Why dream of tears
Tears are an indicator of our condition. We cry in joyful moments of life and when we are hurt, sad, offended. But what do such dreams mean in which we see our own or other people’s tears?

When we cry, we splash out our emotions, free ourselves from negativity. And we cry not only in reality, but also in a dream. What do such dreams say? Tears in a dream can be interpreted in different ways, depending on what details are present in it. According to many dream books, sadness in a dream has the opposite meaning and portends rather joyful events.

Let’s figure out why tears dream and what famous dream books say about it.

Tears in Vanga’s dream book

Tears in a dream are a good sign. Good things await you. Cry a little in a dream – to the good news. If in a dream there are rivers of tears, then real fun awaits you. You dream of hysteria with tears, you can’t calm down – expect news of someone’s wedding soon. Crying in a dream, but there are no tears, which means that something is haunting you with some unfinished business. Think about what is left unfinished so that this task does not prevent you from moving on. In any case, tears – to the flow of abundance, to goodness and prosperity.

Tears in Freud’s dream book

Quite unexpectedly, Freud’s dream book interprets dreams with tears. Any dream in which liquid appears symbolizes ejaculation. If in a dream you cry endlessly and strongly, then your new partner is exactly the one you need and who you were looking for. And consequently, sexual relations will be close to ideal and will exceed all your expectations. There is one “but” – all of the above applies only to the bed. Otherwise, your relationship will be far from ideal and, perhaps, you will not get along in everyday life.

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If a man cries in a dream, such a dream shows that a man seeks to possess a woman, experiences a strong passion.

For a woman, a dream with tears means that she is tired of fleeting relationships and is looking for a man who will become a father to her future children.

Tears in Loff’s dream book

Tears in a dream are a response to what is happening to you in reality. Loff’s dream book says that you are psychologically cleansed with tears. Try to remember the details of the dream. What exactly triggered the tears?

Crying in a dream from resentment – such a dream will bring relief. Crying in a dream because of death – expect a change in the life of your loved one. If in a dream you cry and wake up in tears, you just need to throw out the accumulated negativity, something that haunts you in reality. Perhaps you are a closed person and do not show your emotions in public, suppress them. Feel free to show weakness and worries.

Tears in the Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book tells us that tears in a dream are the end of suffering and experiences. If in a dream you are in tears because of a trifle, an insignificant reason, you will have empty chores. Most likely, the planned trip will fail, or the project you worked on will not be accepted.

If in a dream you are crying because of some letter, it means that you will soon meet a person from the past who will make you happy. Try not to attach importance to trifles if you have a dream in which you cry because of someone’s grief.

Tears in the Islamic dream book

According to this dream book, tears in a dream mean joy, deliverance from sorrows, misfortunes. A good sign if you cried because of repentance for your deeds or in black thoughts. If you feel that cold tears are on your face – be happy. But if the tears were hot – expect trouble.

Tears in Miller’s dream book

Miller’s dream book interprets tears in a dream as follows: you see tears in a dream, which means that in reality you will also cry. Tears bring misfortune to those who see them in a dream. The exception is to see a crying little child in a dream. Such a dream promises good news from your loved ones. If you see a lot of tears on your face, get ready for a black streak in life.

If a woman dreams of a crying spouse, soon his financial situation may be greatly shaken.

If a woman cries and a loved one consoles her, this indicates that their relationship will not be long-term.

If a lot of people cry in a dream – in life you can remain unheard.

Popular questions and answers

Answers popular reader questions Veronika Tyurina, psychologist-consultant in the field of interpersonal relations, coach, energy therapist:

What portends a dream in which you see yourself in tears?
The interpretation of dreams in the context of any emotions that are clearly manifested in a dream speaks of their opposite meaning. If in a dream you see yourself crying, in tears, most likely a very pleasant event awaits you in life, which will create a great mood for you. Here we can talk about the unconscious unpacking of hidden pain, resentment and cleansing from it. As a rule, in the dream itself, tears and crying are the result of some reason, which you most likely will not remember when you wake up. We can say that the psyche itself worked for a certain moment, in the process of self-regulation.
If you dream of crying children, what does it mean?
If in a dream you see crying children, this symbolizes that in your close circle there are people who are very worried about you at the moment, without creating an alarming background – rather, they wish you, for example, a speedy resolution of any situation, victory in a competition etc.
What does it mean to hear crying in a dream, but not to see the one who cries?
If in a dream you hear crying, but you don’t see who it belongs to and where it comes from, this symbolizes the inner need to speak out, to “cry”. There is a certain condition, painful, about which you do not want to talk, and it requires a way out. The best thing to do in such a situation is to reflect, picking up a paper and a pen, and start writing down the flow of thoughts in your head. This virgin technique will help you to notice the hidden pain and get rid of it.

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