Year of the Horse
People born in the Year of the Horse are activists and adventurers. They have a wide social circle and are always in the spotlight. Thanks to the innate diligence, they easily occupy leadership positions and leadership positions. Let’s talk more about this sign of the Chinese zodiac

Horses were born in the following years: 1906, 1918, 1926, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.

The sign of the Horse in the Chinese horoscope is a symbol of independence and movement. Representatives of this sign are more comfortable working alone than in a group. And based on the desire for freedom, there is a huge craving for travel. 

Speaking of the Horse as a love partner, such qualities as loyalty and care should be noted. Therefore, being in a relationship with them, you can be sure of the future.

What does the year of the Horse bring with it and what are the characteristic features of people born under this sign. We asked the expert opinion of a professional astrologer Katerina Dyatlova.

What does the Horse symbolize in the Chinese horoscope

There are 12 signs in the Chinese zodiac – the Horse takes the 7th place among them. Consider all aspects of the personality of the representatives of this sign.

  • Personality type: adventurer
  • Strengths: purposefulness, diligence, independence, insight
  • Weaknesses: excitement, selfishness, rudeness, excessive gullibility
  • Best Compatibility: Tiger, Dog, Goat (Sheep)
  • Talisman stone: amethyst, aquamarine, agate
  • Colors (shades): green and yellow
  • Flowers: jasmine and calla (calla)
  • Lucky number: 2, 3, 7 (both separately and in combination)

What years are in the Year of the Horse

For Europeans, it will be a surprise that the change of the patron animal of a particular year according to the Chinese calendar does not occur on January 1, but on certain days according to the lunar calendar. Thus, if you were born on January 17, 2002, then the sign of the year will be the Metal Snake, and starting on February 12, 2002, the sign of the Chinese zodiac is the Water Horse.

For the convenience of determining your sign of the year, just refer to the table that we have prepared for you.

January 25, 1906 – February 12, 1907fire Horse
February 11, 1918 – January 31, 1919Earth Horse
January 30, 1930 – February 16, 1931Metal Horse
February 15, 1942 – February 4, 1943Water Horse
February 3, 1954 – January 23, 1955Wooden Horse
January 21, 1966 – February 8, 1967fire Horse
February 7, 1978 – February 14, 1979Earth Horse
January 27, 1990 – February 14, 1991Metal Horse
February 12, 2002 – January 31, 2003Water Horse
January 31, 2014 – February 18, 2015Wooden Horse
February 17, 2026 – February 5, 2027fire Horse
February 4, 2038 – February 23, 2039Earth Horse
January 23, 2050 – February 11, 2051Metal Horse

What horses are

The Year of the Horse is ruled by five elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each of them.

fire Horse

The representative of the sign of the Fire Horse is a born speaker. The energy of this person is enough for everyone. Being in constant motion, he is ready to go ahead, despite the obstacles and prohibitions.

Strengths: perseverance, confidence Weak sides: inconstancy, excessive assertiveness

Earth Horse

Representatives of the sign of the Earth Horse are distinguished by calmness and prudence. But sometimes, due to lack of confidence in themselves and their abilities, they tend to give up.

Strengths: optimism, prudence, mobility Weak sides: self-doubt, attachment

Metal Horse

The Metal Horse manages to combine the incompatible: entertainment and career. All thanks to excellent self-discipline. What can not be said about the love sphere. Because of the love of parties, it is difficult for a representative of this sign to find a soul mate.

Strengths: self-discipline, sociability Weak sides: instability in relationships

Water Horse

The representative of the sign of the Water Horse is a born psychologist. Life with such a person will be as comfortable as possible and emotional harmony will reign in the house.

Strengths: independence, autonomy Weak sides: love of freedom

Wooden Horse

Wood is a mixture of Metal and Earth. The representative of the Wood Horse sign, thanks to the ability to listen, can quite successfully climb the career ladder, using his sophism. But in a relationship, he is not distinguished by constancy.

Strengths: high intelligence, listening skills Weak sides: cunning, inconsistency

Characteristics of the Horse man

A man born in the year of the Horse is a bright personality who is always in the spotlight. An excellent style in clothes, good external data, ease of communication and a sharp mind help him to have a worthy position in society.

The Horse Man is distinguished by self-confidence and enterprise. He manages to easily take the initiative into his own hands and influence the minds of others, subordinating them to himself.

But, often, a vulnerable person is hidden behind the above qualities. Any criticism against him can lead to the formation of complexes, so the Horse man needs words of support and is dependent on the opinions of loved ones.

The positive qualities of a man under the sign of the Horse include a good sense of humor, charisma, oratory skills and an excellent memory. All this helps not only to win, but also to keep the attention of others.

The straightforwardness and irascibility of the Horse man suggests that he does not intend to tolerate a bad attitude towards himself, so the decision to stop communicating is made by him irrevocably.

Characteristics of the Horse Woman

A woman born in the year of the Horse is the most rebellious of all the signs of the Chinese zodiac. She is always self-confident, does not depend on other people’s opinions and is not able to tolerate restrictions. This lady cannot be subdued, because she clearly defines her boundaries.

The Horse Woman does not tolerate deceit and betrayal, it does not cost her anything to cut off communication with anyone who tried to reproach her for something. Thanks to innate intuition, the Horse immediately feels deceivers near him. And female dexterity helps to manipulate society.

Such positive qualities as nobility, charisma and honesty make the Horse woman a desirable friend. Despite this, she can count close friends on her fingers due to her character. Because of the straightforwardness, the Horse does not tolerate disputes, unwanted opinions of others, as well as unnecessary intrigues.

Since childhood, the Horse girl has dreamed of traveling, in need of adventure and complete freedom of action. She also wants freedom in the schedule of the day, so she is often late for scheduled meetings.

Child born in the Year of the Horse

The horse is a symbol of nobility and courage. From childhood, babies born under this sign are distinguished by activity, quick wit and good health.

The Horse Child is very communicative, so parents need to educate him exclusively with words, without applying physical punishment.

Horse in different areas of life

In various spheres of life, the Horse-man equally cannot be without freedom. Both in work and in relationships, he needs to be given free rein and the opportunity to be alone with his thoughts. 

Thanks to the ability to focus on the goal, the Horse easily manages to achieve a positive result.

Love for an active lifestyle nourishes the representatives of this sign and inspires them to conquer new horizons.

Horse in love and marriage

Non-reciprocal love is the strongest blow to the Horse’s pride, because of which a person can withdraw into himself.

In a relationship, a person under the sign of the Horse surrounds the partner with care and affection. He is in no hurry to marry because of his unwillingness to lose his freedom. For the same reason, the first experience of a serious relationship can be unsuccessful.

The horse is a constant person who prefers to remain faithful to his partner. Therefore, thoughts of betrayal do not pop up even during quarrels and disagreements.

horse in friendship

Despite the quick temper, the Horse is a great friend. Having a small circle of close friends, the representative of this sign is always ready to help each of them.

Horse in work and career

In work, a person born under the sign of the Horse works like a real horse in order to provide himself with comfort.

The basis of success in work is the absence of restrictions. Nothing should fetter the Horse-man in order to avoid a decrease in efficiency.

Professions that suit Horses: journalist, entrepreneur, pilot, financier, architect, designer, artist, tour guide.

Horse and health

Nature endowed the Horse with good health. It’s important to support him. The Horse Man must give himself a rest to avoid overwork.

Horse Compatibility with Other Signs

The most favorable compatibility for the Horse is with such signs as the Dog, Tiger and Goat (Sheep).


Harmony reigns in this couple. The dog does not require excessive attention, and the Horse, in turn, tries to liberate the partner. They complement each other perfectly: the Horse is focused on a career, and the Dog supports the hearth.

Tiger Horse

This couple has a common goal, towards the achievement of which they are confidently moving. Partners are always able to find a compromise, so quarrels are quickly reduced to zero. Mutual strong love and admiration for each other are their main allies.

Horse-Goat (Sheep)

Excellent compatibility. In this case, opposites attract. The horse helps the Goat feel confident and teaches them to trust loved ones. The Goat, on the other hand, endows the Horse with diplomatic abilities and the ability to make concessions.

Rabbit Horse

A wonderful union. The Rabbit deals with domestic issues, and the Horse provides financial support for the couple.

Dragon Horse

Blazing Compatibility. The selfish Horse and the attention-hungry Dragon. Despite frequent disputes and quarrels, they will be able to maintain a relationship thanks to strong feelings.


Permissible compatibility. The relationship of this couple has a chance to exist if the Horse pacifies his egoism and appreciates his partner, surrounding him with care.


Such an alliance leads to a struggle for leadership. Both partners are stubborn and in the event of a conflict of interests it will be difficult for one to give in. If they manage to solve the issue of leadership, the relationship will be long and strong.

bull horse

A difficult union. It will be difficult for these two signs to cope with the onslaught of each other. The horse has a freedom-loving disposition and does not tolerate unsolicited advice, and the Ox is used to dominating a partner.

Pig Horse

They are complete opposites. But the union is still possible if both in a pair are ready to work on themselves for the sake of the relationship.

Monkey Horse

Irritants to each other. The Horse is a person who does not tolerate lies and tells the truth in person, and the Monkey is cunning and dodgy. Frequent deceptions and omissions will lead to the rapid disintegration of relations.

Rooster Horse

In this pair, the Rooster will be the initiator of contention. The horse will not tolerate a bad attitude towards itself, but the nature of the partner is very conflicting. Despite this, the Rooster himself will leave the relationship, as he will not be able to overpower the superiority of the ally.

Horse and Rat

Not the most favorable compatibility option. Representatives of these signs have no common ground. A different character, outlook on life and moral principles will lead to quarrels and, with a high degree of probability, to a break in relations. However, it is always worth remembering that relationships are continuous work on yourself.

Horse by zodiac sign

The character of a person born under the sign of the Horse can be different depending on the sign of the zodiac. Let’s consider each of them:


The element of Fire endows the Horseman with an unlimited number of skills and increases his strength at times. Horse-Aries is distinguished by ardor and anger, which he cannot restrain even in relation to close people. He always puts his freedom in the first place, without making an exception for relatives.

Taurus Horse

The element of the Earth gives the Horse man a love of work, a sober mind and a desire to succeed in everything. The latter is easy for him. Innate leadership qualities will not allow the Horse-Taurus to obey anyone, and he will always stand his ground to the last.

Gemini Horse

The Gemini Horse is very unpredictable. And not only for others, but also for yourself. A person born under this sign is always in search of a calling, in an eternal craving for self-improvement.

Cancer Horse

A horse in total with the sign of Cancer is a good combination that gives a person special vulnerability and a wide imagination. Cancer knows how to defend its boundaries, but at the same time listens to the opinion of the opponent.

Lion Horse

The Lion Horse is a true rebel. He has an inexhaustible supply of energy, thanks to which he is always ready to be ahead of everyone. Both in his personal life and in his professional life, Leo listens only to himself, without taking into account the opinions of others.

Horse Virgo

The Virgo Horse has a deep, sensual soul. Quite stable, does not suffer from uncertainty. Thanks to experience and prudence, he easily solves conflict situations.

Horse Libra

In the Horse-Libra, love and intelligence are combined. Like all Horses, he is not ready to sacrifice his comfort, even if necessary.

Scorpio horse

The Scorpio Horse is distinguished by passion and an analytical mindset. Natural stubbornness, coupled with the ability to make the right decisions, help this person achieve success. Career is the most important thing for Scorpio, so he is ready for a lot to achieve his goals.

Sagittarius Horse

The Sagittarius Horse, due to its inconstancy, will expect different twists of fate throughout its life. For the same reason, there can be many problems that innate luck will help to cope with.

Capricorn Horse

Horse-Capricorn is a combination of signs, characterized by stability in all areas of life. But, despite the reasonableness, this person has a super-emotional character.

Horse Aquarius

The Aquarius Horse is a rather windy nature. Changeable mood prevents you from building your life properly. To realize the plan, Aquarius should be more focused.

Pisces Horse

The Pisces Horse appreciates not only its own, but also other people’s personal boundaries. Therefore, representatives of this sign can be safely considered the most kind and responsive. Thanks to these qualities, he easily achieves his goals.

Celebrities born in the Year of the Horse

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin – Soviet politician and statesman; Boris Yeltsin – the first president of the Russian Federation; Roman Abramovich – billionaire and statesman; Isaac Newton – English physicist, mathematician, mechanic and astronomer, one of the founders of classical physics and mathematical analysis; Neil Armstrong – American astronaut, aeronautical engineer; Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn – Dutch painter; Antonio Vivaldi – Italian composer, virtuoso violinist; Frederic Chopin – Polish composer and pianist; Korney Chukovsky – Russian Soviet poet, author of children’s works; Ivan Bunin – Russian poet; Dmitri Shostakovich – Soviet composer, People’s Artist of the USSR; Laima Vaikule – Soviet and Latvian pop singer; Lev Leshchenko – Soviet and Russian pop singer, People’s Artist of the RSFSR; Paul McCartney – British musician Patricia Kaas – French pop singer and actress; Ivan Urgant – Russian actor, showman; Jackie Chan – Hong Kong actor, stuntman, director, martial artist; Svetlana Khorkina – Russian gymnast, Honored Master of Sports of Russia; Mike Tyson is an American boxing star.

Popular questions and answers

Shared answers to the most popular questions with us Katerina Dyatlova, professional astrologer, practitioner:

When is the next Year of the Horse?

– The next year of the most graceful, freedom-loving and indomitable sign – the Horse, will begin in 2026. In Chinese tradition, the New Year begins on the first new moon of February, so to be precise, the Red Fire Horse will officially begin its race on February 17, 2026.

What significant historical events took place in the Year of the Horse?

– The years of the horse are characterized by the desire of people for independence and freedom. At this time, many are immersed in the struggle to defend their sovereignty and borders. This power cannot be stopped, it is impossible to resist the changes that the Horse brings.

The first significant year of the horse in the 20th century came in 1918, when the great October Revolution took place, the overthrow of the previous system and power. In 1930, the planet Pluto was discovered – as you know, this god came to our world only in a chariot drawn by horses.

Also, the years of the graceful and fast horse are rich in breakthroughs in the field of art and sports. In the same 30th year, the World Cup was held.

In 1954, the citizens of the Soviet Union entered a new life with the hope of change, and the Horse again did not deceive them, bringing with it a lot of new freedoms: GUM opened with an abundance of goods, color television appeared, free car sales.

In 1990, again the Horse contributed to the change, and then shook his mane and ran on.

Based on these events in the past years of the Horse, it can be concluded that 2026 will also be marked by new changes.

What brings luck to the Horse?

– Lucky numbers of the Year of the Horse 2, 3 and 7 – use them as often as possible so that luck will accompany you. Be sure to hang a horseshoe at home. 

Also, the wearing of gold, pearls, silver and diamonds, the choice of everything of the highest quality and thoroughbred, promise in 2026 deepening and expansion in many areas of life.

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