Forgive the unforgivable

Forgiveness can be seen as a spiritual practice taught by Jesus, Buddha and many other religious teachers. The third edition of Webster’s New International Dictionary defines “forgiveness” as “letting go of feelings of resentment and resentment towards an injustice done.”

This interpretation is well illustrated by the well-known Tibetan saying about two monks who meet each other several years after they were imprisoned and tortured:

Forgiveness is the practice of releasing one’s own negative feelings, finding meaning and learning from worse situations. It is practiced to free oneself from the violence of one’s own anger. Thus, the need for forgiveness exists primarily with the forgiver in order to let go of anger, fear and resentment. Resentment, whether it be rage or a dull sense of injustice, paralyzes emotions, narrows your options, blocks you from a fulfilling and fulfilling life, shifts attention from what really matters to what destroys you. Buddha said: . Jesus said: .

It is always difficult for a person to forgive because the injustice caused to him “casts a veil” on the mind in the form of pain, a sense of loss and misunderstanding. However, these emotions can be worked on. Much more complex consequences are anger, vengeance, hatred, and… an attachment to these emotions that causes a person to identify with them. Such negative identification is static in nature and remains unchanged over time if left untreated. Plunging into such a state, a person becomes a slave to his heavy emotions.

The ability to forgive is one of the intentions with which it is important to go through life. The Bible says: . Remember that each of us must pay attention, first of all, to our own vices, such as greed, hatred, illusions, many of which we are not aware of. Forgiveness can be cultivated through meditation. Some Western Buddhist meditation teachers begin the practice of kindness by mentally asking for forgiveness from all those whom we have offended by word, thought or deed. We then offer our forgiveness to all those who hurt us. Finally, there is self-forgiveness. These phases are repeated several times, after which the practice of kindness itself begins, during which there is a release from reactions that cloud the mind and emotions, as well as blocking the heart.

Webster’s Dictionary gives another definition of forgiveness: “liberation from the desire for retribution in relation to the offender.” If you continue to have claims against the person who offended you, you are in the role of a victim. It seems logical, but in reality, it is a form of prison self-imprisonment.

A weeping woman comes to the Buddha with a just-dead baby in her arms, begging to bring the child back to life. The Buddha agrees on the condition that the woman bring him a mustard seed from a house that knows no death. A woman desperately rushes from house to house in search of someone who has not met death, but cannot find it. As a result, she has to accept that great loss is part of life.

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