Why is the puppy in the dream

In real life, a puppy becomes a true friend to a person. And what can you expect when you see a puppy in a dream?

The puppy played, but you did not take part in his game. Such a night vision does not promise anything good: the dreamer is waiting for betrayal, deceit and gossip from loved ones.

The puppy was sleeping. Expect to meet a person who will later become a good friend to you. He will be much younger than you, or lower in social status.

The puppy petted. In the near future, fall in love with a person younger than you. It is possible that he will be insincere with you.

The puppy was born. Get ready for the little chores in everyday life.

The puppy was in your arms. In reality, you will have to take care of someone close to you.

Seeing a black little puppy – in reality, you will be disappointed in the person whom you previously trusted more than yourself. Therefore, you should not trust people too much, because in a difficult moment they can turn away from you and not lend a helping hand.

Feeding a small pet – in difficult times, you can rely on and for this you are respected and loved by people around you. But a wounded or killed puppy is a bad sign from above, promising you bad news about the death of a close friend or loved one.

In a dream, a small dog protects you yourself – you are patronized and protected by higher powers, therefore you can safely take on any good deed. But the attack of a puppy, especially of a dark suit, is a pointer to a clash with the forces of evil, temptation and failure.

According to Miller, a puppy in a dream means the following.

The young lady will face a situation in which she will have to educate the younger generation. Most likely, one of her friends will ask her to sit with the child, after which she herself will want to have children.

A free woman who sees a puppy in a dream is most likely overwhelmed with tenderness and affection in reality, but she has no one to give them to.

For a married woman, a dream with puppies portends the appearance of a faithful comrade.

A pregnant woman can count on the support of a new friend.

A man after such a dream should prepare for a meeting with friends from the past.

A large puppy, large in nature, is a pointer to the need to resist condemnation and criticism from his surroundings. But for a girl, such a vision promises an acquaintance with a rich and wealthy man, who will become her husband. And a lot of dogs – a pointer to a frivolous and windy admirer.

If in a dream you are the owner of a whelped dog, this is good luck in matters of finance, and if you distribute the money correctly, you can accumulate a solid fortune. If the bitch whelped and brought thoroughbred puppies, you will achieve good without any effort on your part.

Defending the puppy, the dog bit you – this is a pointer to quarrels, scandals in the family, and in order to settle them you will have to show a lot of endurance and patience. And to hear the barking and roar of a dog with puppies behind him – you should be careful, because your enemies are intriguing you and can strike at any moment.

In accordance with Miller’s dream book, there is also a warning in which several puppies surrounded the dog and suck its milk – you are trying to do several things at the same time, but in the end this can cause a negative result. Do your work consistently.

If in a dream a rabid dog is chasing you, surrounded by your puppies, it is worth mobilizing all your strength and solving problems. We were able to drive him away – which means you will be able to overcome the intrigues of enemies, solve your problems. Seeing fighting puppies means failures await you in the love field, but if you were able to pacify them, then you can solve your problems.

A puppy in a dream symbolizes a child. A lady who is married and sees a puppy in a dream may be preparing for an imminent pregnancy.

A dream about a puppy for a girl suggests that she will soon fall in love with a person who will be somewhat younger than her in age.

For a pregnant woman, a dream about a puppy signals that the child that a pregnant woman is expecting will bring her happiness and change her life for the better.

If a man saw in a dream puppies lying next to his mother, then in reality he will fall in love with a girl who is very similar to his parent.

Dreams about any pets can be both figurative and quite direct. And puppies are no exception. So, buying a pet that you do not have indicates either a desire to acquire it in real life, or the need to understand interpersonal relationships.

The death of a puppy reflects fear for the fate of your pet. If recently you really lost your four-legged friend, then the dream symbolizes a transitional period in life, a new serious stage awaits you. The dream may be repeated to remind you of the need to prepare for change.

Another situation is when you dream of an animal that you have never had, and you do not want to get it under any circumstances (for example, you are afraid of dogs or you are allergic to their fur). This indicates your desire to win in some business or take control of a certain situation.

The dog primarily symbolizes devotion. Therefore, if you find yourself in a difficult situation, and you dreamed of puppies, you can be calm. If the puppies are small in dreams, this is a good vision, especially if they are fluffy and white. This is a pointer to your family and friends who will come to the rescue.

Homeless puppies dream to warn you that you can easily lose everything that you have earned with such difficulty. Do not fall into euphoria, do not squander your fortune, act deliberately and rationally.

Evgeny Tsvetkov believed that to see a puppy in a dream – in reality to receive a gift.

What is the dream of a puppy in an esoteric dream book

If a puppy plays and frolic in your dream, esotericists see this as a bad sign – in reality you can be deceived or betrayed by close friends.

The puppy is sleeping – people who are younger than you, possibly children, will become closer to you.

Caressing – you have to fall in love with a person much younger than you or your former lover (lover).

Many puppies – you will be surrounded by people who are younger than you in age. Perhaps your calling is to educate youth.

Great joy and pleasant surprises await the girl who saw a puppy in a dream. Laughter and joy will fill the house of a married woman who dreamed of a puppy in a dream. A pregnant dreamer expects small, pleasant chores. And for a man, such a dream promises that his beloved will present an unexpected, but pleasant surprise.

And here it is important to pay attention to its color. If you see a red-colored pet, then this promises the appearance of a new friend, although on the other hand it may also be a pointer to the appearance of a new member in the family. If a four-legged friend was presented in a dream, this dream promises troubles, worries, but a playful dog that spins around you is a pointer to your inner desire to have children.

Seeing a small puppy in a dream is considered the most positive value. This may mean that a person will appear in your life who is ready to sacrifice himself, his interests and hobbies for you. The main thing is not to abuse it, because everything in life is not forever.

Puppies in a dream generally represent the acquisition of an emotional or materialistic good. For some, this may mean crossing roads with a new or old friend. For newly married couples, the puppy can take on the mundane sense of petty disagreements.

For many women who want to have a baby, this is a sign of the fulfillment of their plans.

For older people, this dream can also portend the arrival of their first grandchild, or at least the desire to have one with their loved ones.

Dreams in which you play with a puppy foreshadow the receipt of a gift, whether of your own free will or from a friend or relative. Although it is not necessarily a pet or something alive, a puppy portends that your gift will be tender and meaningful.

Another interpretation of this dream may be your subconscious desire to have a child. Playing with a puppy involves care, attention and patience, all that is necessary for raising a child.

Puppies next to the dog in a dream often mean sexual attraction to a person who is similar to your ideal.

sick puppy in a dream has a negative meaning. It symbolizes separation, condescension and manipulation. Such a dream could be your subconscious mind warning you that someone in your life is trying to stifle your morale. Moreover, this dream may portend that you are a suitable target for persecution, which is why you should not let your guard down in any case.

big puppy in a dream says that you like to teach and instruct those who are lower than you in status or younger than you. Such relationships with other people make you feel wise and strong. This dream may be a manifestation of your respected person. People, both in everyday and professional capacities, are attracted to your character.

See in your dream many puppies usually symbolizes current or past love. This may be because managing love and care can also make you think about how you did the same thing in the past with your partner. Moreover, this dream may also portend future, younger partners with whom you may cross paths.

puppy barking in a dream almost always has a negative meaning. When you see a barking puppy in a dream, it may be your subconscious mind, analyzing current or predicting future petty quarrels, petty conflicts or misunderstandings. Although this dream may portend a potential conflict, don’t worry, as all this will not pose any significant threats or problems to you.

newborn puppies in a dream represent a radical change in life. At the same time, such a dream can represent the acquisition of new tasks or problems that require solving. These problems can range from complications at work to relationship conflicts. Be that as it may, your subconscious mind may be warning you that these problems are distracting you from your ability to allocate your time and effort to important goals.

Puppies, so cute and cute, decorate our life, making it bright and filled with love. And in order to figure out what the dream in which you see puppies promises, you should analyze all its details and find out what the world’s dream books say about it.

Astrologer Alena Grieg especially for readers of 7Days.ru, I compiled a horoscope for the penultimate Saturday and Sunday of November, taking into account the position of the Sun in the charts. For information on how to properly spend the weekend of November 19 and 20, 2022 for each zodiac sign, read our material.

Horoscope for the weekend November 19 and 20 Aries

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