. A person born under this sign can play the role of an angel, suppressing aggression and anger towards a person or situation. In comparison with other signs, the Virgo-Goat is distinguished by constancy.

Goat Libra

Goat-Libra cannot live without the attention of others. Great self-love must be complemented by an outside opinion. People of this sign cannot stand loneliness, so they always try to be useful to society. Libra gives the Goat a firm determination, therefore, unlike the others, she does not suffer from excessive shyness.


Goat-Scorpio has a difficult character. An explosive and stubborn nature is in constant search of emotions, so participating in disputes brings her pleasure. Like all Scorpios, this sign is endowed with attractiveness and, as if with a magnet, attracts the opposite sex to itself.


Goat-Sagittarius is an idle person. He does not like to strain with decision-making, as a result of which he often makes mistakes. By nature, he is a wonderful family man.


The sign of Capricorn adds to the Goat composure and organization. The main difference from other representatives of the sign is the ability to independently build a career.


Goat-Aquarius is an outstanding personality. It is simply impossible to describe this versatile person, you need to get to know him. Love for science, the desire to invent something new, a mathematical mindset – this is what the nature of the representatives of this sign endowed.


Goat-Pisces is the most vulnerable sign. This is a very dreamy nature, which sometimes itself cannot separate its fantasies from reality. In a relationship, she is quite proactive, does not let her partner get bored.

Celebrities Born in the Year of the Goat

Gaius Julius Caesar – ancient Roman statesman and politician; Dmitry Peskov – Russian statesman, press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation; Mikhail Kalashnikov – Soviet and Russian designer of small arms; Steve Jobs is an American entrepreneur; Michelangelo Buonarotti – Italian sculptor, artist, architect, poet and thinker; Alexander Pushkin – Russian poet, playwright and prose writer; Sergei Yesenin – Russian poet of the Silver Age; Astrid Lindgren – Swedish writer, author of books for children; Jonathan Swift – Anglo-Irish satirist Honore de Balzac – French writer; Mark Twain – American writer, journalist and public figure; Robert De Niro is an American actor, producer and director; Fedor Bondarchuk – Soviet and Russian actor, director, TV presenter and restaurateur; Vin Diesel is an American actor, film director, screenwriter, and producer.

Popular questions and answers 

Shared answers to the most popular questions with us Katerina Dyatlova, professional astrologer, practitioner: 

When is the next Year of the Goat?

– In 2027, the year of the Goat or the Sheep will come – the most hardworking, feminine and modest representative of the Chinese horoscope. To be more precise, on February 06.02.2027, XNUMX, the Goat will roll through the annual cycle with a red fireball.

What significant historical events took place in the year of the Goat?

– During the years of the Goat, many peace treaties and alliances were concluded, countries financially helped each other, measures were taken to combat alcoholism and illiteracy, hard work and education were stimulated, new means were invented for caring for appearance and health, a lot of cultural events took place. 

For example, in 1919, a woman became a deputy in Britain for the first time, a peace conference is held in Paris, and Prohibition is adopted in America. 

In 1931, the first electric shavers and television programs were released. 

In 1943, the films The Weaker Sex and Jane Eyre were released, unemployment in the United States was eliminated, and Soviet troops were victorious in the Battle of Stalingrad. 

In 1955, the Warsaw Pact was signed. 

In 1967, mammography was invented and Venera-4 was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. 

In 1979, the US Department of Education was created, and Margaret Thatcher became the first woman to hold the post of Prime Minister of Great Britain.

In 1991, the same thing happens in France – for the first time a woman heads the government, a lot of countries proclaim their independence.

Let’s see what awaits us in 2027.

What brings luck to the Goat?

– In the Year of the Goat, purple, red and brown colors bring good luck, but black, blue and green are best avoided. 

Among the numbers, you should stick to those that contain 2 and 7. 

The most supportive zodiac signs are Cancer and Leo. 

If you do not know which direction to choose for travel or migration, in the year of the Goat, fortune can be found in the north. And ask to give you carnations, they will definitely make the year more pleasant.

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