Why dream of red
For a more accurate interpretation of the dream, it is worth analyzing several sources and correlating with the life situation. We deal with an expert on how to correctly interpret dreams about red

Red color is restless and exciting. Traditionally in Western culture, it symbolizes passion, love and sensuality. And red is associated with danger, anger and power. Its shades indicate greatness and glory. In the East, it is considered a symbol of good luck. Approximately the same meaning is given to it by interpreters of dreams, in general, considering a dream “painted” in red to be favorable. Nevertheless, each dream book interprets situations in which this color appears in its own way, speaking about health, and about stamina, and about unexpected love. Evaluate the interpretation of the vision in each and draw your own conclusion – this is the best way to understand why such a dream is dreaming.

– It is necessary to highlight 2-3 objects in a dream, – advises family psychologist-consultant and art therapist Ksenia Yurieva. “It could be, say, a missing tooth or blood. Next, it’s worth telling the plot of the dream from each of the characters, making messages in a circle: “what does the tooth want to say to the blood clot?” and vice versa, “what will they say to the person, and the person to them?”. And in these dialogues, the true reason for this or that dream plot will be born, which can be compared with real life. Suppose you can remember, parsing such a dream, about relatives. Blood can be a message of kinship or a symbol of your health and resource. In this way, the human brain copes with anxiety about health and says: “don’t worry, you’re doing fine!”. Do not be afraid of your dreams, parse them correctly.

Why dream of red: Miller’s Dream Book

Gustav Miller associated red with anxiety. Moreover, in its various manifestations. According to the dream book, if there is a lot of red in a dream, this indicates that a complex problem that has long been haunting will soon be resolved. In general, dreams in which red appears can be divided into several groups here. Dreams about the appearance of a person, clothes, nature, food and flowers. Here are just a few examples. Let’s say that painting your nails with red varnish in a dream is a warning about a possible conflict, and your hair is for everyone’s attention. To see a friend in scarlet clothes – to failures and losses, and oneself – to victory over ill-wishers. If you dreamed of red flowers, get ready for a pleasant purchase and new acquaintances, romantic relationships. Miller often describes situations with red-hot metal: a poker, he said, dreams of victory over difficulties, iron – of failures, and a red-flaming furnace promises love and respect in a dream.

Why dream of red: Wangi’s dream book

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, as a rule, considered dreams with a pronounced red color to be harbingers of trouble. For example, to see blood in a dream means to experience the vile betrayal of a loved one in the future. And withered red flowers, according to Vanga’s dream book, dream of illness, worries and separation. At the same time, to collect flowers or weave wreaths in a dream means to live happily. 

Vanga interpreted all the dreams where red clothes appear in the same way, without going into the details of the plot: if in a dream a person sees the details of a scarlet outfit, this is for the arrival of guests. In some cases – for example, when red clothes are worn by someone you know, it may indicate betrayal and slander. But climbing a red brick wall is a great happiness.

Why dream of red: Islamic dream book

In the Islamic dream book, special attention is paid to dreams in which blood appears to a person. They here symbolize money or dubious deeds. So, if a person’s clothes are stained with blood in a dream, he should be wary of “dirty” income, they will not bring him to good. Another interpretation is that a person can be slandered. If you dream of blood coming out of your nose – this is for profit, and on the other hand – for future worries and hardships. There is also an interpretation of sleep in the dream book, in which bloody tears appear to the sleeper. This is a very bad sign.

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Why dream of red: Freud’s Dream Book

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believed: if a person sees himself in red clothes, then a cruel monster is sleeping in him, striving for domination. The red background of sleep, according to Freud, speaks of unreasonable jealousy, and the leaves or flowers of this color speak of love, in which the sleeping person is afraid to admit to himself or a thirst for intimacy with an older person. It is worth taking seriously a dream in which a red sky appears. It predicts a strong quarrel.

Why dream of red: Loff’s Dream Book

In the understanding of the American psychologist David Loff, red is the color of self-sacrifice, lust, humiliation and physical injury. But it’s not worth interpreting dreams about red so unambiguously. Loff himself said that it is necessary to understand a dream not symbolically, but psychologically – based on the state of the person and the situation in which he is. For example, red boots, according to Loff’s dream book, symbolize relationships with the second half in a dream. The psychologist advises those who see such a dream to think about their behavior. For each person, such a dream can mean something different. 

At the same time, dreams in which blood appears in Loff always portend evil: tension, problems with money and bad relationships with others. 

Why dream of red: Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a dream “painted” in red is a dream of luck and good luck. Nostradamus has red – the color of love. At the same time, sometimes seeing him in a dream means illness. The soothsayer also interpreted dreams about blood, based on the situation. To see scarlet blood not for oneself, according to his dream book, is to the news from loved ones, but to bleed – to sadness. Red flowers, which no interpreter of dreams has ignored, according to the dream book of Nostradamus, dream on the eve of a date, or a declaration of love. If a woman dreams that she is planting scarlet flowers, then the Universe is waiting for wise deeds from her.

Why dream of red: Tsvetkov’s Dream Interpretation

In his dream book, our contemporary writer, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences and astrologer Evgeny Tsvetkov, interprets red as a symbol of health. Mental and physical. “Red” dreams, the author of the dream book believes, are dreamed by honest and decent people, those who have nothing to worry about. To be more specific, then a person who, for example, dreams of one of his acquaintances in red clothes, has a passion for the “object”. To be in red yourself means that diseases will be bypassed. 

Why dream of red: Esoteric dream book

The “red” dream, if you turn to this dream book, literally screams about your excessive emotionality. If a person sees a lot of red details in a dream, then it already exceeds all permissible norms and overflows. In this case, as the Esoteric Dream Book interprets, it is worth connecting your mind and listening to what others say. Perhaps they want to warn against wrong actions, to save something. Having seen a dream about the color red, you need to try to be prudent so as not to be involved in the conflict.

Why dream of red: Dream Interpretation Hasse

The mysterious Madame Hasse interpreted the symbolism of red without unnecessary ornateness and confusion. According to her dream book, whatever object is the main carrier of color in a dream, it almost always portends happy love. Although, of course, there are exceptions. For example, a red pencil, according to Hasse’s dream book, dreams of spending. Therefore, the one who saw him in a dream needs to be more careful in money matters.

Popular questions and answers

The most frequent questions of KP readers about dreams with red are answered PhD in Psychology, transactional analyst, hypnologist, expert of the online Smart Institute Ekaterina Legostaeva.

Do I need to worry if there is a lot of red in a dream?
Psychoanalysis and psychosemantics unequivocally agree that red is the color with the maximum amount of energy. It symbolizes two human instincts at once: aggression and passion at the level of powerful sexual desire, which are the direct product of our subconscious. Therefore, if there is a lot of red color in a dream, then it is these impulses that actively declare themselves to the psyche. And if a person has the opportunity to realize such rapidly manifesting needs, is aware of their targets and can safely embody – there is nothing to worry about. 
Who usually dreams of red?
Red color dreams of passionate, emotionally labile natures, filled with vitality. In fact, clients who come to therapy rarely report dreams with the color red. Usually teenagers and very young people mention the presence of red in their night visions. Perhaps, for its appearance in the symbolism of sleep, hormonal storms are necessary, including adrenaline flashes. 
If you see scarlet blood in a dream, what is it for?
Regarding blood in a dream, the symbolism is varied. It can also be an experience of loss of vital energy, literally, its outflow. You can also feel and visualize a connection with the clan and a large family, a blood connection. In girls, this may be a signal about certain days of the cycle. And the simplest option is watching during the day, when the subconscious sorts the received signals, and if they were tonic, then in this way they are processed and included in the structure of long-term memory. 

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